Dow down 831 points over fears of trade war with China

Tell us why Commercial Property sales booming is an indication of an expanding economy.

Provide some evidence this is happening nationwide.

Oh, and “because my SIL told me so” does not qualify as evidence.

Seems Forbes magazine is not as bullish on it as you are... 2018 Not As Strong For Commercial Real Estate Investments As 2017, Industry Group Predicts

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Like all the Links you provide when you post?
I’ll ask my SIL if there’s a site.
You are one sore loser Libertarian.

How can I be a sore loser when I have not lost.

My personal economy is booming! The wife is looking at a new position that will be about 16 grand more a year and my daughter just finished college which gives me a nice raise as well, no more tuition, no more helping with rent!

Life is good in the Gator household!

All I need now is for Trump to quit fucking up my investments!

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The market will adjust to the new reality.
I know lots of people who’s portfolios are doing just fine and many who made a fortune before Reagan.
It’s not my problem that your finance manager is a lazy piece of shit.

You know a lot of people that do a lot of thing.

Do you do anything yourself?

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The Orthodox Jewish community is rather extensive.
Like always, since the stock market was created, a sharp drop in a market that is reaching all-time highs is nothing more than professionals manipulating stock prices to cause the lay investors to sell at a much lower price, then come in and buy at those low prices and watch the price climb back past where it was before.

Example, Pro holds 10,000 shares of Acme stock (along with a bunch of shares in other corporations). Lay holds 1,000 shares in Acme and thinks he is the king shit. Pro has been watching the market climb for months to record highs and prices are high. Pro decides to turn the high values into cash.

Pro waits for some bad news like oil futures drops, a hurricane, or a trade war, then sells 5,000 shares (along with shares in other corporations) which causes the price to drop, which causes other Pros to see what is happening and decide to cash in too. Lay sees the market falling dropping like a flaming meteor, panics, and sells at a 20% loss. A million other Lays do the same.

Pro waits until enough Lay schumcks have unloaded at lower prices, then buys them back for cheap, and still has the cash on hand from the previous sale. Then, all that re-buying causes the market to recover over a period of a few days to a few weeks. So, Pro gets extra cash from the first sale, the same number of shares at a lower cost, and the value of those shares after the recovery. It has nothing to do with any bad news or trade deals.

In sum, pros are buttfucking lay investors and getting rich(er) in the process. Nothing more.

Provide some evidence this is happening nationwide.

Oh, and “because my SIL told me so” does not qualify as evidence.

Seems Forbes magazine is not as bullish on it as you are... 2018 Not As Strong For Commercial Real Estate Investments As 2017, Industry Group Predicts

Sent from my iPhone using
Like all the Links you provide when you post?
I’ll ask my SIL if there’s a site.
You are one sore loser Libertarian.

How can I be a sore loser when I have not lost.

My personal economy is booming! The wife is looking at a new position that will be about 16 grand more a year and my daughter just finished college which gives me a nice raise as well, no more tuition, no more helping with rent!

Life is good in the Gator household!

All I need now is for Trump to quit fucking up my investments!

Sent from my iPhone using
The market will adjust to the new reality.
I know lots of people who’s portfolios are doing just fine and many who made a fortune before Reagan.
It’s not my problem that your finance manager is a lazy piece of shit.

You know a lot of people that do a lot of thing.

Do you do anything yourself?

Sent from my iPhone using
The Orthodox Jewish community is rather extensive.

I will take that to mean you do nothing yourself and just live though the actions of others

Sent from my iPhone using
Like all the Links you provide when you post?
I’ll ask my SIL if there’s a site.
You are one sore loser Libertarian.

How can I be a sore loser when I have not lost.

My personal economy is booming! The wife is looking at a new position that will be about 16 grand more a year and my daughter just finished college which gives me a nice raise as well, no more tuition, no more helping with rent!

Life is good in the Gator household!

All I need now is for Trump to quit fucking up my investments!

Sent from my iPhone using
The market will adjust to the new reality.
I know lots of people who’s portfolios are doing just fine and many who made a fortune before Reagan.
It’s not my problem that your finance manager is a lazy piece of shit.

You know a lot of people that do a lot of thing.

Do you do anything yourself?

Sent from my iPhone using
The Orthodox Jewish community is rather extensive.

I will take that to mean you do nothing yourself and just live though the actions of others

Sent from my iPhone using
You just hang with your Libertarian buddies.
I have over 1,000 families in my 2 synagogues and more than that on our Facebook pages.
The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail



Total bullshit. They sold of bonds today too and I made money on my bond short. They weren't running for safety. They were profit taking.

During the 2007-2009, stocks and bonds both collapsed. In fact, the precursor to that collapse was a flight to cash and precious metals. I made a fortune betting on platinum.

Keep your eye on precious metals.
How can I be a sore loser when I have not lost.

My personal economy is booming! The wife is looking at a new position that will be about 16 grand more a year and my daughter just finished college which gives me a nice raise as well, no more tuition, no more helping with rent!

Life is good in the Gator household!

All I need now is for Trump to quit fucking up my investments!

Sent from my iPhone using
The market will adjust to the new reality.
I know lots of people who’s portfolios are doing just fine and many who made a fortune before Reagan.
It’s not my problem that your finance manager is a lazy piece of shit.

You know a lot of people that do a lot of thing.

Do you do anything yourself?

Sent from my iPhone using
The Orthodox Jewish community is rather extensive.

I will take that to mean you do nothing yourself and just live though the actions of others

Sent from my iPhone using
You just hang with your Libertarian buddies.
I have over 1,000 families in my 2 synagogues and more than that on our Facebook pages.

That does not change that you do nothing yourself, it is always someone else.

As for me, I tend to hang around with people from all walks of life, political views and religious views.

There is nothing more boring to me than being around people that think just like me...I like variety

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The honeymoon with Trump and the misconception by his sheep that he's MAGA is quickly coming to an end.

So much for his negotiation skills.

So much for his "art of the deal".

So much for all that "winning".

Major Stock Indexes
4:13 PM EDT 10/10/2018

DJIA 25598.74 -831.83 -3.15%

Why the US trade war against China is bound to fail


It may or may not fail. We do not know what the out come will be. That all being said tarriffs have consequences. Any one that thought no pain would be felt by their side is an idiot. The fact remains the same that long before Trump came along both parties were accusing china of bad shit. China in the very least has stolen intelectual property at a rate never seen before. Either we are willing to put up with the pain of a trade war or we just let china continue to cheat. Every body wants some thing for nothing it does not happen. China will feel the pain we will feal the pain. That is the way wars work you clobber each other till one gives. The real question is are we willing to endure the pain of a trade war to stop the cheating.

During the 2007-2009, stocks and bonds both collapsed. In fact, the precursor to that collapse was a flight to cash and precious metals. I made a fortune betting on platinum.

Keep your eye on precious metals.
The 2007-2009 recession was mainly a result of toxic assets (interest-only home loans coming due). The rest of the stock/bond market was affected. But, yes, commodities were being cashed in because of all the toxic assets, etc. It was a huge domino effect.

During the 2007-2009, stocks and bonds both collapsed. In fact, the precursor to that collapse was a flight to cash and precious metals. I made a fortune betting on platinum.

Keep your eye on precious metals.
The 2007-2009 recession was mainly a result of toxic assets (interest-only home loans coming due). The rest of the stock/bond market was affected. But, yes, commodities were being cashed in because of all the toxic assets, etc. It was a huge domino effect.
Right now, bonds are a toxic asset. I wrote about this years ago.
Right now, bonds are a toxic asset. I wrote about this years ago.
You would probably know better than me. I don't fuck with bonds.

Toxic assets are those that are costly to keep but cannot be easily sold. Banks had hundreds of thousands of mortgages attached to homes. To recover, they would need to foreclose, then evict, then make ready, then sell all those homes. That would take no less than 90 days, all while many of the homeowners had stopped paying on those mortgages.
Well, today at 12:45 CST, 11 October 2018, the stock market is at minus 184.

Just 15 min. ago it was at minus 150.
I guess the carnage is not over yet...the DOW is down 500.

Earlier in the day, it was almost down mid October.
I guess the carnage is not over yet...the DOW is down 500.

Earlier in the day, it was almost down mid October.

Is this the beginning of the end? Trump's doing all he can to sabotage the economy; typical de-regs, inflating the deficit with that ridiculous tax cut, and in his attempt to eliminate Obama's footprints is turning established policies on its head! The really sad thing is this FOOL still has tons of support! :102: :1041: :aargh: :2cents:
The DOW closed down 545 points today.

So, YTD, the DOW is up just over 1%.

Yeah baby....that's winning.

And before Trump (and his minions) blames the Fed for this....?
Hey, you dumb fuck - you appointed the guy (Powell) who runs the's your responsibility what he does.
And trade is part of the problem as well...which Trump also is responsible for.

In addition to the Fed, Trump can blame his tariffs for the latest market slump

A boy accepts responsibility for his actions that don't go well. A child tries to blame someone else.
The DOW closed down 545 points today.

So, YTD, the DOW is up just over 1%.

Yeah baby....that's winning.

And before Trump (and his minions) blames the Fed for this....?
Hey, you dumb fuck - you appointed the guy (Powell) who runs the's your responsibility what he does.
And trade is part of the problem as well...which Trump also is responsible for.

In addition to the Fed, Trump can blame his tariffs for the latest market slump

A boy accepts responsibility for his actions that don't go well. A child tries to blame someone else.

If you go back to the day that Trump issued his first tariffs, all the markets are in the red, and that was 262 days ago.
You know, back in Feb, when the tax cuts were first passed, I said it would take anywhere from 6 to 8 months for them to effect the economy.

I also said the same about the tariffs and Trump's trade war. Unfortunately, it looks like I was off by a couple of months, because both are already affecting the economy negatively.
The Dow climbed 300 percent on Obama's watch.

Not one topic in allllllllllll that time from the pseudocons praising his performance.

Not. One.

Man, you can smell the stench of their hypocrisy all the way to the fucking moon, in the vacuum of space!

It's the stench of their racism.
It's becoming clear now that this country was not ready for a black president.
Trump is the uber-white, silver-spooned backlash who didn't use words with more than two syllables.
THAT they can relate to.

And here it is folks, inject RACISM, lol. You are a phony baloney, and a person in the mob you buffoon!

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