DOW down nearly 1000 points

Trade deficit is up, manufacturing is down, Farm income projected to be down 9%

Yep that Trump figured it out.

You people are this fucking stupid. Do you think other administrations looked at sanctions and a trade war as pathway towards better trade and it was rejected because of the repercussions.

But hey, Trump is the smartest person ever. Hew is sooooo smart he knows more than our generals, pandemic experts, trade experts, scientists, etc.

He sits in the residence on his fat ass watching Fox News.

Jesus fuck, people

It’s hard to imagine just how someone can be so fucking stupid. President Trump has added over 500,000 manufacturing jobs and over 7 million full time jobs.

“Manufacturing down”, go fuck yourself you lying sack of shit.

First three years of Drumpf job growth were ENEMIC compared to Obama's last three.

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year
I thought corporations were EVIL, or is it only when other than a Demoncrap is in office?

WTF to "corporations" have to do with my point?
Your candidates all hate the EVIL corporations because they are unfair with wages, so you said that you think Obama did well in his economy in his last 3 years. Was that because the corporations were doing well? Dont fucking play dumb with me...err..never mind you are dumb...I forgot..

Nobody in this race "hates corporations". I don't hate them either. I believe in capitalism - WITH RULES. Sadly, Dear Leader (aka Trumpelthinskin) wants NO RULES for corporations (except for the ones (like Bezos/ Amazon) that he loathes for being critical of his fat orange ass.
Charming! ^ :eusa_doh:
whatever DrGaylove ....

Not gay personally, however you are a definite concern. :D
wrong party homo ...and there is absolutely no way you are straight ! all modern dems are either homo bi or have a least had a homosexual encounter ... you are a homosexual and you are a feminine weakling .

I'll tell that to the Log Cabin Republicans ... FAG ;)

Log Cabin Republicans
there are a few very few homosexual conservatives but they are not faggots like you and every modern communist democrat ! you see a faggot is an emotional whiny attention seeking drama queen like hair dressers and cross dressing freaks ! and you are a faggot ! i cant wait to make fun of and laugh at you the morning after the election.

Have you always been an idiot who believes everyone on the left is a "faggot" or were you dumbed down by Donnie Dotard? You should grow a brain, but that seems unlikely at this point. Sad :(
Your candidates all hate the EVIL corporations because they are unfair with wages, so you said that you think Obama did well in his economy in his last 3 years. Was that because the corporations were doing well? Dont fucking play dumb with me...err..never mind you are dumb...I forgot..

I am a capitalist. I have no issue with corporations. However they are not "people". Now, answer my question. What did my post have to do with your perception that I dislike corporations?

The whole "corporations are people" trope is tired lefty bullshit.

They are an entity that can be treated in certain ways as a separate entity from the people working it or for it.

They can't vote, they can't sit on juries, they cant keep and bear arms. They are incorporated to make contracts and legal actions against them viable, and easier, so you don't have to sue every shareholder, or get every shareholder's signature on documents.

Not my point. "Corporations are people" was the tired RIGHTY bullshit used to pass Citizen's United.

No, Citizens United means you can't deny people 1st amendment rights just because they are part of a corporation.
Assfuck Masty thinks corporations are people.

I have news Assfuck Marty, people can donate personally & do not need a corporation to do it.

ALL dark money needs to be eliminated from politics ... YESTERDAY.
The slide this morning is not as precipitous, but it's still a slide. I expect it to continue.

27,027.40 −53.96 (0.20%)
Feb 26, 2:24 PM EST

I'm sure that you are disappointed that today is not another bloodbath, slimeball.
The slide this morning is not as precipitous, but it's still a slide. I expect it to continue.

27,027.40 −53.96 (0.20%)
Feb 26, 2:24 PM EST

I'm sure that you are disappointed that today is not another bloodbath, slimeball.

For the eleventy hundredth time, no .. I do not wish for another bloodbath.
For the eleventy THOUSANDTH time .. You are an idiot. :)
The slide this morning is not as precipitous, but it's still a slide. I expect it to continue.

27,027.40 −53.96 (0.20%)
Feb 26, 2:24 PM EST

I'm sure that you are disappointed that today is not another bloodbath, slimeball.

For the eleventy hundredth time, no .. I do not wish for another bloodbath.
For the eleventy THOUSANDTH time .. You are an idiot. :)

The slide this morning is not as precipitous, but it's still a slide. I expect it to continue.

27,027.40 −53.96 (0.20%)
Feb 26, 2:24 PM EST

I'm sure that you are disappointed that today is not another bloodbath, slimeball.

For the eleventy hundredth time, no .. I do not wish for another bloodbath.
For the eleventy THOUSANDTH time .. You are an idiot. :)


Not once in this thread have a celebrated Coronavirus pandemic or it's negative impact on markets. I only have warned that it COULD impact Dotard's reelection prospects and that his response has been nothing short of ill-informed and anemic (as are most of his actions).

That makes YOU the liar
It’s hard to imagine just how someone can be so fucking stupid. President Trump has added over 500,000 manufacturing jobs and over 7 million full time jobs.

“Manufacturing down”, go fuck yourself you lying sack of shit.

First three years of Drumpf job growth were ENEMIC compared to Obama's last three.

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year
I thought corporations were EVIL, or is it only when other than a Demoncrap is in office?

WTF to "corporations" have to do with my point?
Your candidates all hate the EVIL corporations because they are unfair with wages, so you said that you think Obama did well in his economy in his last 3 years. Was that because the corporations were doing well? Dont fucking play dumb with me...err..never mind you are dumb...I forgot..

I am a capitalist. I have no issue with corporations. However they are not "people". Now, answer my question. What did my post have to do with your perception that I dislike corporations?
Corporations arent people? Are you fucking kidding me, those corporations employ 10's of thousands of people. You are such a dufus.
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?
You can bet that with the crap going on in China and the goods arent coming, there will be start ups forming now that the Obama bullshit regulations are gone, and items from China though cheap, will be made here. This will end up hurting China again, while making the US stronger with its independence from foreign goods. That is why supply side economics in a free market works, unlike Obama sending the manufacturing overseas, thus killing our middle class..
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?
You can bet that with the crap going on in China and the goods arent coming, there will be start ups forming now that the Obama bullshit regulations are gone, and items from China though cheap, will be made here. This will end up hurting China again, while making the US stronger with its independence from foreign goods. That is why supply side economics in a free market works, unlike Obama sending the manufacturing overseas, thus killing our middle class..

Good luck with that. Building a factory and starting to make things takes at least a year before you can start to show a profit. I don't see any investors willing to start up companies here, because otherwise, they would have already started to do so. Being able to say "made in America" today actually means something to consumers, and most (including me) are willing to pay a little more if the thing is made here.
whatever DrGaylove ....

Not gay personally, however you are a definite concern. :D
wrong party homo ...and there is absolutely no way you are straight ! all modern dems are either homo bi or have a least had a homosexual encounter ... you are a homosexual and you are a feminine weakling .

I'll tell that to the Log Cabin Republicans ... FAG ;)

Log Cabin Republicans
there are a few very few homosexual conservatives but they are not faggots like you and every modern communist democrat ! you see a faggot is an emotional whiny attention seeking drama queen like hair dressers and cross dressing freaks ! and you are a faggot ! i cant wait to make fun of and laugh at you the morning after the election.

Have you always been an idiot who believes everyone on the left is a "faggot" or were you dumbed down by Donnie Dotard? You should grow a brain, but that seems unlikely at this point. Sad :(
it is a fact that leftist are more emotional and feminine ! the women of your party [ugly bull dykes] have lower estrogen levels than the gender confused faggots like you !! and that is a fact ! the morning after the election you are going to throw an absolutely hilarious screeching teenage girl fit ! the facts are the facts ! you know that you hate anyone that has a better standard of living than you regardless of the fact that they may have worked harder and are more intelligent than you are ! thats why you are a leftist !! deep down inside you are a spoiled whiny little girl thats resentful of the kid whos got a better dollhouse ! you feel this way because you are a feminine male and a faggot ! you have always been a faggot and you will always be a faggot .
Last edited:
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?

Too early to forecast.
We have to wait and see what the U.S. mortality rates will be.
Suffice for now that economic supply lines are already disrupted and it's a waiting game when the same happens to airlines, cargo included.
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?

Too early to forecast.
We have to wait and see what the U.S. mortality rates will be.
Suffice for now that economic supply lines are already disrupted and it's a waiting game when the same happens to airlines, cargo included.

If there is a fatality, you can bet the markets are going to take another hit. And, like I said further up the thread, one of the things that scares the hell out of me is that in 2018, Trump fired the ENTIRE CHAIN OF COMMAND at the CDC that is in charge of pandemics. So, in addition to facing a possible pandemic here, we have zero infrastructure to handle it.
Well, the virus is still spreading, and the markets are still falling. Wonder how much longer this will continue? Will it go back up when human trials start with a vaccine, or do you think it's gonna keep falling until a successful vaccine is found?

The scary thing about this, is that it shut down a whole bunch of manufacturing in China, and that has caused stocks here to fall. Wonder if China is paying attention to how this is affecting our markets, and will this lead to an escalation in a trade war when China sees how much we depend on their goods?

Too early to forecast.
We have to wait and see what the U.S. mortality rates will be.
Suffice for now that economic supply lines are already disrupted and it's a waiting game when the same happens to airlines, cargo included.

If there is a fatality, you can bet the markets are going to take another hit. And, like I said further up the thread, one of the things that scares the hell out of me is that in 2018, Trump fired the ENTIRE CHAIN OF COMMAND at the CDC that is in charge of pandemics. So, in addition to facing a possible pandemic here, we have zero infrastructure to handle it.

Don't look to Big Gov't to save you.
You betcha that they're scrambling now.
And definitely, DO NOT BELIEVE anything the U.N. WHO is saying!!
Not gay personally, however you are a definite concern. :D
wrong party homo ...and there is absolutely no way you are straight ! all modern dems are either homo bi or have a least had a homosexual encounter ... you are a homosexual and you are a feminine weakling .

I'll tell that to the Log Cabin Republicans ... FAG ;)

Log Cabin Republicans
there are a few very few homosexual conservatives but they are not faggots like you and every modern communist democrat ! you see a faggot is an emotional whiny attention seeking drama queen like hair dressers and cross dressing freaks ! and you are a faggot ! i cant wait to make fun of and laugh at you the morning after the election.

Have you always been an idiot who believes everyone on the left is a "faggot" or were you dumbed down by Donnie Dotard? You should grow a brain, but that seems unlikely at this point. Sad :(
it is a fact that leftist are more emotional and feminine ! the women of your party [ugly bull dykes] have lower estrogen levels than the gender confused faggots like you !! and that is a fact ! the morning after the election you are going to throw an absolutely hilarious screeching teenage girl fit ! the facts are the facts ! you know that you hate anyone that has a better standard of living than you regardless of the fact that they may have worked harder and are more intelligent than you are ! thats why you are a leftist !! deep down inside you are a spoiled whiny little girl thats resentful of the kid whos got a better dollhouse ! you feel this way because you are a feminine male and a faggot ! you have always been a faggot and you will always be a faggot .

The more overtly homophobic a feller is, the more they refer to their political opponents as "faggots" - The more likely they are to have homo or bisexual tendencies themselves. As suspected, you fit right in.


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Relax Everyone - Mike Pence is in Charge of Coronavirus! #DontYouFeelBetterNow? :rolleyes-41:

President Donald Trump on Wednesday appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a task force to combat the spread of the coronavirus, defying calls to appoint an outside expert to coordinate the response.

Speaking during a rare appearance in the White House briefing room, Trump said Pence's experience handling health crises as Indiana governor qualified him to spearhead the growing threat of a global coronavirus outbreak. The move came as the Centers for Disease Control confirmed a coronavirus infection in California that was not linked to overseas travel, a concerning development that brought the total number of U.S. infections to 15.

While Pence was governor of Indiana, the state’s Scott County experienced the largest HIV outbreak that Indiana had seen in decades — an outbreak public health experts said was preventable.

Trump puts Pence in charge of coronavirus response

Get those bargains boys!!

Dow Jones Futures Tumble On U.S. Virus First, Microsoft Coronavirus Warning, Trump After Stock Market Rally Fizzles | Investor's Business Daily

Dow -262.00 / -0.97% Level 26,652.00
Data as of 9:46pm ET
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wrong party homo ...and there is absolutely no way you are straight ! all modern dems are either homo bi or have a least had a homosexual encounter ... you are a homosexual and you are a feminine weakling .

I'll tell that to the Log Cabin Republicans ... FAG ;)

Log Cabin Republicans
there are a few very few homosexual conservatives but they are not faggots like you and every modern communist democrat ! you see a faggot is an emotional whiny attention seeking drama queen like hair dressers and cross dressing freaks ! and you are a faggot ! i cant wait to make fun of and laugh at you the morning after the election.

Have you always been an idiot who believes everyone on the left is a "faggot" or were you dumbed down by Donnie Dotard? You should grow a brain, but that seems unlikely at this point. Sad :(
it is a fact that leftist are more emotional and feminine ! the women of your party [ugly bull dykes] have lower estrogen levels than the gender confused faggots like you !! and that is a fact ! the morning after the election you are going to throw an absolutely hilarious screeching teenage girl fit ! the facts are the facts ! you know that you hate anyone that has a better standard of living than you regardless of the fact that they may have worked harder and are more intelligent than you are ! thats why you are a leftist !! deep down inside you are a spoiled whiny little girl thats resentful of the kid whos got a better dollhouse ! you feel this way because you are a feminine male and a faggot ! you have always been a faggot and you will always be a faggot .

The more overtly homophobic a feller is, the more they refer to their political opponents as "faggots" - The more likely they are to have homo or bisexual tendencies themselves. As suspected, you fit right in.


then according to your logic you think America is the greatest country in the history of the world and you are a straight,conservative hard working capitalist and a patriot ! ...whatever ! the crap you just spouted is a classic homo retort when people like you get called out ! ...faggot !:1peleas:


The Budget proposes to re-focus the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on its core mission of preventing and controlling infectious diseases and other emerging public health issues, such as opioids.

As such, the Budget proposes to reduce funding for non-infectious disease activities and provide greater flexibility for States to undertake these activities.

The Budget also proposes to consolidate some activities in order to improve impact on population-based health.

You should actually READ the report you link to.


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