Not good for Trump: Dow down sharply as coronavirus gets worse

A good economy requires an under-control coronavirus.
We're seeing the opposite right now and that's why stocks are down. This could not come at a worse moment for Pandemic Don:
but NO worries!

Joe and Kamala's tax increases will get us back on track right away!!!!
A good economy requires an under-control coronavirus.
We're seeing the opposite right now and that's why stocks are down. This could not come at a worse moment for Pandemic Don:
"U.S. stocks fell in early trading Wednesday, as rising coronavirus infections shook investors’ confidence in the global economic recovery and sent them toward the safety of Treasurys and the dollar."

Im sure many more people will die and the economy will crash over the next 6 days. Congratulations. Glad to see you so happy. The lockdowns are working wonderfully at wrecking the economy.
You are a liar.

and a sock puppet.

Multiple Moderators have alluded to it.

In any case, it takes a very special type of stupid to support the democrat destruction of small business and then turn around and blame those who have always tried to point out that a more balanced approach is needed.
The Dow is in no way a reflection of the general economy. The economy is doing far worse than the Dow has been, and now reality is sinking in with the traders. They had priced in a government rescue. The rescue isn't coming, and several big companies are reporting losses these past few days.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the United States has by far the biggest death toll in the world, folks. Nobody has it worse than us. That I can tell you. Nobody has it worse than us!

Trump coasted along for three years, taking credit for bills passed by Congress, strutting around beating his chest, and spending way too much time on the golf course. Way too much time golfing, folks. When a real crisis finally hit, and they always do, he bungled it like you wouldn't believe. He was completely unprepared. He totally bungled it.

Trump is a disgrace. A tippy top disaster.
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The Dow is in no way a reflection of the general economy. The economy is doing far worse than the Dow has been, and now reality is sinking in with the traders. They had priced in a government rescue. The rescue isn't coming, and several big companies are reporting losses these past few days.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the United States has by far the biggest death toll in the world, folks. Nobody has it worse than us. Nobody! Trump coasted along for three years and when a real crisis finally hit, he bungled it like you wouldn't believe. Totally bungled it.

Trump is a disgrace. A total disaster.

No, he's not. Actually, he's done more for this country than the past four combined. Biden is pure filth and rot.
A good economy requires an under-control coronavirus.
We're seeing the opposite right now and that's why stocks are down. This could not come at a worse moment for Pandemic Don:
"U.S. stocks fell in early trading Wednesday, as rising coronavirus infections shook investors’ confidence in the global economic recovery and sent them toward the safety of Treasurys and the dollar."
That's odd...Trump has declared the COVID crisis is over, that it has been contained etc?..
A good economy requires an under-control coronavirus.
We're seeing the opposite right now and that's why stocks are down. This could not come at a worse moment for Pandemic Don:
"U.S. stocks fell in early trading Wednesday, as rising coronavirus infections shook investors’ confidence in the global economic recovery and sent them toward the safety of Treasurys and the dollar."
That's his own fault. He thinks the stock market is the economy, and he's bragged on it like an ignorant fool.

Another fucking mess to clean up.

I am SO glad you are not my financial advisor. You don't seem to understand the relationship between the market and the overall economy. Get another profession.
Wall St appears unimpressed by Amy Barrett and concerned about lack of stimulus.
The left can hardly contain their glee over the CHINA virus. They love how it hurts the poor and working class and destroys small businesses. Notice how they always talk about how this effects Trump, not how it effects the people, disgusting bunch of scumbags.
Why do you think shitstain obama paid China to develop the virus?
The Dow is in no way a reflection of the general economy. The economy is doing far worse than the Dow has been, and now reality is sinking in with the traders. They had priced in a government rescue. The rescue isn't coming, and several big companies are reporting losses these past few days.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the United States has by far the biggest death toll in the world, folks. Nobody has it worse than us. Nobody! Trump coasted along for three years and when a real crisis finally hit, he bungled it like you wouldn't believe. Totally bungled it.

Trump is a disgrace. A total disaster.

No, he's not. Actually, he's done more for this country than the past four combined. Biden is pure filth and rot.
You cannot run from the fact Trump was spending his time golfing and going to rallies while the coronavirus was on its trajectory to kill more people in the United States than any other country.

A total disgrace. Downright criminal negligence, that I can tell you.
The left can hardly contain their glee over the CHINA virus. They love how it hurts the poor and working class and destroys small businesses. Notice how they always talk about how this effects Trump, not how it effects the people, disgusting bunch of scumbags.
The virus doesn't affect people a lot, Trump says. Look this was going to be over in two weeks remember?

Democrats said it wasn't a problem, bashed Trump for banning travel from CHINA and Europe.

That they did. They called it a hoax and Pelousy told everyone not to worry, the virus was nothing.

I'm sure they would have loved to see the 3.2 million deaths that were predicted for the US so they could blame that on Trump as well.

What a pack of imbeciles.
The left can hardly contain their glee over the CHINA virus. They love how it hurts the poor and working class and destroys small businesses. Notice how they always talk about how this effects Trump, not how it effects the people, disgusting bunch of scumbags.
The virus doesn't affect people a lot, Trump says. Look this was going to be over in two weeks remember?

Democrats said it wasn't a problem, bashed Trump for banning travel from CHINA and Europe.

That they did. They called it a hoax and Pelousy told everyone not to worry, the virus was nothing.

I'm sure they would have loved to see the 3.2 million deaths that were predicted for the US so they could blame that on Trump as well.

What a pack of imbeciles.

Joe Biden wrote an op-ed on January 27: Joe Biden: Trump is worst possible leader to deal with coronavirus outbreak

Elizabeth Warren released a plan to contain the virus on January 28: Elizabeth Warren releases plan to prevent and contain infectious diseases amid coronavirus outbreak

And medical experts were calling for immediate action:
While Trump was holding rallies calling the cornoavirus concerns "the new Democrat hoax", the Democrats were calling for immediate action. It is precisely because the Democrats were calling for action that Trump called their calls a hoax, retards.

Trump was holding rallies and going golfing while the virus was spreading completely unabated, thanks to his blowing it off as no worse than the flu and a big Democrat hoax.
The Dow is in no way a reflection of the general economy. The economy is doing far worse than the Dow has been, and now reality is sinking in with the traders. They had priced in a government rescue. The rescue isn't coming, and several big companies are reporting losses these past few days.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the United States has by far the biggest death toll in the world, folks. Nobody has it worse than us. Nobody! Trump coasted along for three years and when a real crisis finally hit, he bungled it like you wouldn't believe. Totally bungled it.

Trump is a disgrace. A total disaster.

No, he's not. Actually, he's done more for this country than the past four combined. Biden is pure filth and rot.
You cannot run from the fact Trump was spending his time golfing and going to rallies while the coronavirus was on its trajectory to kill more people in the United States than any other country.

A total disgrace. Downright criminal negligence, that I can tell you.

O spent as much time or more on the golf course and vacations. Next. Again, this virus is a wimp compared to the ones with kill rates of 2 percent. You've bought the deception just the like the masses. Unfortunate. Trump shut down air travel while the dems were telling everyone to go out and mingle while calling trump a racist. No, trumps not responsible.
The Dow is in no way a reflection of the general economy. The economy is doing far worse than the Dow has been, and now reality is sinking in with the traders. They had priced in a government rescue. The rescue isn't coming, and several big companies are reporting losses these past few days.

Thanks to Donald Trump, the United States has by far the biggest death toll in the world, folks. Nobody has it worse than us. Nobody! Trump coasted along for three years and when a real crisis finally hit, he bungled it like you wouldn't believe. Totally bungled it.

Trump is a disgrace. A total disaster.

No, he's not. Actually, he's done more for this country than the past four combined. Biden is pure filth and rot.
You cannot run from the fact Trump was spending his time golfing and going to rallies while the coronavirus was on its trajectory to kill more people in the United States than any other country.

A total disgrace. Downright criminal negligence, that I can tell you.

That's really funny since nothing would have stopped the virus from getting here.

Trump listened to the CDC. He had the companies making masks ready to go, ventilators ready to go and a hospital ship parked in New York harbor. Not bad for criminal negligence and a total disgrace.

Let us know what you would have done to stop it from getting here and preventing it from killing people. We'd all love to know.

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