Dow Sinks 981 Points, as Wall St Ends 3rd Losing Week

The stock market under Trump was not really that impressive. Almost all of his gains came in the first year or so. Then the markets were pretty stagnant for more than a year.

Both Obama and Clinton had better a annualized return for the DJI and the S&P while Trump beat them with the NASDAQ
You are so full of shit! look at this chart! Stagnant describes Biden's roller coaster since June 2021 to the present. Every weeks gain gets offset by a loss and then some.

Joe is an idiot, but solely blaming him for the Dow’s loss is nonsensical. Joe is a corporatist of the highest order. He takes orders from Wall Street like all our recent presidents.
Think CHINA has bigger claws in this ass than everyone else.
You are so full of shit! look at this chart! Stagnant describes Biden's roller coaster since June 2021 to the present. Every weeks gain gets offset by a loss and then some.

Why do you all always make me prove you wrong.

CY18 - DJI -5.63%, S&P -6.24, NASDAQ -3.88, Small Caps -12.18.

But yes, you are correct, the market has been shitty under Biden as well.
Why do you all always make me prove you wrong.

CY18 - DJI -5.63%, S&P -6.24, NASDAQ -3.88, Small Caps -12.18.

But yes, you are correct, the market has been shitty under Biden as well.
The fucking link shows everything you said was not accurate. Get off my ass when you think you are right, because you are usually wrong. Read the damn link!
On this forum it is wise to note when your post sarcasm as the liberals here often make similar posts they view as serious.

I forget just how gullible and ignorant most Democrats are. No matter how outlandish the claim, they will likely believe it as long as it coincides with their agenda.
The stock market under Trump was not really that impressive. Almost all of his gains came in the first year or so. Then the markets were pretty stagnant for more than a year.

Both Obama and Clinton had better a annualized return for the DJI and the S&P while Trump beat them with the NASDAQ

It wasn’t just the market, it was the economy and its direction. We have done a 180 under Biden. We are headed in the wrong direction on Wall Street and Main Street thanks to Biden and his policies. It is no more complicated than that.
It wasn’t just the market, it was the economy and its direction. We have done a 180 under Biden. We are headed in the wrong direction on Wall Street and Main Street thanks to Biden and his policies. It is no more complicated than that.

Yes, Biden has mad matters worse, that is undeniable. But he is not the cause of it all, were Trump still in power things would perhaps be a bit better but not all that much. The world is too interconnected for things going on in the rest of the world not to impact us here in the US.

I was just reading this article, it lays things out pretty well.

It wasn’t just the market, it was the economy and its direction. We have done a 180 under Biden. We are headed in the wrong direction on Wall Street and Main Street thanks to Biden and his policies. It is no more complicated than that.

A bit more on what is happening in the world that we in the US cannot control.

Reuters writer Nigel Hunt reported yesterday that, “Soybean oil prices soared to a record high on Friday as Indonesia’s decision to effectively ban exports of palm oil heightened concerns about already depleted global supplies of alternative vegetable oils.
Yes, Biden has mad matters worse, that is undeniable. But he is not the cause of it all, were Trump still in power things would perhaps be a bit better but not all that much. The world is too interconnected for things going on in the rest of the world not to impact us here in the US.

I was just reading this article, it lays things out pretty well.

Good Gawd---

Now you are admitting that we would be better off under Trump---but you want to minimize the amount.

Honey, Trumps policies were far better and we were and would remain far better off under trump.

Biden's trillions of stealing to funnel around to go to his puppet masters has:
1) Caused massive inflation
2) Lead to the scam artists buying homes and pushing normal people out of the market for homeownership
3) is going to wipe out the dollar
4) Caused the interest rates hikes that are coming
5) Because of the inflation--food shortages are coming as well
6) Carrying costs of Bidens stolen Trillions is going to bury us
Bidens massive influx of illegals
1) More crime
2) More illegal drug and drug deaths
3) Strain on hospitals
4) Strain on welfare
5) Spreading of diseases
Bidens and other dems crime wave caused by BLM/antifa/illegals
Crime up 200%-400% to more because of this shit
Bidens fuck up of Afghanistan---the US will never be trusted in the middle east again-- thousands dead and raped.
Bidens fuck up of ukraine---WAR that could have been avoided with Trump in office---
Bidens fuck ups now killing the US dollar as the petro dollar--this will fuck us for decades

Brace for massive food shortages that are coming as well...........ADD cooking OIL to the list of must haves-----supply of cooking OIL is being impacted now by Indonesia and others. Malaysia is calling for focus on cooking oil instead of food used in gas --you know the opposite of what our fuck up Biden is doing.
A bit more on what is happening in the world that we in the US cannot control.

Reuters writer Nigel Hunt reported yesterday that, “Soybean oil prices soared to a record high on Friday as Indonesia’s decision to effectively ban exports of palm oil heightened concerns about already depleted global supplies of alternative vegetable oils.

Sure there were things that occurred during Trump’s tenure that were beyond his control.(COVID) The thing is, Trump looked out for the US’s best interest FIRST, Biden absolutely, positively does not.
Sure there were things that occurred during Trump’s tenure that were beyond his control.(COVID) The thing is, Trump looked out for the US’s best interest FIRST, Biden absolutely, positively does not.

We agree on Biden, we disagree on Trump. Trump looked out for Trump.
We agree on Biden, we disagree on Trump. Trump looked out for Trump.

If you believe that, then what was good for Trump just also happened to be good for the US. What is good for Biden, just happens to be good for other countries and not good for the US. I’ll take the former every time.
If you believe that, then what was good for Trump just also happened to be good for the US. What is good for Biden, just happens to be good for other countries and not good for the US. I’ll take the former every time.

This may surprise you, but not everything Trump did was good for the US.
On purpose or just a mistake? Nobody said he was perfect. Name some things he did that were purposely detrimental to the US.

I do not believe Biden nor any president ever does things that are purposely detrimental to the US. They are just idiots and make bad choices.
I do not believe Biden nor any president ever does things that are purposely detrimental to the US. They are just idiots and make bad choices.

When they do the wrong thing 99% of the time, one begins to think it is on purpose.

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