Dow Tumbles another 519 - Obama blames Bush

The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

In spite of the fact that Republicans have worked so hard with the President to promote jobs in this country. Look at all the jobs bills they passed. I just don't happen to know the names of any.

They want to lower Capital Gains and Cooperate Taxes. They want to Reform Regulations, and Entitlements. Democrats wont let them. Those things will do 10 time more to Create Jobs than any Idea Obama has ever had.

You guys are fucking pathetic for even making this argument. Why when your Party Had Near Super Majorities in 2 Houses and the WH, You were in here claiming they could not do anything because Republicans were Blocking them.

Now, Now, you hypocritical piece of shit, You have the balls to come in here, Demanding to know why a party that only controls 1 House, and does not have the WH, has not got anything done.

I mean Jesus, is their any low you are not willing to stoop to.
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Democrats had control since 2007 of our purse-strings (Congress) . So it's been longer than 30 months... and it's still Bush's fault. :eusa_eh:

Budgets do not come from the White House.

They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.

Merle Widmer's PEORIA WATCH: Democrats Control Congress Since 2007
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Of course, if it's not Bush it's the tea party, the American people, you name it, he will point a finger at it. He will never man up.

I'm waiting for him to throw my name out there. :eusa_whistle:
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?
I am as Conservative as they come, and I am the first to admit. Republicans contributed big time to getting us in the mess. However as you pointed out since 2007 Democrats Have either Controlled all of Congress or, 1 House and the WH. For the better part of 2 Years they held a Super Majority.
You mindless DittoTards should know better by now than to swallow any of the excrement sanwitch your MessiahRushie feeds you. The Dems had a "super majority" for only 7 months from the time Frankin was sworn in to the time Brown was sworn in, and then only by counting the 2 independents and days when Kennedy was well enough to show up, which were very few.

This is why I say DittoTards are stupid rather than ignorant, ignorant people can learn once they are exposed to the facts, but stupid DittoTards NEVER learn.

August 8, 2001
RUSH: Meanwhile, we are supposed to forget the Democrats had supermajorities in both houses of Congress and the White House for most of the last two years
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Tax cuts!!!!!
If Bush caused all these problems, Mr. President, why didn't you deal with them in your first 2 years of office in which you had control of both houses rather than create an economic disaster with healthcare?

There is a post on this board somewhere...don't know where but it was written by me in Nov 2008. In it I was HOPING for a McCain win.

Because I liked McCain? No.
Because I didn't like Obama? No.

In the post I said that Bush had created such a mess that it would take a lot more than four years to fix it and whoever came in next would get the blame and therefore why not let a Republican (McCain) take the barbs that were coming.

Thanks for proving me right Neocon whackjobs...:clap2::clap2::cool:
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If Bush caused all these problems, Mr. President, why didn't you deal with them in your first 2 years of office in which you had control of both houses rather than create an economic disaster with healthcare?

There is a post on this board somewhere...don't know where but it was written by me in Nov 2008. In it I was HOPING for a McCain win.

Because I liked McCain? No.
Because I didn't like Obama? No.

In the post I said that Bush had created such a mess that it would take a lot more than four years to fix it and whoever came in next would get the blame and therefore why not let a Republican (McCain) take the barbs that were coming.

Thanks for proving me right Neocon whackjobs...:clap2::clap2::cool:
I'm not a conservative, let alone a neocon. I am against the big government policies of both Bush and Obama. Democrats have been controlling the house for the past 5 years. There was a serious depression in 1920 that ended within 1 year. Keynesian economists predicted the economy would be improving by now. They were all wrong. I am not saying Republicans are blameless. But it is foolish, partisan, and dishonest to claim Bush and Republicans are the only ones to blame. Doing so is ignoring 5 years of history, 2 of which Republicans were largely powerless.
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

You know I am 58 years old and really do not remember ANY President who blamed his predecessor. Clinton didn't do it--the Bush's didn't do it--JFK didn't do it- Reagan didn't do it--Nixon didn't even do it. After the election--they STOPPED campaigning--they all immediately stepped into those shoes once in the Oval office and acted like adults and took care of the situation--no matter how bad it was--and never once again mentioned their predecessor in a bad negative manner.

This is why they call Barack Obama the (man-child) It's always "someone" else's fault--and he has become an expert at pointing fingers--but not solving problems.

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The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Increase regulation, fuck investors and promise more of the same.

How is that working anyway?>
IMHO the only action that will save the economy is to eliminate selling-short and eliminating derivatives. Bring back Glass-Stegal, etc. The stock market now is wasted money, the short-sellers steal it and move it off-shore.
Short selling does bother me. But it's a huge gamble.
Traders get wrecked with every wrong call. It's not for everyone.
Shorting the market does not account for much. There is far more volume traded on individual stocks, blue chip funds, mutual funds and the like.
Stop loss orders should be looked at. My thinking is if one decides to get into the pool, they have to get their head wet. Stop loss orders allow day traders and quick buck artists to cover their asses. I don;t like it. I can't go to the racetrack and bey $100 on a race then half way though see that I'm going to lose, go back to the clerk and tell them I want half my money back. So there's no reason someone "betting" on the price of a company stock should be able to say "Do over".
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Increase regulation, fuck investors and promise more of the same.

How is that working anyway?>

You forgot--threaten them with higher taxes--and then wonder where the jobs are--:lol:

Obama has for 4 LONG years threatened the 250K crowd with the same tax bracket 39% as large multi-billion dollar corporations pay. These are mom and pop--small business people across this country that are also the largest employer of it. Basically Obama is continually threatening the hardest working--most innovative people in this country with higher taxes--they--in return have tucked in like a turtle and are waiting for the threat to leave.


This comic from 2 years ago--and he's still doing it--:cuckoo:
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Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Increase regulation, fuck investors and promise more of the same.

How is that working anyway?>

You forgot--threaten them with higher taxes--and then wonder where the jobs are--:lol:

Obama has for 4 LONG years threatened the 250K crowd with the same tax bracket 39% as large multi-billion dollar corporations pay. These are mom and pop--small business people across this country that are also the largest employer of it. Basically Obama is continually threatening the hardest working--most innovative people in this country with higher taxes--and then wonders "where the JOB GROWTH is"--:lol::lol:

View attachment 14631

This comic from 2 years ago--and he's still doing it--:cuckoo:

The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Increase regulation, fuck investors and promise more of the same.

How is that working anyway?>

I have asked this questions to many conservatives. Other than "stop spending" they offer up what you did. Nothing...

Of course they don't say what to stop spending on, only "don't touch defense!!"...
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Ok, so YOU inherit the worse financial crisis since the 1930s...What do you do?

Increase regulation, fuck investors and promise more of the same.

How is that working anyway?>

I have asked this questions to many conservatives. Other than "stop spending" they offer up what you did. Nothing...

Of course they don't say what to stop spending on, only "don't touch defense!!"...
Then maybe you should ask a libertarian.

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