Just What Exactly Is The Left Really Railing About?

Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
See, that respones right there shows how retarded you people are. You can't even defend Trump on his own merit. You just deflect to Hillary. You're a pussy who simply can't admit how awful of a choice he was for president.
Your post highlights highlights what I just said.

You idiots had your hopes up because of what you were hearing from sites like CNN. Shit didn't work out and now you're crying.
Maybe it's time for your dumbass to start reconsidering where you get your news. lol
Oh Christ. For one thing, I don't watch CNN. I also wanted Bernie - not Hillary. All that mattered to me during the general election was that Trump lost because I knew he would be an unprecedented disaster for American politics and guess what - he is.
Stop blaming your inability to make smart decisions on others.

You failed to see how bad obama was. Be glad that others fixed the shit you couldn't see.
Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
Strangest of all is that a modern wealthy country with a population of 322,000,000+ can choose between only two unqualified people for the highest office in the land. And Americans call this democracy???
What I find most sad is that not one liberal has bothered to actually answer any of the questions I actually asked!

To answer just why you are so animus?

What drives people that rather than intelligently and kindly seek the best solutions to the best government for a world that can eventually grow out of its infancy and childhood to achieve peace and prosperity for all. Instead, people come on here like mean-spirited children with no other thought than to try to insult and hurt others they don't even know, call them names with obvious cruelty, talk down to people with total contempt and disrespect that have done them no harm other than to have hope that we might get good things out of our leaders for a better world tomorrow!

Until people can live and work together in real unity and peace towards a common good, and are not more interested in division and divisiveness, polarizing people into two camps where one is totally right and the other totally wrong, and our leaders are not more interested in their careers and reelections, not more interested in lying, opposing and obstructing rather than cooperating and contributing, we will continue to get the kind of government we have, and our society will continue to flounder, where 90% of our true potential as a civilization is forever wasted and never achieved.
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Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.

To be fair, you guys aren't that smart. I didn't vote for Trump and figured out why they were voting for him a while ago.
Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
See, that respones right there shows how retarded you people are. You can't even defend Trump on his own merit. You just deflect to Hillary. You're a pussy who simply can't admit how awful of a choice he was for president.

Hillary is a huge reason they voted for him. You seriously had one of the few choices worse than he was.
Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
See, that respones right there shows how retarded you people are. You can't even defend Trump on his own merit. You just deflect to Hillary. You're a pussy who simply can't admit how awful of a choice he was for president.
Your post highlights highlights what I just said.

You idiots had your hopes up because of what you were hearing from sites like CNN. Shit didn't work out and now you're crying.
Maybe it's time for your dumbass to start reconsidering where you get your news. lol
Oh Christ. For one thing, I don't watch CNN. I also wanted Bernie - not Hillary. All that mattered to me during the general election was that Trump lost because I knew he would be an unprecedented disaster for American politics and guess what - he is.

The fact that you are a drama queen doesn't make him an unprecedented disaster.
Democrats are slow. It'll take several years of Trump being president before they understand why he was elected.
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
Strangest of all is that a modern wealthy country with a population of 322,000,000+ can choose between only two unqualified people for the highest office in the land. And Americans call this democracy???

That is the essence of democracy: rule by the dumbest 51%
Yes, it is unfathomable to liberals why people could be so retarded to vote for a moron like Trump to the highest office.
It's unfathomable to think anyone could believe Hillary was a responsible and trustworthy candidate.
See, that respones right there shows how retarded you people are. You can't even defend Trump on his own merit. You just deflect to Hillary. You're a pussy who simply can't admit how awful of a choice he was for president.
Your post highlights highlights what I just said.

You idiots had your hopes up because of what you were hearing from sites like CNN. Shit didn't work out and now you're crying.
Maybe it's time for your dumbass to start reconsidering where you get your news. lol
Oh Christ. For one thing, I don't watch CNN. I also wanted Bernie - not Hillary. All that mattered to me during the general election was that Trump lost because I knew he would be an unprecedented disaster for American politics and guess what - he is.
Stop blaming your inability to make smart decisions on others.

You failed to see how bad obama was. Be glad that others fixed the shit you couldn't see.
Obama turned out great for the most part. Hell, you and I could disagree on policy, but I'm sure even you can admit Obama was intelligent, dignified, mature and professional in comparison to Trump who doesn't even come close to those qualities.
Obama turned out great for the most part. Hell, you and I could disagree on policy, but I'm sure even you can admit Obama was intelligent, dignified, mature and professional in comparison to Trump who doesn't even come close to those qualities.

Unfortunately, appearances--- acting intelligent, mature, and professional, ie., the quintessential empty-suit dignitary president, may be a desired thing but certainly nothing the world is in lack of! The world is full of such people, most politicians act that way, and the world is in a mess. How you act is one thing but what you actually DO is another. Obama presided over one of the worst presidencies in the history of this country if the facts on employment, debt, crime, and world affairs are to have any say in the matter! Obama was all show and no go, whereas Trump is all go and no show. He might not act like you want, but I prefer a guy who rolls up his sleeves and gets dirty, willing to work hard and do what it takes to get the job done. If I want a nice talking head, I'll get out my bobble-head chia pet Barack Obama and give him a water.

I have yet to get an explanation from a Liberal why they hate Trump.
Other than..."Orange hair".
All that mattered to me during the general election was that Trump lost because I knew he would be an unprecedented disaster for American politics and guess what - he is.

Even as I list a dozen great major things he's already accomplished right at the top of this page in clear print which are irrefutable fact which you do not even try to refute or address, you still call him an unprecedented disaster, therefore, your measure of a "success" must be more concerned with FORM rather than SUBSTANCE, and since you say "you knew", that means that your opinion of him was made up before he even started, and no matter what he did or does, it will not change.

Worse, you say he would be a disaster for "american politics?" Who gives a flying crap about american politics? How can anyone who runs on DRAINING THE SWAMP of crooked politicians ever be "good" for american politics? I don't give a crap about politics or politicians---- we need a leader who will get in there and actually address the matters that hang over this country of jobs, economy, and safety. Trump is exactly that man. If you actually think Bernie would have done any of that, I would love to put you on an island with him as your president and find out. The man had ZERO chance of ever even being president. Never did, never will.
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Today, it no longer seems that both parties want the same thing; while the Republicans still generally champion economic growth and strength,

At the expense of regulation and the environment. In Flint Michigan, you still are hesitant to drink the water (after the GOP took over). In West Virginia, the water was tainted so bad by a company that had the governor in their pocket, the company went out of business. Only to re-emerge under a different name and start their same practices again.

Deny it if you wish those are the facts.


Unless you have PECs or are low income and need health insurance (as about 100% of Humanity does.). In that case, you’re out of luck as 23,000,000 Americans are about to find out; many who voted for the joke in the Oval office.

and limited government,

Defense spending is actually going up…. Limited to what willl Pass Congress.

the goals of the Democrats are hard to discern. During Hillary’s campaign, she herself often failed to present a clear picture of exactly why anyone should vote for her!

That’s true.

The trend now is that the Democrats just generally disagree with EVERYTHING the Republicans want to do, even before they do it, it is tried or done! Even if it is the same things they want to do, wanted to do, or is good for the country. Immediately, the Republicans are attacked at every level before they even set out to do anything, often largely due to their obstruction, and are labeled as idiots, traitors, incompetent, embarrassing or even a danger to the nation. And if you support the party, you are labelled and attacked as well.

If that sounds familiar, you may recall it from every day of the 8 years of the Obama Administration perpetrated by the Republicans.

SO I THOUGHT I WOULD ASK (the following is based on national published and verifiable data):

* With the DOW Jones being up about 15% to new all-time highs since Trump taking office over a rebirth in business confidence, with the fastest 2000 point run ever and the stock market gaining two trillion since Trump got in, what is your complaint there? Would you rather it be lower or do you think Hillary would have taken it even higher?

Nothing wrong with that. Obama regularly achieved new highs too. I don’t remember the applause. In fact, stock market rallies were the norm under President Obama. It is good to see President Trump continuing the successful streak.

* Trump has reduced the national debt so far by 100 billion. Just what is wrong with that?

Really, how’d he do that?

* Trump added 300,000 jobs in his first month. Was that wrong?

He did? Where did HE add those jobs.

* Housing sales are hot! Time on market has been cut in half since 2011. Is that bad?

2011? Scientists tell us he took office in 2017. Thanks President Obama. LOL

* Illegal immigration is down by nearly 70%. Where do you disagree this isn't good?

Great news.

* Then there is healthcare reform in progress, a new, simpler tax code on the horizon, dismantling oppressive regulations stifling business, stepping up national security, rethinking trade deals to more favor the USA, addressing the world's biggest threats and taking steps to better unify nations toward improving NATO funding and concerns over Iran, etc. Where is any of this so bad?

23M loses their healthcare, tax breaks for some, those “oppressive regulations” are likely there for a reason. Many places in South Texas have water you can’t drink (Mathis, Beeville, Corpus Christi) because regulations were wiped off the books and companies immediately began using the waterways as their personal sewers.

We’ll see what happens with trade deals.

When the Left attacks Trump as being incompetent, how can he be so highly successful and be incompetent? When you say he is a puppet for Russia or a Spy, nothing he has done has benefited or pleasured them! None of the claims or arguments have any PROOF, just allegations.

You don’t think there is a pattern there when:

His campaign manager has to retire over ties to Russia.

His NSA nominee has to retire over a dealing with Russia

His AG lies to the Senate about his meeting with the Prime Minister of Russia

His top advisor has repeated contact with a hacker based in Russia

and now his son in Law is reported to want to have unofficial information channel with “Russia”?

The proof in the pudding is when we have our economic downturn and how well he manages that. He barely understands the rules of government. I’m guessing the economy will have him equally as vexed.

So when a group of people are so reviled against a leader that has done so much in so short a time…

Thanks for that laugh.

that they call for his impeachment with nothing to support it or no chance of success, what goal do you really think you are serving? For the good of the nation? Maybe get a Hillary recount? To get Mike Pence put in? How will any of this serve the nation other than to try to preserve as much of the Obama Agenda as is possible which you know will never happen. So, just who really is the puppets here? Us, Trump or maybe YOU?Food for thought.

Not sure what any of that means. No matter.

The impeachment stuff is stupid; I’ll grant you that. I’ll go for 6 long years of dragging him back and fourth through the mud for purely political reasons like Benghazi. Followed by a censure.
I have yet to get an explanation from a Liberal why they hate Trump.
Other than..."Orange hair".

I HAVE asked, siting a dozen points and still not a single specific from any liberal on just what is so bad. And his hair isn't even orange! He is blond. Imagine if Obama was still in office and someone cited hating him because of black skin?! Trump Derangement Syndrome is real; like an engine revving at high RPM suddenly thrown into neutral under no load, the democrat party machine was at full power when the night of November 8 it threw a rod in the form of one Hillary Clinton and the whole democratic machine veered off the road and over the embankment.

It is now careening over rocks and boulders as it throws all its passengers through the windshield tumbling down into the crevasse. Even as they fly out the windows, democrats everywhere tell themselves nothing is wrong, the car is supposed to ride that way, and that it was all caused by the attendant at the last stop who obviously gave them some bad gas.
At the expense of regulation and the environment.

We have more regulation coming out of our asses to fill a bus. Over-regulation is a job killer. And the environment is the same and doing just fine. Anything still going on was going on while Obama was in and he did nothing about it.

In that case, you’re out of luck as 23,000,000 Americans are about to find out; many who voted for the joke in the Oval office.

Sorry, wrong. For one thing, the bill isn't even finalized. But those 23M are the kids who neither wanted nor need healthcare that didn't have it before and Obamacare forced them to buy it.

and limited government,

Defense spending is actually going up….[/QUOTE]

Government (bureaucracy) and the Military are TWO different things.

You don’t think there is a pattern there when:

His campaign manager has to retire over ties to Russia.

His NSA nominee has to retire over a dealing with Russia

His AG lies to the Senate about his meeting with the Prime Minister of Russia

His top advisor has repeated contact with a hacker based in Russia

and now his son in Law is reported to want to have unofficial information channel with “Russia”?

As the #2 superpower, everyone high up in government better have had dealings with Russia. And Flynn's ties were with Turkey. And he wasn't fired over that, he was fired for not being upfront about it with the VP and embarrassing him. All the rest is just spin by the media. If you look at Obama, Hillary and all their tribe, they had all the same dealings and even more.

Not sure what any of that means. No matter.

Funny that you would have a hard time understanding the one point of the thread! The one that goes directly to the heart of the matter with most liberals. I guess that is just the one blind spot you all share.
Today's left is angry, leaderless and incoherent with hatred. Their fantasy is to reverse the results of the election any way they can even if it leads to anarchy. It would be laughable if they didn't have the support of the MSM.
Today's left is angry, leaderless and incoherent with hatred. Their fantasy is to reverse the results of the election any way they can even if it leads to anarchy. It would be laughable if they didn't have the support of the MSM.
The MSM is becoming more of a liability than an asset to the Ds.

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