So, what exactly would we be left with?

Feel bad for the tiny percentage of Americans that support Biden. The economy is rough under Biden. Prices are through the roof. People can’t afford a home. Biden supporters are distracted with this nonsense about Trump. Our economy was much much better under Trump.

Biden supporters are using drugs at an all-time high, living in a tiny box playing video games all the time and they’re happy with that. They’re happy with their marijuana. Happy with never meeting people in real life. But they “got Trump” so all is well.

Trump will win in the 2024 election surely. most of the American people know that the economy is the number one concern, the economy was better under Trump. Democrats are warmongers with their support of the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Biden does not have a path to victory.
Now that the Democrats' main objective has been met that is to get their chief rival out of the way
That wasn't their main objective. People underestimate how NASTY and how desperate Democrats are to cling to power. You haven't seen anything yet, next up nasty Democrats will begin legally yanking Trump's chain with the conviction. It's already started, asshole NY judge scheduled sentencing just days before the Republican convention.

In the coming days and weeks just watch how NASTY Democrats get. The only thing that might stop them would be widespread condemnation from the American people.

The battle has just begun people.
I don't know what's different. He can still run for office, and he's leading in the polls.

I saw that his fundraising site crashed from the traffic last night. His followers will max out every card they have to save America from Satan.

He's always been an outlaw, the anti-hero. So?
Sues not wrong low IQ r2d2 It's gonna bite yas in the ass one day ..

Your dopey ideology will not rise from the ashes

I guarantee ya
The lefties here are complete fucking tools

The prosecutor is a politician who promised to hammer trump ....for what exactly no one really knows

The judge’s daughter is a dog shit progressive operative who literally raised money from the trial while her daddy ran this sham .

The jury instructions said they didn’t have to agree on the crime to convict.

It's a joke

Politico may be right for once ..this shit may backfire on them..big-time

Did somebody say groceries lol

Now that the Democrats' main objective has been met that is to get their chief rival out of the way, it would seem that there is not going to be any Republican nominee and their dream for a permanent one party country will come to fruition. I mean, with the appeals process going all the way to the SCOTUS, and no chance of overturning the verdict, I doubt the RNC will have time to foist one of their RINOs on us and mount an effective campaign against the enemy. Therefore, it looks like there will be NO Republican this year. And as to third party? Too damned insignificant to make any difference.
Trump would win now from the gallows.
Meh, I'm not even worried.....Trump 2024.....Now with Street Cred!

I mean let's face it.....Trump was trouncing FJB while tied-up in court and I don't expect that to change.

The best FJB can muster is to travel to Philly and yell at blacks (or clouds) for an half-hour, calls it good, then retreats to his beach house.

FJB is counting on lawfare to save him but it will make Trump stronger than ever.

FJB may as well have some Catholic say last rights over his political grave.
The lefties here are complete fucking tools

The prosecutor is a politician who promised to hammer trump ....for what exactly no one really knows

The judge’s daughter is a dog shit progressive operative who literally raised money from the trial while her daddy ran this sham .

The jury instructions said they didn’t have to agree on the crime to convict.

It's a joke

Politico may be right for once ..this shit may backfire on them..big-time

Did somebody say groceries lol

View attachment 954626
Oooohhhh I can't wait to see the fallout if it does. Hopefully this would make the Reagan Mondale election day massacre look like a horserace.
Now that the Democrats' main objective has been met that is to get their chief rival out of the way, it would seem that there is not going to be any Republican nominee and their dream for a permanent one party country will come to fruition. I mean, with the appeals process going all the way to the SCOTUS, and no chance of overturning the verdict, I doubt the RNC will have time to foist one of their RINOs on us and mount an effective campaign against the enemy. Therefore, it looks like there will be NO Republican this year. And as to third party? Too damned insignificant to make any difference.
Let's get it right...

It's the DEMS fault that:
Trump is a career criminal
Trump admitted to crimes, bragged about them in fact
Republicans will nominate Trump despite knowing this
Fools continue to buy into the Trump grift

Man, them DEMS is some EVIL Bitches!
Nothing but made up charges. I sure do hope the SCOTUS slaps this down faster than your hero-BiDumb can fall.
Are you aware, no, of course you're not...

Innocence is not a grounds for appeal.

So how about exposing your MAGAMIND legalese to us and present grounds for appeal?

Now that the Democrats' main objective has been met that is to get their chief rival out of the way, it would seem that there is not going to be any Republican nominee and their dream for a permanent one party country will come to fruition. I mean, with the appeals process going all the way to the SCOTUS, and no chance of overturning the verdict, I doubt the RNC will have time to foist one of their RINOs on us and mount an effective campaign against the enemy. Therefore, it looks like there will be NO Republican this year. And as to third party? Too damned insignificant to make any difference.

Trump is still the republican nominee, you can still vote for him. If Trump is reelected and somehow ends up doing prison time he can still conduct presidential duties from his cell. Other world leaders can still meet with him at the prison.

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