Down Ballot Voting Bound To Be Affected.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
With Joe Biden's public approval rapidly descending towards a 35% approval rating;

I would imagine this will also have an effect on the down ballot voting? As Donald Trump is confidently moving ever more closely to anchoring his 2nd term as POTUS that is all but guaranteed, we also need to focus on the down ballot voting. I follow the red/blue poli-maps on YouTube for updates on the current political situation in our USA due to the ingrained bias within the corrupted Major Managed News Media(MMNM) , ESPECIALLY two sites that take the time to illustrate the polling info links/charts that they use to arrive at their facts, figures & conclusions. About six weeks ago I arrived @ 220EV for Joe Biden & 305EV for Donald Trump. But, Joe Biden's approval rating is currently dropping so fast that it's bewildering for me. Donald Trump is still rising in count but ever more slowly which tells me that pres. Trump is plateauing @ current. The down ballot voting is just starting to come out on the YouTube sites but are still overshadowed by the POTUS contest(?) for sure.

The below poli-map shows the west coast states changing from dark blue to medium blue which I can somewhat see happening(with the exception of Commiefornia). due to the Biden fiasco in the presidential debate, & assorted other issues. Oregon is a special case as eastern Oregonians are pushing to marry up with Idaho to form the Greater State of Idaho, which paints a really bad picture for the Salem Oregon gangs piss poor governance. Idaho, under the excellent leadership of Governor Brad Little has already cleared several eastern Oregon counties for adoption into the state of GREATER IDAHO. Maybe with a pres. Trump & a red dominated upper/lower chambers Capital Hill working in conjunction with Idaho Governor Brad Little could force the hand of Oregon's Governor Tina Kotek to honor the wishes of our eastern Oregonians?

Below; Down Ballot Voting 'starting' to shape up but info is still on the slim side.

In Washington state both our Conservative & Classical Liberals(Libertarians) have not been sitting on our thumbs. A quick look @ the poli-map of Washington state below illustrates the ever growing RED counties. My son is anchored north/west of Tacoma in the Gig Harbor area & has told me of "pockets" of Conservatives & Classical Liberals(NOT social liberals) that are springing up WEST of the Cascade mtn. range. Three light blue counties, Skagit, Clallam & Pierce county, could EASILY go red during this upcoming election. Washington & Oregon states may not make the news often but the red dominant counties are doing their best in both states to protect their(and yours) constitutional right for Liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

Below; WHY we need to move the Idaho/Oregon border to the west. Without the protection of that relocated Idaho/Oregon border the eastern Oregon farmers will go dry on water & no crops = bankruptcy. 2nd/3rd generation farms bought up for pennies on the dollar by the food police corporations. Small towns turned into ghost towns. Then it's too late as the food police corporations working with their statist left marxinazi internationalist profe$$ional politician$ will then be your Food Lords. Support your independent farmers so we can keep the crops/foods coming to you that you desire, when you desire them & as much of them that you desire @ an AFFORDABLE price.

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