Downton Abbey

And then Bates darkens episode's end with his creepy sign-off, "Nothing is over. And nothing is done with," to poor Mrs. Hughes...

Another great episode.

Yep. it was Another fabulously satisfying episode' Bates is misdirecting his anger at poor Mrs. Hughes.

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And then Bates darkens episode's end with his creepy sign-off, "Nothing is over. And nothing is done with," to poor Mrs. Hughes...

Another great episode.
I agree. Bates should not have imposed a state of apprehension on Mrs. Hughes. He should instead have thanked her for restoring the happiness he'd thought was ended. If he intends to have revenge on his wife's attacker he should do so without such ominous fanfare. It isn't suited to his normally mature and sensible disposition.

But I'm left to wonder how this situation will turn out. If I were writing the script I would have that group including the rapist return to Downton for some reason, which prompts Mrs. Hughes to tell Carson what happened, and Carson would conspire with Bates and Branson to arrange some painfully fatal accident to befall the rapist while he's there.
And then Bates darkens episode's end with his creepy sign-off, "Nothing is over. And nothing is done with," to poor Mrs. Hughes...

Another great episode.
I agree. Bates should not have imposed a state of apprehension on Mrs. Hughes. He should instead have thanked her for restoring the happiness he'd thought was ended. If he intends to have revenge on his wife's attacker he should do so without such ominous fanfare. It isn't suited to his normally mature and sensible disposition.

But I'm left to wonder how this situation will turn out. If I were writing the script I would have that group including the rapist return to Downton for some reason, which prompts Mrs. Hughes to tell Carson what happened, and Carson would conspire with Bates and Branson to arrange some painfully fatal accident to befall the rapist while he's there.

I see a scenario such as that one happening as well. Lord Gillingham's valet is sure to meet some dreadful fate, probably showing up dead under the London bridge or some such.

They're not above it at Downton, you remember the guy who slept with Mary and died in her bed? These people have ways of dealing with these things ...
Downton has jumped the shark.

The Rape plot line is unfortunate, and completely unnecessary. It's not good drama to have so much tragedy centered on sweet little Anna (who has become the heroine in an overwrought Perils of Little Nell style).

What's next? Snidley Whiplash tying her to a railroad track?
Walking dead has restarted again I will be watching that

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On the event calendar now are disposition of Anna's rapist, Edith's pregnancy, Rose's romantic involvement with a negro, Mary's emerging romance, and the consequence of Thomas Barrow's collusion with Cora's maid. (Did I miss anything?)

So the stage is set.
I missed the last two episodes. :(

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Walking dead has restarted again I will be watching that

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Both are soap operas.

I did watch some of the WD marathon last Sunday. Now THAT is boring. A one trick pony with special effects. The constant and gratuitous violence gets really tiresome.

I switched to Downton Abbey. At times sappy but the costumes, jewelry, houses, countryside are all just stunning.
Walking dead has restarted again I will be watching that

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Both are soap operas.

I did watch some of the WD marathon last Sunday. Now THAT is boring. A one trick pony with special effects. The constant and gratuitous violence gets really tiresome.

I switched to Downton Abbey. At times sappy but the costumes, jewelry, houses, countryside are all just stunning.

Have you seen Mr. Selfridge? I love that one too.

Mr. Selfridge | Programs | Masterpiece | PBS
Walking dead has restarted again I will be watching that

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Both are soap operas.

I did watch some of the WD marathon last Sunday. Now THAT is boring. A one trick pony with special effects. The constant and gratuitous violence gets really tiresome.

I switched to Downton Abbey. At times sappy but the costumes, jewelry, houses, countryside are all just stunning.

Have you seen Mr. Selfridge? I love that one too.

Mr. Selfridge | Programs | Masterpiece | PBS
Me, too.
Both are soap operas.

I did watch some of the WD marathon last Sunday. Now THAT is boring. A one trick pony with special effects. The constant and gratuitous violence gets really tiresome.

I switched to Downton Abbey. At times sappy but the costumes, jewelry, houses, countryside are all just stunning.

Have you seen Mr. Selfridge? I love that one too.

Mr. Selfridge | Programs | Masterpiece | PBS
Me, too.

I saw a documentary on him that was real good. Interesting life.
And then Bates darkens episode's end with his creepy sign-off, "Nothing is over. And nothing is done with," to poor Mrs. Hughes...

Another great episode.

Yep. it was Another fabulously satisfying episode' Bates is misdirecting his anger at poor Mrs. Hughes.

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Looks like the rapist came back one too many times. Bates really suspects him now, he seems to know it was him.
And then Bates darkens episode's end with his creepy sign-off, "Nothing is over. And nothing is done with," to poor Mrs. Hughes...

Another great episode.

Yep. it was Another fabulously satisfying episode' Bates is misdirecting his anger at poor Mrs. Hughes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Looks like the rapist came back one too many times. Bates really suspects him now, he seems to know it was him.


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