Downtown LA hit with outbreak of flea borne typhus


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Downtown LA Hit With Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Typhus ⋆ The Savage Nation
An outbreak of flea-borne typhus has hit downtown Los Angeles, the county Department of Public Health said Thursday.


We are in such deep trouble it's scary to think how many loons live in this fantasy world where they have no knowledge of bio warfare how easy it would be to pull it off, and how the goal would be to make it look natural so the idiots of society never have a clue where and why whatever disease starts is out there.

Deep research gives people knowledge, knowledge is power and most leftist lack a grain of salt of it.
Downtown LA Hit With Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Typhus ⋆ The Savage Nation
An outbreak of flea-borne typhus has hit downtown Los Angeles, the county Department of Public Health said Thursday.


We are in such deep trouble it's scary to think how many loons live in this fantasy world where they have no knowledge of bio warfare how easy it would be to pull it off, and how the goal would be to make it look natural so the idiots of society never have a clue where and why whatever disease starts is out there.

Deep research gives people knowledge, knowledge is power and most leftist lack a grain of salt of it.
Easily dealt with with anti-biotics....and they believe it was caused by fleas on pets. Carry on with your doomsday panic.
Pestilence in it's beginnings. End time prophecy. Antibiotics useless. For the first time in my life a tick from my dog can kill me in a few days and there isn't a thing I can take to stop it. Piss on Lyme disease. Now it is incurable Powassan, flesh eating viruses, wasting away diseases, rabies...
Yes it has. What wasn't the case for quite a long time is that it has become the no.1 vector born illness in this country. And now you get a choice, Lyme or Powassan. Luck of the draw. Antibiotics for one, death for the other. This while we pick 30+ ticks a day off of our pets.
I have lived in these woods for most of my life. Never worried about getting sick because of where I live. Never had planes dropping rabies vaccine to try to stop it from spreading via raccoons. It is a different time alright.
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I suggest gov moonbeam give out flea collars to the homeless.

a real threat deny it or not it will get someone, anyone and being a left right side politicaly won't matter lol

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And here is more concern where the CDC fears BIO TERRORISM

Downtown LA Hit With Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Typhus ⋆ The Savage Nation
An outbreak of flea-borne typhus has hit downtown Los Angeles, the county Department of Public Health said Thursday.


We are in such deep trouble it's scary to think how many loons live in this fantasy world where they have no knowledge of bio warfare how easy it would be to pull it off, and how the goal would be to make it look natural so the idiots of society never have a clue where and why whatever disease starts is out there.

Deep research gives people knowledge, knowledge is power and most leftist lack a grain of salt of it.
Easily dealt with with anti-biotics....and they believe it was caused by fleas on pets. Carry on with your doomsday panic.
Must be a chihuahua or an Afghan.


Yes it has. What wasn't the case for quite a long time is that it has become the no.1 vector born illness in this country. And now you get a choice, Lymes or Powassan. Luck of the draw. Antibiotics for one, death for the other. This while we pick 30+ ticks a day off of our pets.
I have lived in these woods for most of my life. Never worried about getting sick because of where I live. Never had planes dropping rabies vaccine to try to stop it from spreading via raccoons. It is a different time alright.

They are suspecting that lyme disease is also stemming from the fleas being used as a bio weapon, uniforned don't want to believe that because they expect a bio attack to be some instant attack among the population and kill thousands in just hours or days. Little do they know how much BIO TER. is coming right from our own labs. And, not some boogie man hiding in an airplane .
Bioterrorism has now been defined as the intentional use of a pathogen or biological product to cause harm to a human, animal, plant or other living organisms to influence the conduct of government or to intimidate or coerce a civilian population(4). Biological agents are easy to develop as weapons, are more lethal than chemical weapons, are less expensive and more difficult to detect than nuclear weapons (5). Diseases caused by biological agents are not only a public health issue but also a problem of national security. Two simulated biological attacks, Dark Winter (small pox) and TOPOFF (plague), in the United States demonstrated serious weaknesses in the public health system that could prevent an effective response to bioterrorism or severe naturally occurring infectious diseases (6,7,8,9,10). The intentional dispersal of anthrax through the United States Postal Service that followed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, brought these issues into a clear focus. The United States government began a process to strengthen the public health infrastructure. The need for law reform was recognized as law has long been considered as an important tool of public health (11). The power to act to preserve the Public's Health is constitutionally reserved primarily to the states as an exercise of their police powers. Some states like Colorado and Rhode Island had developed legislation or administrative public health plans for a bioterrorism event prior to September 1, 2001. The Model Act was designed to update and modernize the state public statutes and to avoid problems of inconsistency, inadequacy and obsolescence. The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA or Model Act) was drafted by the Center for Law and the Public's Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities at the request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in collaboration with members of national organizations representing governors, legislators, attorneys general and health commissioners (4,12). This act provides state actors with the powers to detect and contain bioterrorism or a naturally occurring disease outbreak. The Model Act is structured to facilitate five basic public health functions i) Preparedness, comprehensive planning for a Public Health emergency; ii) Surveillance, measures to detect and track Public Health emergencies; iii) Management of Property, ensuring adequate availability of vaccines, pharmaceuticals and hospitals as well as providing power to abate hazards to the Public's Health; iv) Protection of Persons, powers to compel vaccination, testing, treatment, isolation and quarantine when clearly necessary; and v) Communication, providing clear and authoritative information to the public. The act also contains a modernized, extensive set of principles and requirements to safeguard personal rights. Based on MSEHPA, legislative bills have been introduced in 34 states and the District of Columbia. As of June 26, 2002, 16 states and the District of Columbia already have enacted a version of the act and the states enacting or expected shortly to enact legislation, influenced by the Model Act were Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia.

Overview of Potential Agents of Biological Terrorism | SIU School of Medicine
It might be the LA City council cleaning up the streets.

It's laughable that someone would suggest that typhus is spread by pets. Have you been to downtown Los Angeles? Have you been there at all or even close? It's overrun with rats and open sewage. If some one had a pet the rats would have eaten it. Typhus comes from wherever typhus comes from anywhere in the world. Los Angeles is a third world decaying city.

Please, don't be idiotically silly. We don't need anyone to introduce bioweapons. The city is a bioweapon. Between the shit and needles there is more than enough disease to go around. If 80% die off we will be in much better shape. C'mon typhus epidemic. Your city needs you.
It might be the LA City council cleaning up the streets.

It's laughable that someone would suggest that typhus is spread by pets. Have you been to downtown Los Angeles? Have you been there at all or even close? It's overrun with rats and open sewage. If some one had a pet the rats would have eaten it. Typhus comes from wherever typhus comes from anywhere in the world. Los Angeles is a third world decaying city.

Please, don't be idiotically silly. We don't need anyone to introduce bioweapons. The city is a bioweapon. Between the shit and needles there is more than enough disease to go around. If 80% die off we will be in much better shape. C'mon typhus epidemic. Your city needs you.

Have you turned into a LEFTIST DUMBASS or are you seriously that fkn stupid now.

Typhus, also known as typhus fever, is a group of infectious diseases that include epidemic typhus, scrub typhus and murine typhus.[1]Common symptoms include fever, headache, and a rash.[1] Typically these begin one to two weeks after exposure.[2]

The diseases are caused by specific types of bacterial infection.[1] Epidemic typhus is due to Rickettsia prowazekii spread by body lice, scrub typhus is due to Orientia tsutsugamushi spread by chiggers, and murine typhus is due to Rickettsia typhi spread by fleas.[1]

There is currently no commercially available vaccine.[3][4][5] Prevention is by reducing exposure to the organisms that spread the disease.[3][4][5] Treatment is with the antibiotic doxycycline.[2] Epidemic typhus generally occurs in outbreaks when poor sanitary conditions and crowding are present.[6] While once common, it is now rare.[3] Scrub typhus occurs in Southeast Asia, Japan, and northern Australia.[4]Murine typhus occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world.[5]

Typhus has been described since at least 1528.[7] The name comes from the Greek typhus (τύφος) meaning hazy, describing the state of mind of those infected.[7] While "typhoid" means "typhus-like", typhus and typhoid fever are distinct diseases caused by different types of bacteria.[8]

Typhus - Wikipedia
Your opinion, such as it is, is your UNINFORMED opinion until you have been to Los Angeles and seen the conditions. Poor sanitary conditions and crowding is what your article says. Fleas. Fleas no doubt carried by the hundreds of rats. Keep your eyes open, bubonic plague may pop up yet. Los Angeles is ripe.
My son and I have a bet going. I say next will be bubonic plague and he says next will be cholera.

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