Downward Virus Flux in Earth’s Atmosphere Is Over Three Billion Viruses Per Square Meter Per Day

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Apparently, the fact that viruses rein rain down on Earth by the billions-per-square-meter each day is old news. If you Bing the phrase, viruses falling from the sky, then you will retrieve page after page of links to stories that proclaim this amazing fact. Those links lead primarily to stories published online during the year 2018. These stories appeared on websites of major news outlets — where was I? — how did I miss this? I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t abducted by aliens.

The more important question might be, Why is this old news seemingly newly relevant to the present times?

Masks should be worn at all times ...please stay home until we have a vaccine

Retard strong !
We're all in this toogheatherrrrr
Apparently, the fact that viruses rein rain down on Earth by the billions-per-square-meter each day is old news. If you Bing the phrase, viruses falling from the sky, then you will retrieve page after page of links to stories that proclaim this amazing fact. Those links lead primarily to stories published online during the year 2018. These stories appeared on websites of major news outlets — where was I? — how did I miss this? I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t abducted by aliens.

The more important question might be, Why is this old news seemingly newly relevant to the present times?

Masks should be worn at all times ...please stay home until we have a vaccine

Retard strong !
We're all in this toogheatherrrrr
If they were woke virus’ that killed white and people of color equally it would be ok

but racist virus‘ that disproportionately kill black people are intolerable
Apparently, the fact that viruses rein rain down on Earth by the billions-per-square-meter each day is old news. If you Bing the phrase, viruses falling from the sky, then you will retrieve page after page of links to stories that proclaim this amazing fact. Those links lead primarily to stories published online during the year 2018. These stories appeared on websites of major news outlets — where was I? — how did I miss this? I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t abducted by aliens.

The more important question might be, Why is this old news seemingly newly relevant to the present times?

Masks should be worn at all times ...please stay home until we have a vaccine

Retard strong !
We're all in this toogheatherrrrr

Thank you for the research! An excerpt:

"The main thrust of this article was that “aerosolization of soil-dust and organic aggregates in sea spray facilitates the long-range transport of bacteria, and likely viruses, across the free atmosphere.”

The word, aerosolization, is defined as the process or act of converting some physical substance into the form of particles small and light enough to be carried on the air (i.e. into an aerosol)."

Never thought about it before but the transport of dust from the Sahara desert has been noted especially lately, and one would expect dust to contain life including bacteria and viruses.

Well, the air here is not likely to contain significant proportions of the novel/new Corona virus so the need to wear a mask outside (especially in my wet rural area with many trees and few people) is minimal unless you are near a human or.... [bats or gloves as in baseball - just kidding though bats may be part of the cause.]

But no harm in being overcautious. Plenty of harm being under cautious.

We still shelter in place - our meetings are not even in open air - just on the internet (Zoom if its Sunday morning malfunction is fixed - its new download stopped its functioning).

Well, you can't catch viruses on the internet. But Zoom can!
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