Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

If I "annoy everyone else," why do I have a higher ratio of up votes to comments than you do?
Well, first, I don't really spend a lot of time voting things up or down.

Because I'm not a 16 year old girl.

I have never in my life heard or read a Jew claiming that the Ashkenazim are the Master Race. That is my claim.
Well, it's a pretty stupid one.
Yet, I'm dancing circles around you.
Well yeah of course, because you have a degree in the history of lesbian dance theory.

The Nazis wouldn't have happened if the British and US hadn't let the French be so vindictive after WWI.
The liberal delusion blames all the evils of the world on the US and Western civilization.

The Nazis wouldn’t have happened if not for anti-Semitic jerks like yourself.
Naw, you just come up with your own evils, like justifying when the cops shoot black children.
I never have but that doesn’t matter to a liberal like yourself.

You make fatal force a racially divisive issue. You do more to harm black kids than the police ever could.
If you can't condemn the IDF for bombing hospitals and schools, that makes you the Nazi Material. Seems you are only upset when "innocent" civilians are killed is when they are white people.
The IDF doesn’t bomb hospitals and schools. They bomb terrorists who hide in hospitals and schools. A lesbian dance theory historian like yourself obviously know how propaganda works.
The liberal delusion blames all the evils of the world on the US and Western civilization.

The Nazis wouldn’t have happened if not for anti-Semitic jerks like yourself.
The Nazis wouldn't have happened if 8 of the top 10 leaders of the Socialists who deposed the Kaiser weren't Jews.


Cartoon from 1919. Long before Hitler.

You make fatal force a racially divisive issue. You do more to harm black kids than the police ever could.
No, buddy, that would be the cops who use fatal force for misdemeanors.

Hey, have you come up with that list of unarmed white folks killed by the cops yet?

Don't worry, we know you can't.

The IDF doesn’t bomb hospitals and schools. They bomb terrorists who hide in hospitals and schools.
And yet most of the people killed in Gaza are civilians. Funny how that works.
The Nazis wouldn't have happened if 8 of the top 10 leaders of the Socialists who deposed the Kaiser weren't Jews.

View attachment 943293
Cartoon from 1919. Long before Hitler.
That is the public sentiment of anti-semitism that Hitler tapped into. You liberal clowns are just waiting for the second coming of Hitler.

Hey, have you come up with that list of unarmed white folks killed by the cops yet?

It’s not my fault you don’t know how to use the data I gave you. You are basically what Democrats think of black people. Completely incompetent rubes who don’t know how to use the computer.

And yet most of the people killed in Gaza are civilians. Funny how that works.

Yeah, I’m sure the Islamic rapists you trust for those numbers are completely honest.
I am confident that most Jews think That Trump is intolerably Goyish, with his personality, character, and the fecal smells emanating from his soiled diapers and his flatulence.
That would be Biden. Did you see how he stopped in the middle of a walk on the WH Lawn, took the “position,” and, well, you know. Or maybe you don’t. But everyone who ever raised a toddler knows what that position means.
That is the public sentiment of anti-semitism that Hitler tapped into. You liberal clowns are just waiting for the second coming of Hitler.

Except that it was Jewish Socialists who instigated the rebellions against the German and Austrian monarchies. All the misery that followed could be laid on them. That in turn caused a rise in Fascism across Europe. Fascism was a reaction to Socialism and Communism.

It’s not my fault you don’t know how to use the data I gave you. You are basically what Democrats think of black people. Completely incompetent rubes who don’t know how to use the computer.

Guy, you had a simple task, go through that data (because I wasn't going go waste my time doing it) and pick out cases of white people who were unarmed by killed by police or died in police custody. It was actually a pretty simple task. You clearly weren't up to it.

Yeah, I’m sure the Islamic rapists you trust for those numbers are completely honest.
Looking at the devastation in Gaza, I suspect they are probably conservative figures.
Except that it was Jewish Socialists who instigated the rebellions against the German and Austrian monarchies. All the misery that followed could be laid on them. That in turn caused a rise in Fascism across Europe. Fascism was a reaction to Socialism and Communism.
It’s the JOOS! Take a look in the mirror the next time you repeat white supremacist trope.
Guy, you had a simple task, go through that data (because I wasn't going go waste my time doing it) and pick out cases of white people who were unarmed by killed by police or died in police custody. It was actually a pretty simple task. You clearly weren't up to it.
You are not the boss of me, and I don’t follow the directives of Nazis.

I gave you the lists. The Washington Post database literally sorts it all out for you. You just don’t want to look at it because it is t going to support the fruit liberal fantasy you believe.

The police kill more in armed white people. Statistical fact.
It’s the JOOS! Take a look in the mirror the next time you repeat white supremacist trope.
Um, it's a historical fact that Jewish radicals were behind the waves of revolutions that came at the end of WWI. From Leon Trotsky in Russia to Rosa Luxemborg in Germany.

You are not the boss of me, and I don’t follow the directives of Nazis.
Good thing there are no Nazis here.

I gave you the lists. The Washington Post database literally sorts it all out for you. You just don’t want to look at it because it is t going to support the fruit liberal fantasy you believe.
Again, if you could make a list, you wouldn't have. My guess is that you started, realized you had very few cases that met the criteria and gave up.

The police kill more in armed white people. Statistical fact.
We're 70% of the population and make up 45% of the people killed by police.
Blacks are 12% of the population and make up 40% of the people killed by police.
Actually, more of a guilt trip because we felt bad about the Holocaust.

Clearly, it was not moral to dispossess people of their land because you feel bad.

It would be like if I gave your house to a deserving black family because I felt really bad about slavery.
Initially the Jews bought land from those who owned it. When they were attacked they fought back, won, and conquered more land.
We're 70% of the population and make up 45% of the people killed by police.
Blacks are 12% of the population and make up 40% of the people killed by police.
Black people commit more crime. This is reflected in the disproportionate number of black people murdered (by black people). More crime equals more police interactions equals more unfortunate instances of fatal force.
Um, it's a historical fact that Jewish radicals were behind the waves of revolutions that came at the end of WWI. From Leon Trotsky in Russia to Rosa Luxemborg in Germany.

Secular Jews represented a small minority of the Bolshevik party, and the Communist Parties of the various members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Initially the Jews bought land from those who owned it. When they were attacked they fought back, won, and conquered more land.
None of that makes it okay.

Secular Jews represented a small minority of the Bolshevik party, and the Communist Parties of the various members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
None of which made a difference if you were a German who was eating his dog, or maybe one of his neighbors in 1919. The misery of Germany brought about by the Socialist Jews after the war was a truly sore spot.

(This is also the period my grandparents left Germany, BTW.)
Black people commit more crime. This is reflected in the disproportionate number of black people murdered (by black people). More crime equals more police interactions equals more unfortunate instances of fatal force.
None of which excuses choking a man to death for passing a fake 20 or shooting a man in his living room while he's eating ice cream.
So, the point was that they knew they were beaten and were seeking terms. Making the Atomic Bombings an act of "terrorism" to intimidate them into accepting terms they considered unacceptable.

Let's keep in mind that dismantling the Japanese Empire caused us a whole host of troubles later on down the road (the fall of China to the Communists, the Korean War, and why we are still there 80 years later.

So, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. To the people of Hiroshima, the crew of the Enola Gay were terrorists.

Thanks for making my point. I knew you could do it, Corky!!!
No, the Japanese GOVERNMENT wasn't "seeking terms" they were trying to dictate terms. They wanted a complete redo without any penalties for plunging the Pacific and Asia into a war by their aggression. As for the rest of your statement, it's your usual nonsense.
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Yet, I'm dancing circles around you.

Actually, what I want is for the schools to educate kids about sex and give them proper context. Unlike the Catholic School I grew up in, where kids ended up with a lot of unplanned pregnancies because they had no idea what they were doing. Of course, little Timmy in my neighborhood had no problem getting porn. Every pre-pub boy had his own stash of porno magazines. I imagine it's even easier today with the internet.

We also bombed innocent civilians, let the British starve 3 million Bengalis to death, let Stalin occupy Eastern Europe, and a whole bunch of other things. The Nazis wouldn't have happened if the British and US hadn't let the French be so vindictive after WWI.

Naw, you just come up with your own evils, like justifying when the cops shoot black children.

If you can't condemn the IDF for bombing hospitals and schools, that makes you the Nazi Material. Seems you are only upset when "innocent" civilians are killed is when they are white people.
You couldn't "dance circles" around an elephant that was wearing concrete overshoes.

United States Strategic Bombing Survey​

Summary Report​

(Pacific War)​

Washington, D.C.​

1 July 1946​

Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

That may be what the bomber mafia said, but the Japanese government had different ideas.
No, the Japanese GOVERNMENT wasn't "seeking terms" they were trying to dictate terms. They wanted a complete redo without any penalties for plunging the Pacific and Asia into a war by their aggression. As for the rest of your statement, it's your usual nonsense.

Actually, Japan wasn't asking for anything unreasonable.

In fact, the Japanese plan was always to rapidly expand their territory, fight the war to a standstill, and then receive a favorable peace treaty. This is how they fought the 1904-5 war against Russia.

The insanity was thinking that bombing civilians would intimidate them into surrendering. It really didn't. the entry of the USSR into the conflict was what changed the tide of the war.

You couldn't "dance circles" around an elephant that was wearing concrete overshoes.
Yet, I dance circles around you. You were one of McNamara's Morons, weren't you?
That may be what the bomber mafia said, but the Japanese government had different ideas.

Um, not really. Let's review what actually happened.

We had been bombing Japanese cities for months. It really had little effect because Japan had already moved most of her industries underground. What the game-changer really was that the USSR entered the war. This meant that Japan was fighting the war on a whole new front.

The allies realized it, too. This is why the initial plan to divide up Japan the way they divided Germany looked like THIS.


Of course, once we promied the Emperor he could stay, we told the Russians to sod off. (The Chinese also were in no position to send occupation troops, and the Brits only sent token forces because they were trying to resecure their failing empire.)

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