Downy gets admitted to Clemson

Rion Holcombe, 20, will join Clemson University's Life program next fall
Course gives learning-disabled students a taste of university life while preparing them for work and independent living

read your own link before you make an ass of yourself
Rion Holcombe, 20, will join Clemson University's Life program next fall
Course gives learning-disabled students a taste of university life while preparing them for work and independent living

read your own link before you make an ass of yourself

Aww he gets to pretend he is in college. Why not have a hot chick pretend she likes him too?
Yeah, tell that to Hawking
Are you try to say that Stephen Hawking is not brilliant? He has physical disabilities that in no way impair his mental abilities.

Someone with Downs has mental and physical disabilities. The poor kid will never be able to keep up.
It's not a real degree program. It's to tricking him into thinking he is normal. One day libs will allow them in degree programs
Rion Holcombe, 20, will join Clemson University's Life program next fall
Course gives learning-disabled students a taste of university life while preparing them for work and independent living

read your own link before you make an ass of yourself

Aww he gets to pretend he is in college. Why not have a hot chick pretend she likes him too?

As it turns out it isn't really college. It is a special school for students just like him that they are calling college.
novasteve. Taking "classy" to the next level by shitting on Downs Syndrome kids.

If only he was a tranny too, then this could have been the best novasteve thread ever.
Rion Holcombe, 20, will join Clemson University's Life program next fall
Course gives learning-disabled students a taste of university life while preparing them for work and independent living

read your own link before you make an ass of yourself

Aww he gets to pretend he is in college. Why not have a hot chick pretend she likes him too?

Two things that never happened to you, even in "pretend," I'm sure. You're a fucking disgrace.
he spent an extra Two years to qualify for a program that will help him in the real world to care for himself.

kids a real conservative

set a goal
worked hard for it
and will continue to work hard to better himself

fuck you nova

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