Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Your spammed irrelevant shit, while pretending to have a discussion about your inability to understand something childishly simple.

Irrelevant opinion, spammed INSTEAD of addressing my point.

Once more, and I will be reporting your for derailing the thread.

Trump was supported by the Religious RIght as a group. Your pretense of not understanding that has been revealed to be a ploy so you can troll.

Don't do it again. We are done here.

LOL, we were done a long time ago.
LOL, we were done a long time ago.

Trump ran on Jobs and Border Security. That the Left can look at that as see radical or "semi-fascist" is a sign of how deluded they are.
Trump ran on Jobs and Border Security. That the Left can look at that as see radical or "semi-fascist" is a sign of how deluded they are.

Obama ran on ending the wars and addressing immigration. How can you look at those as radical?
Obama ran on ending the wars and addressing immigration. How can you look at those as radical?

Who said I did? What point are you even trying to make? Are you denying that Jobs and Border Security are normal, legitimate issues?
Who said I did? What point are you even trying to make? Are you denying that Jobs and Border Security are normal, legitimate issues?

Textbook Politics 101.
Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Recently, President Biden escalated the inflammatory rhetoric inundating the American political landscape to a whole new level.

In prepared remarks, President Biden referred to President Trump’s voters as "MAGA Republicans," calling the America First movement "semi-fascism."

These declarations, in effect, smeared the good character of almost half the nation, while demonizing his political opponents.

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.

TheReaper says: Dr. Alveda C. King follows in the footsteps of her great uncle MLK. MLK was a religious man and a souther Baptist preacher. My oh my how the Marxist Democrats have drifted from those roots.
Reported. I asked a question, your answer was meaningless filler.

Just because you don't understand the answer.............those things are what all politicians run on and is pretty meaningless.
Then you do not understand Christianity. Christianity is about forgiveness and redemption. Jesus came to earth for sinners, not for the righteous. Today Trump is the father, husband and grandfather, not the nightlife playboy.

St Paul wrote more books of the Bible than any one man. Prior to that he murdered thousands of Christians as heretic. Jesus chose him and forgave him.

And politically? Democrats are the arty of abortion, sodomy and socialism. No Christian can vote for that. Trump achieved our dream, getting rid of Roe.

Do you understand? I suggest you read the parable of the prodigal son. Better yet, watch it, I implore you to watch it, and see if you grasp its meaning:

They used to make fun of some weirdos who called Obama “The Messiah”, but now mainstream evangelicals are calling Trump a messiah from the pulpit! Clear violation of the churches’ tax-exempt status, BTW.
It was the same Righties who called Obama "the Messiah" who are now seriously calling the fat former guy a messiah.
Just because you don't understand the answer.............those things are what all politicians run on and is pretty meaningless.

My point was that the Left's response, ie reacting as though Trump or his policies were radical, was delusional.

Your response was that his policies were "what all politicians run on".

Are you agreeing with me, or are you just being incredibly obtuse as a sort of weak defense against admitting I am clearly right?
My point was that the Left's response, ie reacting as though Trump or his policies were radical, was delusional.

Seems to me they argued he was a spoiled, petulant child.

Your response was that his policies were "what all politicians run on".

Are you agreeing with me, or are you just being incredibly obtuse as a sort of weak defense against admitting I am clearly right?

I've said Trump was good at talk. He said what you wanted to hear. Now following up was a different matter.
When did Mexico pay for the Wall?

A politician not meeting his campaign promises, is also not radical. Indeed, considering that you people acted like Border Security was radical, you should be HAPPY, that he did not do that.

So, what is your point? Are you agreeing with me that the Left was delusional in it's hysterical response, or are you just so consumed with partisan hate, that you were triggered and had to spout propaganda talking points?
"Reported"................ :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Just trying to play by the new, tighter rules. I've been slammed for engaging in back and forth with libs, where the libs were stonewalling and gaslighting. So, instead of falling for that, I try to report it.
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