Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Argue you simply chose what you saw as the lesser of two evils, not because of your Christian beliefs. If Christians in this country actually voted the way they pretend to believe we might actually get a decent candidate one day.

Don't tell me what my answer should be. I gave you my answer.

Politics make strange bedfellowers.

It might seem odd that a twice divorced man, who owns a casino, is the darling of hte Religious Rights, but the moment you start looking at the issues and the hostility to the Religious Right from his opponents, ie Hillary and Biden, it is easy to understand.

You just refuse to take that obvious next step, because you want an excuse to talk shit about people you oppose, if not hate.

That is what this is about for you. And by YOU, I mean all you libs who play this silly game.
That wasn't what was being discussed. I stayed on topic. To note though, there is nothing Christian about Trump's immigration policies.

I didn't accuss you are going off topic, but moving the goal posts.

Which you did.

And there is nothing NOT Christian about being anti-illegal alien or even anti-immigration.
Don't tell me what my answer should be. I gave you my answer.

Politics make strange bedfellowers.

It might seem odd that a twice divorced man, who owns a casino, is the darling of hte Religious Rights, but the moment you start looking at the issues and the hostility to the Religious Right from his opponents, ie Hillary and Biden, it is easy to understand.

No, there were other choices. People who don't routinely take the Lord's name in vain. That don't have a long history of cheating people (including their wives). That can't resist when questioned from resorting to childish name calling.

You just refuse to take that obvious next step, because you want an excuse to talk shit about people you oppose, if not hate.

That is what this is about for you. And by YOU, I mean all you libs who play this silly game.

If Trump is divine intervention I belong to the wrong set of beliefs.
That wasn't what was being discussed. I stayed on topic. To note though, there is nothing Christian about Trump's immigration policies.
/----/ As a Catholic, I'd like to know what part of protecting one's home from invades is not Christian.

Maybe these will help you answer.

My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
- Isaiah 32:18

Then I will encamp at my house as a guard, so that none shall march to and fro; no oppressor shall again march over them, for now I see with my own eyes.
- Zechariah 9:8

No evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.
- Psalm 91:10
No, there were other choices. People who don't routinely take the Lord's name in vain. That don't have a long history of cheating people (including their wives). That can't resist when questioned from resorting to childish name calling.

You are still refusing to look at the issues. You are refusing to take the obvious first step towards understanding a very, even childishly simple fact.

If Trump is divine intervention I belong to the wrong set of beliefs.

That is just partisan propaganda. Please cease spamming talking points.
/----/ As a Catholic, I'd like to know what part of protecting one's home from invades is not Christian.

Maybe these will help you answer.

My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
- Isaiah 32:18

Then I will encamp at my house as a guard, so that none shall march to and fro; no oppressor shall again march over them, for now I see with my own eyes.
- Zechariah 9:8

No evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.
- Psalm 91:10

Not really.
You are still refusing to look at the issues. You are refusing to take the obvious first step towards understanding a very, even childishly simple fact.

That is just partisan propaganda. Please cease spamming talking points.

Partisan? I have argued that it was the Democrats that gave us Trump by lying and cheating and giving us Hillary. Please explain my partisanship to us.
Partisan? I have argued that it was the Democrats that gave us Trump by lying and cheating and giving us Hillary. Please explain my partisanship to us.

No, that's derailing the thread. Just stop doing it.

You say there were "others", name teh best one, in your opinion.
No, that's derailing the thread. Just stop doing it.

You say there were "others", name teh best one, in your opinion.

Romney seems to at least be more than a failure at being a decent human being.
Romney seems to at least be more than a failure at being a decent human being.

What are you talking about? Romney didn't even run in 2016. And I said drop the spamming of partisan shit. We get it, you don't fucking like Trump. Harping on it, is you just spamming propanda.

Like a spam bot. Is that what you are? Is this discussion just a sham while spam? If not, stop doing it. Be a person, not a bot.
What are you talking about? Romney didn't even run in 2016. And I said drop the spamming of partisan shit. We get it, you don't fucking like Trump.

But it's not partisan. I did not like Hillary either.

I've stated my factual reasons for not liking him. You don't address those reasons, you just question me for not liking them.

Harping on it, is you just spamming propanda.

Like a spam bot. Is that what you are? Is this discussion just a sham while spam? If not, stop doing it. Be a person, not a bot.

When unable to address a persons position, try and make it personally about them...........
But it's not partisan. I did not like Hillary either.

I've stated my factual reasons for not liking him. You don't address those reasons, you just question me for not liking them.

Yet, you mentioned her, without harping spamming about her negative qualities. You didn't say, "Hillary, that failure of a human being". Thus, I believe it is partisan. YOu are a partisan spam bot. And you should stop doing that. Unless you want to be a bot. Is that it? Are you tried of being human?

And YOUR dislike of Trump is irrelevant to this thread. The thread is about "patriotic religious Americans" who support Trump, not you. We get it. YOU DON'T. Harping on it, is retarded.

When unable to address a persons position, try and make it personally about them...........

Your position was that there were better choices available. I asked you for one, and you gave one that was NOT avaiable at that time.

And so I asked for another, and you have not given it.

Here I repeat my request. Again, large text and blue, so that you know what is the request.

You say that there were "others", name the best one, in your opinion.
Yet, you mentioned her, without harping spamming about her negative qualities. You didn't say, "Hillary, that failure of a human being". Thus, I believe it is partisan. YOu are a partisan spam bot. And you should stop doing that. Unless you want to be a bot. Is that it? Are you tried of being human?

This thread is not about Hillary is it? Why am I supposed to harp on Hillary in a thread not about her? I've stated the only person as lousy of a candidate and of a person as Trump was Hillary.

Oddly you consider that partisan. I think it's your partisanship that causes that.

And YOUR dislike of Trump is irrelevant to this thread. The thread is about "patriotic religious Americans" who support Trump, not you. We get it. YOU DON'T. Harping on it, is retarded.

She is condemning those of us who question the support. Something you don't seem to be able to address.

Your position was that there were better choices available. I asked you for one, and you gave one that was NOT avaiable at that time.

And so I asked for another, and you have not given it.

Here I repeat my request. Again, large text and blue, so that you know what is the request.

You say that there were "others", name the best one, in your opinion.

Any of them were better than a failed human being. So my answer is all of them.
/----/ Once again, what part of protecting our borders is un-Christian? Every other country does it.

Every other country is not the US and all Trump was, was full of words. Do you recall the weekend he got up and said he was going to send out the troops and round up a million illegals?

Now do you remember what he actually did? He did nothing. Those million illegals were out working at their jobs and Trump wasn't going to upset that. He said what you wanted to hear. He is very good at playing people.
This thread is not about Hillary is it? Why am I supposed to harp on Hillary in a thread not about her? I've stated the only person as lousy of a candidate and of a person as Trump was Hillary.

Oddly you consider that partisan. I think it's your partisanship that causes that.

The thread is not about your dislike of Trump, yet you seem unable to not talk about it. Yet, you can mention Hillary and just make your point and move on, without spamming.

Hence, you are a partisan spam bot.

She is condemning those of us who question the support. Something you don't seem to be able to address.

Actually, she is not. She condemned President Biden's attack on Trump supporters. She didn't even personally condemn him, but addressed his action.

Any of them were better than a failed human being. So my answer is all of them.

Fine. I will pick. Jed Bush was the choice of the Party elite. His polices positions on immigration was garbage. I don't recall his saying jack about Trade. We had every reason to believe he would have been a status quo President.

Thus, he was a terrible choice. It makes complete sense that Religious Right votes would want a President like Trump who was actually looking out for their best interests.
The thread is not about your dislike of Trump, yet you seem unable to not talk about it.

Trump is what this thread is about. If you continue to believe it is not, then, well, there is nowhere to go.
Trump is what this thread is about. If you continue to believe it is not, then, well, there is nowhere to go.

We were discussing your inability to understand how religious Christians can support Trump.

Your pesonal dislike of him, is irrelevant to that point.

I've clearly explained it to you. You are now trying to distract from that, so that you can still pretend not to get it, so you can talk shit about Trump and Trump supporters.

Because that is why you are here. So you can say shit like, "Trump, a liar" and " supported by supposed Christians, man really WTF?".

When you talk about not being able to understand it, you are making a snide and cowardly personal attack on every Christian that supports Trump, challenging their Faith and their character.

That is what this thread is about to you. To talk shit about your enemies.
We were discussing your inability to understand how religious Christians can support Trump.

Your pesonal dislike of him, is irrelevant to that point.

And I've stated those opinions as they apply to Christianity.

I've clearly explained it to you. You are now trying to distract from that, so that you can still pretend not to get it, so you can talk shit about Trump and Trump supporters.

Because that is why you are here. So you can say shit like, "Trump, a liar" and " supported by supposed Christians, man really WTF?".

When you talk about not being able to understand it, you are making a snide and cowardly personal attack on every Christian that supports Trump, challenging their Faith and their character.

That is what this thread is about to you. To talk shit about your enemies.

Trump is a habitual liar. Simple fact. Not Christian, not secular, just simple fact.
And I've stated those opinions as they apply to Christianity.

Your spammed irrelevant shit, while pretending to have a discussion about your inability to understand something childishly simple.

Trump is a habitual liar. Simple fact. Not Christian, not secular, just simple fact.

Irrelevant opinion, spammed INSTEAD of addressing my point.

Once more, and I will be reporting your for derailing the thread.

Trump was supported by the Religious RIght as a group. Your pretense of not understanding that has been revealed to be a ploy so you can troll.

Don't do it again. We are done here.

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