Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

You will asshole, you will, soon enough.

Ladies and Gentlemen: In the first post Here is a black lady, niece of MLK, speaking about the truth, and look at the filthy little comments that the forum socialists post. They are all cowards. If they were in the same room with her they would shrivel up into the little worms they are. Dr King speaks Truth, and all that Moonglow and his socialist ilk offer in return is hate and ignorance.

They're the party of tolerance!
Except when they join the MAGA MOB and beat the shit out of cops to get to the law makers whom they despise with a vitriolic passion evoked by the ex president and America's biggest loser, Benedict Donald

Then they are no longer patriotic.

The world is full of violent religionist.
America is a very young country. We managed to shoot to the top of the food chain and became a world leader that was respected in a very short time.

Now imagine saying "everything that made us great, let's throw all of that out and change the nation and societies morals, standards and practices".
America is a very young country. We managed to shoot to the top of the food chain and became a world leader that was respected in a very short time.

Now imagine saying "everything that made us great, let's throw all of that out and change the nation and societies morals, standards and practices".

If you want to ignore the past issues of slavery, racism, destroying other countries to get to the top. etc. No, I do not want to go back to all of that.
Except when they join the MAGA MOB and beat the shit out of cops. . . . .

Hey you retarded idiot, Dr. Alveda King just said she IS a believer in MAGA (Make America Great Again) and it is your BLM and Antifa who kill and beat cops, not us. What fucking planet are you on you crackhead.

Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.
If you want to ignore the past issues of slavery, racism, destroying other countries to get to the top. etc. No, I do not want to go back to all of that.

NOW you are just being a pure asshole. Nobody wants to ignore anything. But neither do we want to dwell on it ad absurdum, ad infinitum like you jerks do.

As for "destroying other countries to get to the top" now you have gone into Ultra-Ignorant mode. We rose to the top by destroying the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. Sorry if you don't like that dickhead.

The British Empire ruled the sea for a long time, but the cost of WWII was their demise, and we ascended into domination as a result. That plus our massive industrial might that was protected by the oceans during the war made us the first superpower.

Spare us your bleeding heart hand-wringing. We EARNED our place, and like the Godly nation we are, we actually helped our enemies rebuild their societies instead of enslaving them as has been done before throughout human history.

The Democrats, all they have is hate and insults.

Which is the same as when Democrats fought against the Civil Rights movement.
America is a very young country. We managed to shoot to the top of the food chain and became a world leader that was respected in a very short time.

Now imagine saying "everything that made us great, let's throw all of that out and change the nation and societies morals, standards and practices".
Two oceans and a world that destroyed itself by war made the USA the leader because for the most part our industry was not destroyed. And the atomic bomb. Made all the differnce.
Hey you retarded idiot, Dr. Alveda King just said she IS a believer in MAGA (Make America Great Again) and it is your BLM and Antifa who kill and beat cops, not us. What fucking planet are you on you crackhead.
So she believes in beating cops nearly to death to install DJT, the losing candidate, as president? How does beating cops and lying about the 2020 election make America Great? Makes the MAGA MOB Great whiners and makes the world look at America a little differently. Benedict Donald did grave harm to American Good Will across the globe.
The Democrats, all they have is hate and insults.

Which is the same as when Democrats fought against the Civil Rights movement.
Hey you retarded idiot,

What fucking planet are you on you crackhead.

NOW you are just being a pure asshole.

like you jerks do.

Sorry if you don't like that dickhead.
I am still not able to wrap my head around the idea that certain segments of Christians have fallen behind a guy with a long history of lying, cheating others, taking the Lord's name in vain, adultery and I could go on.

This is inane, imo. Next to no one is in love with Trump or think he is some kind of savior. Yet, the left and the media harp on that for six years running. We like what he has done for America and tried to do for Americans (despite the devils and liars in the media, the dem party and RINOs!). THAT'S IT!!! OK? I would bet the vast majority of republicans would prefer DeSantis over Trump --- but not because we think DeSantis is saintly in his personal life, but because he is a leader and right on all the issues. Simple as that!

As far as Trump being a philanderer, yeah, so what's your point? You want us to vote for scum and evil on the left? Do we have any other choices? Do you think JFK or LBJ were chaste holy men and completely loyal to their wives? Should we hate on them for that or worry more about how they are helping the nation? IOW, I am sick of this lame argument the left just cannot leave alone. PS-- I question Obama's sexual proclivities, but that is not why I would never ever vote for that phony.
NOW you are just being a pure asshole. Nobody wants to ignore anything. But neither do we want to dwell on it ad absurdum, ad infinitum like you jerks do.

As for "destroying other countries to get to the top" now you have gone into Ultra-Ignorant mode. We rose to the top by destroying the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. Sorry if you don't like that dickhead.

The British Empire ruled the sea for a long time, but the cost of WWII was their demise, and we ascended into domination as a result. That plus our massive industrial might that was protected by the oceans during the war made us the first superpower.

Spare us your bleeding heart hand-wringing. We EARNED our place, and like the Godly nation we are, we actually helped our enemies rebuild their societies instead of enslaving them as has been done before throughout human history.

What's this we stuff? You're not even an American since you side with this trump character who has been trying to destroy this country.
. . . . As far as Trump being a philanderer, yeah, so what's your point? . . . . Do you think JFK or LBJ were chaste holy men and completely loyal to their wives? . . . .

Great point. The Left elevated JFK to sainthood and compared him to Camelot, and he was no better than Trump was. They made a god out of JFK. I have to remember that one. Thanks.
What's this we stuff?

I am an American Patriot, that's what this "we" stuff is. What are you, a Russian asshat?

You're not even an American

I was born in Texas BITCH

You're not even an American since you side with this trump

Trump is a great American and you're just an ignorant loser.

Now, here is the thread topic dickhead. See if you can address it:

Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Recently, President Biden escalated the inflammatory rhetoric inundating the American political landscape to a whole new level.

In prepared remarks, President Biden referred to President Trump’s voters as "MAGA Republicans," calling the America First movement "semi-fascism."

These declarations, in effect, smeared the good character of almost half the nation, while demonizing his political opponents.

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.
Now, here is the thread topic dickhead. See if you can address it:

So she believes that beating cops nearly to death to install DJT, the losing candidate, as president, makes one a great American? How does beating cops and lying about the 2020 election make America great or anyone a great American? Makes the MAGA MOB Great WHINERS.
NOW you are just being a pure asshole. Nobody wants to ignore anything. But neither do we want to dwell on it ad absurdum, ad infinitum like you jerks do.

So you don't actually want to go back to the way things once were?

As for "destroying other countries to get to the top" now you have gone into Ultra-Ignorant mode. We rose to the top by destroying the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. Sorry if you don't like that dickhead.

We have went after far more than that.

The British Empire ruled the sea for a long time, but the cost of WWII was their demise, and we ascended into domination as a result. That plus our massive industrial might that was protected by the oceans during the war made us the first superpower.

Spare us your bleeding heart hand-wringing. We EARNED our place, and like the Godly nation we are, we actually helped our enemies rebuild their societies instead of enslaving them as has been done before throughout human history.


Godly nations do not try and harm other nations because we don't like who they trade with. Godly nations do not lie their people into wars.
This is inane, imo. Next to no one is in love with Trump or think he is some kind of savior.

I don't believe I used those words did I? But that noted, I believe many love him.

Yet, the left and the media harp on that for six years running. We like what he has done for America and tried to do for Americans (despite the devils and liars in the media, the dem party and RINOs!). THAT'S IT!!! OK? I would bet the vast majority of republicans would prefer DeSantis over Trump --- but not because we think DeSantis is saintly in his personal life, but because he is a leader and right on all the issues. Simple as that!

I don't see using Florida taxpayers money to go get asylum seekers out of Texas, mislead them and send them elsewhere as signs of leadership. Leaders do not have to mislead people.

As far as Trump being a philanderer, yeah, so what's your point? You want us to vote for scum and evil on the left? Do we have any other choices? Do you think JFK or LBJ were chaste holy men and completely loyal to their wives? Should we hate on them for that or worry more about how they are helping the nation? IOW, I am sick of this lame argument the left just cannot leave alone. PS-- I question Obama's sexual proclivities, but that is not why I would never ever vote for that phony.

You had many choices. You picked the lying cheat.
I am an American Patriot, that's what this "we" stuff is. What are you, a Russian asshat?

I was born in Texas BITCH

Trump is a great American and you're just an ignorant loser.

Now, here is the thread topic dickhead. See if you can address it:

Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Recently, President Biden escalated the inflammatory rhetoric inundating the American political landscape to a whole new level.

In prepared remarks, President Biden referred to President Trump’s voters as "MAGA Republicans," calling the America First movement "semi-fascism."

These declarations, in effect, smeared the good character of almost half the nation, while demonizing his political opponents.

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.
MAGA is as American as DPRK is democratic.
I don't believe I used those words did I? But that noted, I believe many love him.

I don't see using Florida taxpayers money to go get asylum seekers out of Texas, mislead them and send them elsewhere as signs of leadership. Leaders do not have to mislead people.

You had many choices. You picked the lying cheat.
/——-/ Gov DeSantis rebukes reporter (and your attack on him) see the link for the video and fill statement as he schools the libtard reporter.

“I haven’t heard a peep about all the people that have been told by Biden that you can just come in, and they’re going and their being abused by the cartels, they’re drowning in the Rio Grande. You had fifty that died in some shed in Texas. I heard no outrage about any of that. I haven’t heard outrage about all the fentanyl that’s come across the border that’s killing Americans in record numbers. I don’t hear outrage about the criminal aliens that have gotten through and have then victimized people, not only in Florida but all throughout the country. I didn’t hear any outrage about that.

The only thing I hear them getting upset about is you have 50 that end up in Martha’s Vineyard. Then they get really upset. And I’m sorry, those migrants were being treated horribly by Biden. They were hungry, homeless, they had no opportunity at all. The state of Florida – it was volunteer offered transport to sanctuary jurisdictions.”

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