Dr. Ben Carson had nice things to say about convicted murderer


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ben Carson Defends His Old Earth Creationist Worldview

"In his address to the congregation, Carson urged visitors at the church to learn the story of Cornerstone's senior pastor Maury Davis.

The church's bio page for Davis says that he committed murder as a teenager while "strung out on drugs" during a robbery. Davis spent eight and a half years in prison and transformed his life."

Well isn't that nice. Nice that while in prison your change of heart and finding Jesus erases why you're there in the first place. Be interesting to see what his thoughts are on the recent early release news.

Ben Carson 'Flabbergasted' at Prisoner Perks

"Carson then said the criminal justice system is putting too many people behind bars.

"We're not doing things the right way," he said. "A lot of people that we incarcerate don't need to be incarcerated."

When asked later about his comments during a chat with reporters, Carson went further.

"I think that we need to sometimes ask ourselves, 'Are we creating an environment that is conducive to comfort where a person would want to stay, versus an environment where we maybe provide them an opportunity for rehabilitation but is not a place that they would find particularly comfortable?'" he said, according to the Post."

So, long as you find Jesus murder's ok, and we shouldn't lock up as many people? Can you say 'soft on crime?' And is his admiration for convicted murderers who find Jesus just murderers or other crimes? Or other faiths?

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