Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

Bible Study was in my parochial school, and so was English literature where we learned to identify fables, folklore, legends, parables, allegories, history, biography, etc.--and also themes. We also learned there were no Encyclopedias or newspapers in that day, and that stories often used metaphors. The purpose: To teach and instruct and make events and lessons memorable.

It shouldn't shock you there are fictional stories (Job comes to mind, which was thought to be a play) in the Bible. As for me...we learned about all this in about fifth grade. When did you learn to identify fables, legends, folklore, etc.?
In fact I'm still learning, as it portends to separating fact from fables in regard to religious beliefs.

To the point, have Christians got it straight on whether or not the big fish story is factual.

We know that most accept it as the literal truth in their bibles.

What do you believe? Have you ever said?

Meriweather, if you choose to talk down to me in that manner then you'll get it back and there will never be anything gained. Ding has tried that time after time and it always ends with him turning to insults and even profanity on ocassion. His faith is failing him.

Now you can make your choice. And then I'll make my choice too, depending on what you decide.

Depending a lot on how the question is framed, 50% of Americans reject evolution.

Depending a lot on how the question is framed, 50% of Americans reject evolution.
It's hard to argue evolution isn't occurring. It's easy to argue that speciation doesn't occur through slight successive changes. Punctuated equilibrium matches observations but it freaks out people like you.
Meriweather, if you choose to talk down to me in that manner then you'll get it back and there will never be anything gained.
You will need to advise me when you feel I am talking down to you--or anyone. It is never my intent, and my apologies that it came across that way. For future reference, what portion did you find to be "talking down"?
What do I believe about the Bible? I think our ancestors were extraordinary communicators.
And again you won't declare anything in the bible to be literally factual or not.

Even the big fish story is faithfully defended by no challenge being offered.

So is that because you have faith in anything being possible. If it was me being asked as if I were a Christian, I wouldn't say either.

I could probably make the yarn word with a lot of creative thinking. Sort of?
You will need to advise me when you feel I am talking down to you--or anyone. It is never my intent, and my apologies that it came across that way. For future reference, what portion did you find to be "talking down"?
I've driven you to needing to lie about not knowing where you were 'talking down'.
And again you won't declare anything in the bible to be literally factual or not.
I look for themes and lessons. I don't get tied up with whether a man could survive in a big fish for three days (turns out he can); or talking serpents, etc. What is the point? The point is the lesson.
you should learn what pretentious trying to say you are religious when you are not is being more pretentious than i will ever be...
You don't even know me you pretentious little bitch. I am getting to know you though, presumptuous and pretentious little bitch. I bet you're a Biden cuck too.
You don't even know me you pretentious little bitch. I am getting to know you though, presumptuous and pretentious little bitch. I bet you're a Biden cuck too.
and you dont know me asshole....but i do know one thing about are as religious as kim jung un....

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