Dr. Ben Carson's mother married at 13 and suffered from clinical depression

Married at 13 and finding out your husband is an alcoholic and a bigamist would give anyone a case of depression without it being clinical.

I'm willing to wager she was unfaithful with someone from her church who was not the sick guy Carson thinks is his putative father.

Carson does not drink, and if he had depressive episodes, they are mild.

As for depression being a inhibitor to greatness, check out the biographies of Bismarck, Lincoln and Churchill. Depression is a signifier of greatness if anything
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.
Yet another reason to vote for a real American rather than a witch.
Married at 13 and finding out your husband is an alcoholic and a bigamist would give anyone a case of depression without it being clinical.

I'm willing to wager she was unfaithful with someone from her church who was not the sick guy Carson thinks is his putative father.

Carson does not drink, and if he had depressive episodes, they are mild.

As for depression being a inhibitor to greatness, check out the biographies of Bismarck, Lincoln and Churchill. Depression is a signifier of greatness if anything

There are different levels of predisposition to alcoholism.

Just because his father was one, doesn't mean that he is gong to be one.

I think if that was the case, we would already know it.
There are different levels of predisposition to alcoholism.

Just because his father was one, doesn't mean that he is gong to be one.

I think if that was the case, we would already know it.
That is the case. He would have demonstrated a disposition to either pathology we would know it 30 years ago
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.
I'd say finding out your husband has another family might make one depressed.
Dems goin after folks' Mothers now, ay? Pretty lowdown. Hopefully it comes back to bite em.
Its going to be huge if this dope continues as a candidate, which is starting to look less and less likely because it also appears he outright lied in his book about himself.

Crazy can only hide for so long. It is in fact Carsons' crazy leaking the last few weeks that has gotten him to this point.

He will have to drop out at some point. His baggage is more than would fit in a pyramid.

You think Carson lied but have no problem with Obama's biography containing outright lies and Hillary's lies have a life of their own! Please!
Black humans make up about 46% of abortions. White babies are about 12%. It's a minor miracle that Dr. Carson even had a start at life the way the abortion industry cranks out fertilizer from dead Black babies.Would it have solved all the liberal problems of the current political cycle Dr. Carson was murdered in the womb?
Its going to be huge if this dope continues as a candidate, which is starting to look less and less likely because it also appears he outright lied in his book about himself.

Crazy can only hide for so long. It is in fact Carsons' crazy leaking the last few weeks that has gotten him to this point.

He will have to drop out at some point. His baggage is more than would fit in a pyramid.

You think Carson lied but have no problem with Obama's biography containing outright lies and Hillary's lies have a life of their own! Please!

The thread is about Carson, there are countless threads about Obama. Go find one you don't seem to be able to contribute here.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.

So what?
It's actually completely relevant since some mental illnesses like depression get inherited. Can't have a President or other major power profession occupied with someone suffering a major mental illness.
So is Islamist worshipping. Obama's father was an Islamist. That makes Obama an Islamist. No Islamist should be allowed in the White House.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.
I'd say finding out your husband has another family might make one depressed.

Clinical depression and anxiety isn't brought on getting bad news.
Another asinine thread trying to attack Carson without addressing anything that matter whatsoever let alone brings up an actual policy.

If this is what you are 'thinking' about in relation to choosing a candidate then why bother - it is obvious that someone has already garnered your vote. You are just trying to justify it at this point.
Carson is likely an opiate addict. He seems out of it all the time, slow slurred speech, almost asleep at the podium, bad judgement, etc. Delusions of grandeur with the embellishments of his past.

All the signs are there. It is very sad. He is a smart and good man, it is tragic to see him like this. I hope he gets the help he needs and can overcome his addiction. He should talk to Rush Limbaugh for guidance, as Rush has also battled opiate and sex addiction much of his life.
Its going to be huge if this dope continues as a candidate, which is starting to look less and less likely because it also appears he outright lied in his book about himself.

Crazy can only hide for so long. It is in fact Carsons' crazy leaking the last few weeks that has gotten him to this point.

He will have to drop out at some point. His baggage is more than would fit in a pyramid.

You think Carson lied but have no problem with Obama's biography containing outright lies and Hillary's lies have a life of their own! Please!

They're supporting the most dishonest corrupt candidate in the race. Yet they feel they have the right to call others out on integrity. They're just shallow hypocrites. Typical Hillary supporters.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.

Well let's see here, Carson survived a Prog hell hole like Detroit and overcame the epidemic of blacks around the US which is fatherless households.

And guess what, his mother survivied it as well. God forbid she struggle with depression with all of these obstacles to overcome. Not only did they survive it, they flourished later in life, overcoming the unsurmountable odds that they were never intended to overcome.

This has to be the most disgraceful thread you have ever created, and I say this considering all of the sexually perverted threads you seem to feed off of everyday.

You are one disgusting human being.

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