Dr. Ben Carson's mother married at 13 and suffered from clinical depression

Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.
Well you'd be depressed too, if you had a kid who tried to kill you with a FOCKKNG CLAW HAMMER! God, the poor woman, I cannot imagine.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.
Well you'd be depressed too, if you had a kid who tried to kill you with a FOCKKNG CLAW HAMMER! God, the poor woman, I cannot imagine.

Most would say that overcoming all of those odds builds character and shows strength.

Then there are Progs like Delta who think that if people like Hillary or Jeb do not have royal blood and pretty much born with a silver spoon in their mouths they are unworthy of the Oval Office. Maybe Delta is jealous that Ben overcame much more in his life than he has in his life, yet Ben is wildly more successful.

I say if Ben's mother had not struggled with depression, it would show she was really carzy and not vice versa.
Hell, the poor woman had a son who couldn't remember who he tried to knife. Only that he was such an incompetent thug that belt buckle defeated his knife. JFC the poor woman had the only black kid who couldn't even cut another guy right.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.

Well let's see here, Carson survived a Prog hell hole like Detroit and overcame the epidemic of blacks around the US which is fatherless households.

And guess what, his mother survivied it as well. God forbid she struggle with depression with all of these obstacles to overcome. Not only did they survive it, they flourished later in life, overcoming the unsurmountable odds that they were never intended to overcome.

This has to be the most disgraceful thread you have ever created, and I say this considering all of the sexually perverted threads you seem to feed off of everyday.

You are one disgusting human being.

Agreed... a complete waste of humanity that one.
The day of a thousand red herrings.

The thread is about Ben Carson, who appears to have lied about a number of things that he said and wrote. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, go argue that case in a thread about them. This thread is about Carson's apparent mental tendency towards falsehoods. And that is pertinent to his candidacy.

Bringing up someone else is merely a red herring to deflect examination from Carson. It won't work and really it shows how scared people are that he is turning out to be another non-starter that will have to drop out.

Which he will.
The day of a thousand red herrings.

The thread is about Ben Carson, who appears to have lied about a number of things that he said and wrote. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, go argue that case in a thread about them. This thread is about Carson's apparent mental tendency towards falsehoods. And that is pertinent to his candidacy.

Bringing up someone else is merely a red herring to deflect examination from Carson. It won't work and really it shows how scared people are that he is turning out to be another non-starter that will have to drop out.

Which he will.

No, it's about questioning the mental state of Carson because of his mother's depression.

It's about character assassination, pure and simple.

It's about lynching him via the media.

I'm sure you will cheer as the rope dangles him from a tree while supporting cerial liars like Obama and Hildabeast
The day of a thousand red herrings.

The thread is about Ben Carson, who appears to have lied about a number of things that he said and wrote. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, go argue that case in a thread about them. This thread is about Carson's apparent mental tendency towards falsehoods. And that is pertinent to his candidacy.

Bringing up someone else is merely a red herring to deflect examination from Carson. It won't work and really it shows how scared people are that he is turning out to be another non-starter that will have to drop out.

Which he will.

No, it's about questioning the mental state of Carson because of his mother's depression.

It's about character assassination, pure and simple.

It's about lynching him via the media.

I'm sure you will cheer as the rope dangles him from a tree while supporting cerial liars like Obama and Hildabeast

No, its about having a man with a suppressed rage near the nuclear codes at 3:00am. Ben Carson needs to explain this, and I don't see him getting very far if he doesn't.
Barely suppressed rage looks like Jack Nicholson in the Shining, not Ben Cason. Ben Carlson at his maddest looks more laid back than Bernie Saudders on a good day
The day of a thousand red herrings.

The thread is about Ben Carson, who appears to have lied about a number of things that he said and wrote. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, go argue that case in a thread about them. This thread is about Carson's apparent mental tendency towards falsehoods. And that is pertinent to his candidacy.

Bringing up someone else is merely a red herring to deflect examination from Carson. It won't work and really it shows how scared people are that he is turning out to be another non-starter that will have to drop out.

Which he will.

No, it's about questioning the mental state of Carson because of his mother's depression.

It's about character assassination, pure and simple.

It's about lynching him via the media.

I'm sure you will cheer as the rope dangles him from a tree while supporting cerial liars like Obama and Hildabeast

No, its about having a man with a suppressed rage near the nuclear codes at 3:00am. Ben Carson needs to explain this, and I don't see him getting very far if he doesn't.
Why? Because people that will vote Hillary no matter what demand it?

No, your opinion on what Carson needs to do is irrelevant. There is literately nothing that would make you vote a republican over the democrat this race and therefore what you want the republican candidate to do is utterly meaningless.
Surgeon's hero beat illness

"The neurosurgeon, who has used his life story to inspire others to overcome adversity, talked about his mother's battle with mental illness to illustrate a few simple points: Depression is an illness of the brain. It can be treated. It should bring no shame. And it isn't necessarily forever.

One of 24 children in a poor family in rural Tennessee, Sonya Carson married at 13 to escape the poverty and chaos of her childhood. Her husband got a job as a factory worker, while she worked as a domestic.

But her husband squandered the family's saving on alcohol and gambling. Then, when young Carson was 8, came the crushing news that his father was a bigamist with a wife and children elsewhere."

Clinical depression often runs in families. As does alcoholism. Though I don't think Dr. Carson drinks, given both his parents had mental illnesses (father's problem-gambling is a mental illness,) it raises the question of whether Dr. Carson inherited these or other problems.

Great find, I'll file it under I don't give a rip.

He does well and doesn't exhibit any traits of mental illness.
The day of a thousand red herrings.

The thread is about Ben Carson, who appears to have lied about a number of things that he said and wrote. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, go argue that case in a thread about them. This thread is about Carson's apparent mental tendency towards falsehoods. And that is pertinent to his candidacy.

Bringing up someone else is merely a red herring to deflect examination from Carson. It won't work and really it shows how scared people are that he is turning out to be another non-starter that will have to drop out.

Which he will.

No, it's about questioning the mental state of Carson because of his mother's depression.

It's about character assassination, pure and simple.

It's about lynching him via the media.

I'm sure you will cheer as the rope dangles him from a tree while supporting cerial liars like Obama and Hildabeast

No, its about having a man with a suppressed rage near the nuclear codes at 3:00am. Ben Carson needs to explain this, and I don't see him getting very far if he doesn't.

Since you and others that have already made up your mind not to vote for him, are the ones asking this question, he doesn't need to answer to you. You are irrelevant because he can't win your vote no matter what he says.

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