Dr Fauci says lack of truthfulness in Dear Leader's Regime very likely cost lives

And Fauci of course also said this last year:
Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands

JAYNE O'DONNELL | USA TODAY | 11:41 am EST February 19, 2020

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Dr Fauci is a criminal liar and scoundrel
He’s a bureaucrat. That speaks for itself.
Why were we burdened with an incompetent in the White House when the worst health crisis in 100+ years hits the country. The Liar in Chief totally screwed the virus response. Then he screwed the vaccine roll out, probably as vengeance for Biden handing his big orange butt to him at the ballot box.

President Trump distributed 11 million shots in 5 weeks. Hardly a "screwup". Now, its up to Sleepy Joe to do what he wants with his own plan- Trump is chilling in Florida.

Trump's response to the virus was tremendous. He got hospital ships to New York, built out the Javits Convention Center as a temp hospital, got his great friend , Theologian Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Operation Warp Speed brought vaccine to the people at warp speed. We are STILL waiting on Biden's cure for cancer- if you'll remember that was a task assigned to him by Obama many a moon ago.

Every move by The Donald was a correct one- he brought hope to the people, created millions of jobs to replace those killed by the Chinese Kung Flu Virus, raised the stock markets to unprecedented heights.
And Fauci of course also said this last year:
Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands

JAYNE O'DONNELL | USA TODAY | 11:41 am EST February 19, 2020
February 2020...Geesshhh....even before the outbreak in the US. And he was probably pressured to say this by the Liar in Chief.

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Dr Fauci is a criminal liar and scoundrel
He’s a bureaucrat. That speaks for itself.
You want to compare approval numbers comparing Fauci with your Liar in Chief?
And Fauci of course also said this last year:
Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands

JAYNE O'DONNELL | USA TODAY | 11:41 am EST February 19, 2020
February 2020...Geesshhh....even before the outbreak in the US. And he was probably pressured to say this by the Liar in Chief.

What "pressure" would be even possible to "force" Doc Fauci to lie?

80 year old career bureaucrat, how much do you think he would get in a pension if he quit instead of lied?
And Fauci of course also said this last year:
Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands

JAYNE O'DONNELL | USA TODAY | 11:41 am EST February 19, 2020
February 2020...Geesshhh....even before the outbreak in the US. And he was probably pressured to say this by the Liar in Chief.

By April last year, you guys were already howling what a failure Trump was with Covid. The point is, at that time he was hearing different scientific opinions, and even your Guru Fauci didn't have a clear idea of what we were up against.
Still afraid of truth and fact, must be time consuming and nerve racking trying to twist the facts to fit the Dimbo’s narrative. One fact remains the WHO is a worthless fraud that will never be held accountable for their actions and silence.
Still afraid of truth and fact, must be time consuming and nerve racking trying to twist the facts to fit the Dimbo’s narrative. One fact remains the WHO is a worthless fraud that will never be held accountable for their actions and silence.
The WHO is the UN of medicine.
How many thousands died because of the ridiculous political attack on HydroxyChlorquine?

The liberals did everything they could to prevent any relief from the chinese virus because they did not want Trump to get any credit for fighting successfully against the virus....thus lots of people died because the democrats played politics with the virus.

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Dr. Fauci was in charge and appeared in many news conferences with President Trump last spring.

Why didn't he speak up then? He's 80 fucking years old, has worked as bureaucrat for 40 years, his pension will be more than his pay if they fired him.

The great homoamerican activist, Larry Kramer, pointed out Doc Fauci is an "incompetent idiot". I think he was spot on in his analysis. After all, instead of actually performing complicated surgery over the past 4 decades with his degree, he pursued a career as a bureaucratic technocrat. Incompetence personified.
Fauci is trying to ingratiate himself with the new administration so he can remain in the spotlight....a guy who is enjoying fame and wants to retain it ....kinda pathetic actually.
Why were we burdened with an incompetent in the White House when the worst health crisis in 100+ years hits the country. The Liar in Chief totally screwed the virus response. Then he screwed the vaccine roll out, probably as vengeance for Biden handing his big orange butt to him at the ballot box.

President Trump distributed 11 million shots in 5 weeks. Hardly a "screwup". Now, its up to Sleepy Joe to do what he wants with his own plan- Trump is chilling in Florida.

Trump's response to the virus was tremendous. He got hospital ships to New York, built out the Javits Convention Center as a temp hospital, got his great friend , Theologian Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Operation Warp Speed brought vaccine to the people at warp speed. We are STILL waiting on Biden's cure for cancer- if you'll remember that was a task assigned to him by Obama many a moon ago.

Every move by The Donald was a correct one- he brought hope to the people, created millions of jobs to replace those killed by the Chinese Kung Flu Virus, raised the stock markets to unprecedented heights.

Yes....exactly...a truly great leader but so many propagandized by our media want to turn him into some evil monster....pathetic and childish.

Biden is just a temporary setback....perhaps even a good thing as he is exposing for all the clueless to see exactly what the democrats are all about.

We will have to put up with this democrat stupidity for a couple more years till the midterms and then Republicans will sweep the congressional elections and then be able to effectively shut down biden if biden is still there.

Yes...the blatant dishonesty of this Regime did cost lives. The POS in Chief could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Dr. Fauci was in charge and appeared in many news conferences with President Trump last spring.

Why didn't he speak up then? He's 80 fucking years old, has worked as bureaucrat for 40 years, his pension will be more than his pay if they fired him.

The great homoamerican activist, Larry Kramer, pointed out Doc Fauci is an "incompetent idiot". I think he was spot on in his analysis. After all, instead of actually performing complicated surgery over the past 4 decades with his degree, he pursued a career as a bureaucratic technocrat. Incompetence personified.
Fauci is trying to ingratiate himself with the new administration so he can remain in the spotlight....a guy who is enjoying fame and wants to retain it ....kinda pathetic actually.
Even though Tony knew that the cycle threshold of the PCR test was set at 40, and that a cycle threshold of 40 will produce almost nothing but false positives, his adoring fans still give him the benefit of the doubt as he spits out his dire predictions based on ALL OF THE POSITIVE CASES. Cognitive dissonance at its best!

And Tony has the nerve to accuse another of being less than candid. Like I said before, an omission of fact is absolutely an admission of deception.
Why were we burdened with an incompetent in the White House when the worst health crisis in 100+ years hits the country. The Liar in Chief totally screwed the virus response. Then he screwed the vaccine roll out, probably as vengeance for Biden handing his big orange butt to him at the ballot box.

President Trump distributed 11 million shots in 5 weeks. Hardly a "screwup". Now, its up to Sleepy Joe to do what he wants with his own plan- Trump is chilling in Florida.

Trump's response to the virus was tremendous. He got hospital ships to New York, built out the Javits Convention Center as a temp hospital, got his great friend , Theologian Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Operation Warp Speed brought vaccine to the people at warp speed. We are STILL waiting on Biden's cure for cancer- if you'll remember that was a task assigned to him by Obama many a moon ago.

Every move by The Donald was a correct one- he brought hope to the people, created millions of jobs to replace those killed by the Chinese Kung Flu Virus, raised the stock markets to unprecedented heights.

Yes....exactly...a truly great leader but so many propagandized by our media want to turn him into some evil monster....pathetic and childish.

Biden is just a temporary setback....perhaps even a good thing as he is exposing for all the clueless to see exactly what the democrats are all about.

We will have to put up with this democrat stupidity for a couple more years till the midterms and then Republicans will sweep the congressional elections and then be able to effectively shut down biden if biden is still there.
The Republicans would actually have to do what they say they would when running.

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