Dr. Joseph Fraiman Finally Calls for mRNA Jabs to Be Halted Immediately

Lame even for you.
But the vaccine has most certainly not slowed the spread at all.
Pretty much everyone I know has had Covid at least once. I had Covid twice, once before the vaccines came out, and once after. And now I have long Covid.
Look at China. 0% tolerance. They are the most vaccinated people on the planet - guess what? They also have the highest spread on the planet. Math friend.
The Covid narrative is falling apart, but some Americans refuse to accept the truth.
Peer-review or not, this can't be defined as an intelligent study. An intelligent study would include ChAdOx1, because it's based on adenovirus and chimpanzees. It's convenient for the mRNAists to leave out ChAdOx1 from the stats. duh
I wasn't commenting on the quality or credibility of the study. Only that it didn't way what it was being portrayed as saying.
But the vaccine has most certainly not slowed the spread at all.
Pretty much everyone I know has had Covid at least once. I had Covid twice, once before the vaccines came out, and once after. And now I have long Covid.
Look at China. 0% tolerance. They are the most vaccinated people on the planet - guess what? They also have the highest spread on the planet. Math friend.
I have never ever said the vaccine prevents Covid and only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that. It doesn't fully protect people from getting Covid. And getting Covid also does not provide immunity from the disease as is testified by millions who have had it multiple times. Herd immunity does not seem likely any more than there is herd immunity from the flu or malaria. But like Covid, flu and malaria vaccines are also no guarantee we won't get the diseases but they do provide some protection. That 'some protection' is a reality and therefore I think does slow the spread.

The non-political and actual data seems to agree on the covid vax:

--The vaccinated have lower positivity rates than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have severe cases requiring hospitalization than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have lasting harmful side effects from covid than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to die from covid than the unvaccinated.

That does not diminish the fact that there are reported and verified bad side effects from the vaccine and reputable physicians, scientists, media, political people will acknowledge that. But those bad side effects are a tiny percentage of all who receive the vaccines.

According to John Hopkins, a very few cases of myocarditis have been noted in some after receiving the vaccine and the large majority of those are mild and resolve quickly. These cases are very rare and those getting Covid are far more likely to get myocarditis than are those who are vaxxed. But nobody with a brain says there no risk at all from the vaccines.

So again, my own informed choice was to accept the tiny risk of the vaccines versus the much larger risk of serious illness and/or permanent side effects of getting the disease. And because the vaxxed have so much lower positivity rate, I believe I put the high risk people I associate with at lower risk because I am vaccinated.

And evenso, I still strongly support people making their own decisions and choice to get vaccinated just as I do re the flu vaccine. I strongly oppose mandates of any kind re the covid vaccinations. Nobody should be forced to get a vaccine that they right or wrong believe will harm them.
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I have never ever said the vaccine prevents Covid and only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that. It doesn't fully protect people from getting Covid. And getting Covid also does not provide immunity from the disease as is testified by millions who have had it multiple times. Herd immunity does not seem likely any more than there is herd immunity from the flu or malaria. But like Covid, flu and malaria vaccines are also no guarantee we won't get the diseases but they do provide some protection. That 'some protection' is a reality and therefore I think does slow the spread.

The non-political and actual data seems to agree on the covid vax:

--The vaccinated have lower positivity rates than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have severe cases requiring hospitalization than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have lasting harmful side effects from covid than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to die from covid than the unvaccinated.

That does not diminish the fact that there are reported and verified bad side effects from the vaccine and reputable physicians, scientists, media, political people will acknowledge that. But those bad side effects are a tiny percentage of all who receive the vaccines.

According to John Hopkins, a very few cases of myocarditis have been noted in some after receiving the vaccine and the large majority of those are mild and resolve quickly. These cases are very rare and those getting Covid are far more likely to get myocarditis than are those who are vaxxed. But nobody with a brain says there no risk at all from the vaccines.

So again, my own informed choice was to accept the tiny risk of the vaccines versus the much larger risk of serious illness and/or permanent side effects of getting the disease. And because the vaxxed have so much lower positivity rate, I believe I put the high risk people I associate with at lower risk because I am vaccinated.

And evenso, I still strongly support people making their own decisions and choice to get vaccinated just as I do re the flu vaccine. I strongly oppose mandates of any kind re the covid vaccinations. Nobody should be forced to get a vaccine that they right or wrong believe will harm them.
You realize what you are saying is very debatable.
I can link a contradicting opinion by a equal expert saying differently than you say here.
Bar none... we were failed by our government. As well as the entire western world people were failed by theirs.
It began with trying to bury the STRONG likelihood, almost certain likelihood this virus came from a lab. And that lab is on China.
Then the world media look past just how egregiously irresponsible the Chinese government lied to the world early on that endangered the entire population.
They buried it because their investment portfolio would TANK if the world got angry enough at China to refuse buying products there. They put the whole world at great risk to protect their investments.
Then the vaccine.
When Trump was President - The Democrats.... "I am not taking the Trump vaccine!"... "I will wait until studies verify "Trumps" Vaccine".... Biden becomes President... and what the hell... Democrats immediately began the mantra "Only evil Republicans don't get the vaccine!! The vaccine will save us!"

I digress.
Point being... we can now see by how BADLY we were all failed by our corrupt governments.. that it is impossible to believe a single thing they tell us about anything.
You realize what you are saying is very debatable.
I can link a contradicting opinion by a equal expert saying differently than you say here.
Bar none... we were failed by our government. As well as the entire western world people were failed by theirs.
It began with trying to bury the STRONG likelihood, almost certain likelihood this virus came from a lab. And that lab is on China.
Then the world media look past just how egregiously irresponsible the Chinese government lied to the world early on that endangered the entire population.
They buried it because their investment portfolio would TANK if the world got angry enough at China to refuse buying products there. They put the whole world at great risk to protect their investments.
Then the vaccine.
When Trump was President - The Democrats.... "I am not taking the Trump vaccine!"... "I will wait until studies verify "Trumps" Vaccine".... Biden becomes President... and what the hell... Democrats immediately began the mantra "Only evil Republicans don't get the vaccine!! The vaccine will save us!"

I digress.
Point being... we can now see by how BADLY we were all failed by our corrupt governments.. that it is impossible to believe a single thing they tell us about anything.
Nothing in your post rebuts or even questions anything in my post, nor have I argued against anything you're saying here. I was not focusing on how the virus came to be or anything else other than what I believe to be the verifiable and hard facts re the truth of the effects of the virus and vaccines.
Nothing in your post rebuts or even questions anything in my post, nor have I argued against anything you're saying here. I was not focusing on how the virus came to be or anything else other than what I believe to be the verifiable and hard facts re the truth of the effects of the virus and vaccines.
Forgive me, I am in the middle of long Covid.
The brain fogging is scaring the hell out of me. I read your post, but then I pretty much lost it in the time it took to hit reply.
I am perfectly cognitive for 80% of the day, but when I am in the 20% I am not... I don't always know it. Sometimes it is painfully obvious, and I can't concentrate at all. Other times, I don't recognize it and then come back here and see how my sentence structure, and cohesiveness is way off.
only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that . It doesn't fully protect people from getting Covid.

That is not true. Fauci said it. Wallensky said it. Biden said it. There are videos of all them saying exactly that.
OK. Why is this a conspiracy theory? Do you claim to know the truth about Covid? Again when something does not agree with the narrative, debunk it, do not move it.

No one trusts the people you people swear by.
I have never ever said the vaccine prevents Covid and only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that. It doesn't fully protect people from getting Covid. And getting Covid also does not provide immunity from the disease as is testified by millions who have had it multiple times. Herd immunity does not seem likely any more than there is herd immunity from the flu or malaria. But like Covid, flu and malaria vaccines are also no guarantee we won't get the diseases but they do provide some protection. That 'some protection' is a reality and therefore I think does slow the spread.

The non-political and actual data seems to agree on the covid vax:

--The vaccinated have lower positivity rates than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have severe cases requiring hospitalization than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to have lasting harmful side effects from covid than the unvaccinated.
--The vaccinated are less likely to die from covid than the unvaccinated.

That does not diminish the fact that there are reported and verified bad side effects from the vaccine and reputable physicians, scientists, media, political people will acknowledge that. But those bad side effects are a tiny percentage of all who receive the vaccines.

According to John Hopkins, a very few cases of myocarditis have been noted in some after receiving the vaccine and the large majority of those are mild and resolve quickly. These cases are very rare and those getting Covid are far more likely to get myocarditis than are those who are vaxxed. But nobody with a brain says there no risk at all from the vaccines.

So again, my own informed choice was to accept the tiny risk of the vaccines versus the much larger risk of serious illness and/or permanent side effects of getting the disease. And because the vaxxed have so much lower positivity rate, I believe I put the high risk people I associate with at lower risk because I am vaccinated.

And evenso, I still strongly support people making their own decisions and choice to get vaccinated just as I do re the flu vaccine. I strongly oppose mandates of any kind re the covid vaccinations. Nobody should be forced to get a vaccine that they right or wrong believe will harm them.
What? Dumb Joe Biden said on several occasions taking the vax means not contracting or transmitting Covid. He’s still lying about this. Many in the media, government, and scientific community said much the same and continue to.
because folks don't trust the government

which , given their history, would seem appropriate

I have no idea why people would be skeptical of the "TheScience". We know they've done nothing but tell us the truth all along ::eyeroll from hell::

Audio on....

That is not true. Fauci said it. Wallensky said it. Biden said it. There are videos of all them saying exactly that.
Did I say they didn't say it? Please read more carefully what I do say.
What? Dumb Joe Biden said on several occasions taking the vax means not contracting or transmitting Covid. He’s still lying about this. Many in the media, government, and scientific community said much the same and continue to.
I didn't say Biden or others haven't said that. I was pretty clear that some have said that. But nobody with any credibility has said that and none of the sources I consult have said that.
Did I say they didn't say it? Please read more carefully what I do say.
You said this:

"I have never ever said the vaccine prevents Covid and only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that."

Maybe YOU should read more carefully what you do say, unless you count the heads of the CDC and NAIAD and President of United States as "Unscrupulous or uninformed heads"
You said this:

"I have never ever said the vaccine prevents Covid and only a few unscrupulous or uninformed heads on TV have said that."

Maybe YOU should read more carefully what you do say, unless you count the heads of the CDC and NAIAD and President of United States as "Unscrupulous or uninformed heads"
I think several organizations and the President have been unscrupulous and/or uninformed heads. I also strongly believe these are few among the whole of the medical and scientific community that knew/knows better. So sue me.
I think several organizations and the President have been unscrupulous and/or uninformed heads. I also strongly believe these are few among the whole of the medical and scientific community that knew/knows better. So sue me.

Aside from the fact that that is not how you presented that at all, these people actually in charge of all of this are unscrupulous, so I don't disagree one bit on that.

Fauci, Wallensky et al, are not uninformed. They are simply outright serial liars.

I didn't say Biden or others haven't said that. I was pretty clear that some have said that. But nobody with any credibility has said that and none of the sources I consult have said that.
Again what??? Fauci and Wallensky said it multiple times. They are the nation’s leading “experts.”

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