Dr Oz fears that his Coronavirus comments could hurt his credibility as an expert on magic beans!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Dr. Oz is deeply concerned that his controversial comments about the coronavirus could damage his hard-earned credibility as an expert on magic beans, Dr. Oz confirmed on Friday.​
“I’ve worked long and hard to establish myself as the world’s leading authority on the magical weight-loss powers of green-coffee-bean extract,” Oz said. “It’s horrifying to think that my stature in the field of magic-beanology could vanish overnight, like unwanted pounds.”​
Oz pleaded with viewers not to judge him based on a few unfortunate comments but, rather, to consider his entire body of medical work, including his pioneering research into the fat-burning superpowers of raspberry ketones.​
“A few ill-considered remarks don’t change the fact that I’m the same Dr. Oz who recommended curing restless-leg syndrome by placing a bar of lavender soap under your sheets,” he said. “And should one slip of the tongue erase all the times I’ve promoted astrology, faith healing, and psychic communication with the dead? I should hope not.”​
But even as he defended his unimpeachable scientific record, Oz acknowledged that the coronavirus controversy has left him badly shaken. “In my darkest moments, I wonder if people will ever believe me again when I tell them that umckaloabo-root extract cures the common cold,” he said.​

Well, no shit Sherlock. Most of us have known you are snake oil doc for years now. Hawking your unproven "miracle cures". Where as before he was just a TV and infomercial guy that may have played to a select daytime soap crowd, now he's splayed his ignorance out for the entire nation to see just because he saw something above his usual 15 minutes by going on Fox. Whoops. No sympathy.
Well, no shit Sherlock. Most of us have known you are snake oil doc for years now. Hawking your unproven "miracle cures". Where as before he was just a TV and infomercial guy that may have played to a select daytime soap crowd, now he's splayed his ignorance out for the entire nation to see just because he saw something above his usual 15 minutes by going on Fox. Whoops. No sympathy.

There were slightly more than 50 million students enrolled in US private and public schools Fall 2018. So Dr Quack figures that if 2-3% (1 to 1.5 million) of the kids we put back in school end up dying, it's mere collateral damage. :rolleyes-41:

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Well, no shit Sherlock. Most of us have known you are snake oil doc for years now. Hawking your unproven "miracle cures". Where as before he was just a TV and infomercial guy that may have played to a select daytime soap crowd, now he's splayed his ignorance out for the entire nation to see just because he saw something above his usual 15 minutes by going on Fox. Whoops. No sympathy.

There were slightly more than the 50.7 million students enrolled in US private and public schools Fall 2018. So Dr Quack figures that if 2-3% (1 to 1.5 million) of the kids we put back in school end up dying, it's mere collateral damage. :rolleyes-41:


Yeah I actually saw him say that. That might not have been what he was driving at, but that's what it came across as. Acceptable Losses, of children no less.
A possible career killer for sure. Both he and Dr Phil trying to reach above their reality show status for a bit of extra fame and it bites them in the ass.

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