Somebody Explain how JD Vance is Qualified to be Vice President

People have run their mouths about Kamala Harris. Now look at what the Republicans picked. Trump is 78. Trump is overweight and has a poor diet. JD Vance could end up as President. And exactly what are his quallifications execpt he is a white male?

And for those who want to tell me how Vance is better than Harris, there will be a debate. Kamala Harris is not 81 years old.

He has about as much experience in the Senate as Obama did when he became president.
What is the Over/Under on the number of black people in the crowd tonight? I'm sure the RNC is bussing in every black person they can find, so I'm trying to set the line of how many black faces are seen in the audience.

I'd set the line at 25, would anyone play the over? (members of the media are of course excluded)
There will probaby be more than 10,000 people there so I will say between 1-200. Excluding media.
What is the Over/Under on the number of black people in the crowd tonight? I'm sure the RNC is bussing in every black person they can find, so I'm trying to set the line of how many black faces are seen in the audience.

I'd set the line at 25, would anyone play the over? (members of the media are of course excluded)
These blacks being bused in, are they voting against Trump but being forced onto the buses? If not, what’s your point?
For one when Vance speaks you don't get the word salad we often get from Harris.
You don't get word salad from Harris. JD Vance is in serious trouble.

Trump is the word salad king.
Truth chaps your ass


Case: United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.

1:73-01529 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York​

Filed Date: Oct. 15, 1973
Closed Date: June 10, 1977
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Case Summary​

This case was brought against Fred and Donald Trump, and their real estate company, in 1973 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed this civil rights case in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (federal court in Brooklyn) against Fred Trump, Donald Trump, and their real estate company. The complaint alleged that the firm had committed systemic violations of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in their many complexes--39 buildings, between them containing over 14,000 apartments. The allegations included evidence from black and white "testers" who had sought to rent apartments; the white testers were told of vacancies; the black testers were not, or were steered to apartment complexes with a higher proportion of racial minorities. The complaint also alleged that Trump employees had placed codes next to housing applicant names to indicate if they were black.

The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy, to defend them; they counter-claimed against the government, seeking $100 million in damages for defamation.

The case was assigned to District Judge Edward R. Neaher. He dismissed the counterclaim and allowed the Fair Housing Act suit to proceed.

After two years, the matter settled with a consent decree, signed June 10, 1975. It included the ordinary disclaimer of liability (the settlement was “in no way an admission” of a violation), but prohibited the Trumps from "discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling." In addition to a general injunction against discrimination, the decree prohibits specific discriminatory practices, such as lying about the availability of apartments or interfering with individuals' enjoyment of their housing rights through threats or coercion. Fred and Donald Trump were ordered to "thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis" with the Fair Housing Act. The agreement also required the Trumps to place ads informing minorities they had an equal opportunity to seek housing at their properties. According to a contemporary article in the New York Times, Trump Management was required to furnish the New York Urban League with a weekly list of all apartment vacancies, for two years; the League would get three days to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in Trump buildings where fewer than 10 percent of the tenants were black.

The Justice Department called the decree “one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated.” Newspaper headlines echoed that assessment. The New York Amsterdam News, for example, titled its article “Minorities win housing suit,” and told readers that “qualified Blacks and Puerto Ricans now have the opportunity to rent apartments owned by Trump Management.”

Do not try comparing Vance to JFK. Biden has had the most real jobs in this country. Anybody can open up a donut shop. And the Trump organization made its money off subsidized apartments. Trump inherited a business that he did not build. Biden was elected to each term by the people he represents. He was not handed daddys company. Biden had a long record of achievement in the senate. J.D. Vance has been there for 1.5 years and name a bill he has passed.
Hey, you are supposedly black, so you aren't allowed to make comments about white people.
Election day is what's going to count
True and that's when you will learn that trump will not get 20 percent of the black vote. Trump will get 3-4 million votes. That is between 10-11 percent and that's optimistic. Stop dependng on white polling data based on small samples of blacks. BlackPAC, a polling company that actually polls black people, shows a far different result.
These blacks being bused in, are they voting against Trump but being forced onto the buses? If not, what’s your point?
My point is the RNC finding black people to be in attendance, it takes work and canvassing, it's not like they are lining up to get on busses to get there. I respect anyones choice to vote for whomever the hell they want to, but there are not a lot of Clarence Thomas types in the USA. They have to search for them.

View attachment 978050

Case: United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.

1:73-01529 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York​

Filed Date: Oct. 15, 1973
Closed Date: June 10, 1977
Clearinghouse coding complete
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Case Summary​

This case was brought against Fred and Donald Trump, and their real estate company, in 1973 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed this civil rights case in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (federal court in Brooklyn) against Fred Trump, Donald Trump, and their real estate company. The complaint alleged that the firm had committed systemic violations of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in their many complexes--39 buildings, between them containing over 14,000 apartments. The allegations included evidence from black and white "testers" who had sought to rent apartments; the white testers were told of vacancies; the black testers were not, or were steered to apartment complexes with a higher proportion of racial minorities. The complaint also alleged that Trump employees had placed codes next to housing applicant names to indicate if they were black.

The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy, to defend them; they counter-claimed against the government, seeking $100 million in damages for defamation.

The case was assigned to District Judge Edward R. Neaher. He dismissed the counterclaim and allowed the Fair Housing Act suit to proceed.

After two years, the matter settled with a consent decree, signed June 10, 1975. It included the ordinary disclaimer of liability (the settlement was “in no way an admission” of a violation), but prohibited the Trumps from "discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling." In addition to a general injunction against discrimination, the decree prohibits specific discriminatory practices, such as lying about the availability of apartments or interfering with individuals' enjoyment of their housing rights through threats or coercion. Fred and Donald Trump were ordered to "thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis" with the Fair Housing Act. The agreement also required the Trumps to place ads informing minorities they had an equal opportunity to seek housing at their properties. According to a contemporary article in the New York Times, Trump Management was required to furnish the New York Urban League with a weekly list of all apartment vacancies, for two years; the League would get three days to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in Trump buildings where fewer than 10 percent of the tenants were black.

The Justice Department called the decree “one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated.” Newspaper headlines echoed that assessment. The New York Amsterdam News, for example, titled its article “Minorities win housing suit,” and told readers that “qualified Blacks and Puerto Ricans now have the opportunity to rent apartments owned by Trump Management.”

Funny shit since we witness the tyranny of the new York justice system
True and that's when you will learn that trump will not get 20 percent of the black vote. Trump will get 3-4 million votes. That is between 10-11 percent and that's optimistic. Stop dependng on white polling data based on small samples of blacks. BlackPAC, a polling company that actually polls black people, shows a far different result.
Funny delusion you have white boy

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