Dr Oz Stood in Front of One of Hitler's Cars at Fundraiser & Had Jordan Peterson Call In, Matt Gaetz's in-laws hosted the high-dollar dinner from hell

This was completely mapped out in advance, in other words, the subtle message was meant to be understood by those hard core Trumpers in Pennsylvania. It's called a dogwhistle.
That's 100% Tabloid! Couldn't you find a better source??
yea i did find a better source THE ACTUAL PICTURE

if you stood in front of it and gave a CAMPAIGN SPEECH, that's different than standing in front of it and doing nothing
I had my picture taken.

I get it, for democrats, all history starts right now, the perpetual now that supports the party.

For Normies - standing in front of historical objects connects us to history, both good and bad.

It's important that we remember Hitler and his goons, so that we can recognize that Biden and his goons are just the same. Those of use who vow "Never Again" have to understand WHAT we will never allow again - and deal with the reality that it IS happening again.
OMG, this thread is nonsense. Oz was at a WW2 museum, duh. There's a lot of shit in the background.
How about Fetterman dodging taxes, never working for a living, having brain damage, looking like a retired "Hell's Angel" biker.
The democrat brand is dog shit, don't say we didn't warn you,
Not all of it Nazi . If he’s so careless and stupid not to realize he’ll be photographed in from of a Nazi flag…. Should you vote for him.

Did he actually WANT that in the background?
give it a couple of days
You realize the troll is going to debate Oz on the 25th, right?

This is a guy who makes Biden look cogent, who can't string 4 words together coherently. Momentum strongly favors Oz in a race that is currently a statistical tie.

Look, the only thing that makes Oz look good it that he's not Fetterman. Every time Fetterman opens his mouth in public, Oz looks better.
he loves hitler, and he's gonna lose BECAUSE i started this thread and there's nothing you can do about it

Oh stop lying, troll.

The only people dumb enough to buy your bullshit would already vote for the Festering pustule, if they bother to vote.

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