Dr. Victoria, “Vaccine Expert”, dies suddenly at age 42

Wow, these climate change deaths are really starting to alarm me.

From the same author and who gives an explanation why after the first shot most people did not have a problem just like two of my relatives the worries started at the second shot while knowing they had 4 shots.

I remember seeing an analysis on this. I found this outrageous, that they seemed to be actually developing and testing the jab, as they were deploying it. . .

The only MSM coverage on this guy that I can seem to find, is this.

But you will need a translation application if you don't speak Spanish.
Last Monday, June 26 , it was announced that the doctor , epidemiologist and former candidate for mayor of Puebla, Alfredo Victoria Moreno , who also participated as a contributor to the morning program 'Hoy', lost his life at the age of 42.

It was the governor of Puebla, Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina , who reported the sad news through his Twitter account .
Only fools are scared of the vax.

Go follow your doctor's advice.
Institutional Investors, control the regional/States Board's of Medicine.

Those who get their license to practice medicine, have to, ARE REQUIRED, to make pronouncements, that are in accordance, with the standards and practices of the State's boards of Medicine.

So. . . if the vax trials are corrupted by BIG PHARMA, and BIG PHARMA is controlled by the same institutional investors that have now captured the various States Boards of Medicine, what does that tell you about those who still wish to keep their careers, which they had spent decades of their lives, and untold amounts of money to invest in, to gain their positions?

I remember seeing an analysis on this. I found this outrageous, that they seemed to be actually developing and testing the jab, as they were deploying it. . .

Yes, the vaccine was done quickly and several people played Russian roulette with their health I think especially for the second shot but as explained in the post I put above at the beginning it was placebos and it was an insurance for the elites they could falsely claim that it is the nRA vaccine safe and effective while pushing everyone to take it and also push people to take several more shots.
From the same author and who gives an explanation why after the first shot most people did not have a problem just like two of my relatives the worries started at the second shot while knowing they had 4 shots.

My mom was the only one who took one but she said no more after the first one. I knew four people who died after taking these shots. One was in their 30s and the others were in their 40s. All healthy and then gone from heart attacks a few days later.

Not all of the lots/batches contained the same amount, as you were saying some were placebos.
We've seen the videos of people just falling over after receiving the injection with everyone waiting in chairs to receive their shot. How do you set there and watch something like that happen without getting up and running away?
My mom was the only one who took one but she said no more after the first one. I knew four people who died after taking these shots. One was in their 30s and the others were in their 40s. All healthy and then gone from heart attacks a few days later.

Not all of the lots/batches contained the same amount, as you were saying some were placebos.
I'm sorry all this seems so unreal and nightmarish, I don't know anyone yet who died but I worry a lot about several people around me vaccinated at least 2 times are cancerous and with various health problems.
Yes, the vaccine was done quickly and several people played Russian roulette with their health I think especially for the second shot but as explained in the post I put above at the beginning it was placebos and it was an insurance for the elites they could falsely claim that it is the nRA vaccine safe and effective while pushing everyone to take it and also push people to take several more shots.
And which batches, do you think G20 leaders, the CEO's of fortune 500 company's, "A" list celebrities received, and other financial, political and cultural elites?

The more. . . "iffy," batches, or the placebo groups? :eusa_think:
Institutional Investors, control the regional/States Board's of Medicine.

Those who get their license to practice medicine, have to, ARE REQUIRED, to make pronouncements, that are in accordance, with the standards and practices of the State's boards of Medicine.

So. . . if the vax trials are corrupted by BIG PHARMA, and BIG PHARMA is controlled by the same institutional investors that have now captured the various States Boards of Medicine, what does that tell you about those who still wish to keep their careers, which they had spent decades of their lives, and untold amounts of money to invest in, to gain their positions?

They are not corrupted, but your thinking is goofy.
And which batches, do you think G20 leaders, the CEO's of fortune 500 company's, "A" list celebrities received, and other financial, political and cultural elites?

The more. . . "iffy," batches, or the placebo groups? :eusa_think:
Yes, even if many celebrities have been the victims of the dirty clot shot, someone has to be blind not to see that the elites and their buddies are doing well after having falsely claimed to have been vaccinated.

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