Draft Biden 2016: Does This Seem Honorable To You?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.
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whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body. J/k

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.
whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body.

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Thank you. I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.

Well, at least we can count.
whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body.

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Thank you. I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.
Hillary Clinton lied about her email server, she lied about Benghazi where a US ambassador was murdered, she took payoffs while SecState in exchange for influence, and your worried about a planted story about Biden's dead son?

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.

Well, at least we can count.

whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body.

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Thank you. I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.
Hillary Clinton lied about her email server, she lied about Benghazi where a US ambassador was murdered, she took payoffs while SecState in exchange for influence, and your worried about a planted story about Biden's dead son?

Geezus H. Kryst, must you try to deflect and troll every thread? Can't you focus on the OP?
whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body.

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Thank you. I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.
Hillary Clinton lied about her email server, she lied about Benghazi where a US ambassador was murdered, she took payoffs while SecState in exchange for influence, and your worried about a planted story about Biden's dead son?

Geezus H. Kryst, must you try to deflect and troll every thread? Can't you focus on the OP?
Pot, kettle.
Your bothered because Biden used his son's death to promote his political career, but you dont care that Hillary used her office to promote her financial well being?
You sure get upset about some weird stuff, son.
whoa, what happened to Lakhota? someone else entered their body.

It could be looked at that way. And it seems anything goes in this day and age when comes to politics no matter how disgusting or dirty

good post dear. should be interesting

Thank you. I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.
Hillary Clinton lied about her email server, she lied about Benghazi where a US ambassador was murdered, she took payoffs while SecState in exchange for influence, and your worried about a planted story about Biden's dead son?

Geezus H. Kryst, must you try to deflect and troll every thread? Can't you focus on the OP?
Pot, kettle.
Your bothered because Biden used his son's death to promote his political career, but you dont care that Hillary used her office to promote her financial well being?
You sure get upset about some weird stuff, son.

Start your own Hillary thread and stop trolling this one.

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.

It did say, 30 years ago. but I've watched it go out with their civility over the years. NOW. it's awful

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.

It did say, 30 years ago. but I've watched it go out with their civility over the years. NOW. it's awful

They have zero honor whatsoever. When was the last time you heard the Democrat Congressional Caucus call for another Democrat's resignation?
Recall the John Edwards was a serious contender for the nomination and his own staff thought he was unfit.
I'm dead serious. This really does seem tacky as hell to me.

Who the Hell are you and what did you do with Lakhota?:disbelief:

It's a well put together piece but without class IMHO. It will appeal to the base. Probably money well spent for Uncle Joe's sake.

Once Her Royal Thighness is behind bars, Joe will be a viable candidate with Warren as his VP. As I heard on the radio today, Obama's DOJ needs to lock the Hildabeast up so she can't do him any damage and with Uncle Joe in the White House, Obama won't be prosecuted for at least 4 years.

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

When I saw that earlier, my first thought was: Will Hillary bring up how strong she's had to be to keep her family together in the face of Bills infidelity?

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

When I saw that earlier, my first thought was: Will Hillary bring up how strong she's had to be to keep her family together in the face of Bills infidelity?

Gee, Hillary must really excite you. Bet you're looking forward to bedtime...

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

When I saw that earlier, my first thought was: Will Hillary bring up how strong she's had to be to keep her family together in the face of Bills infidelity?

Gee, Hillary must really excite you. Bet you're looking forward to bedtime...

I'm a good 3-4 hours from bedtime.

Nope, she doesn't excite me a bit.

But Hillary is a politician, has been most of her life.

and if someone uses something to increase their favorability, she'll try to out do them.

Draft Biden 2016

Grief has many stages. First is disbelief. Then anger. Then sorrow. Then numbness. Then, finally, comes calculating how a strategically leaked anecdote about the deceased to a friendly New York Times columnist might make the public more receptive to a presidential run.

Bill Kristol argued back in August after Maureen Dowd’s column was published that, given the level of detail reported, only Biden himself or perhaps his wife could realistically be the leaker. But Kristol’s piece didn’t get much traction online, probably because it seemed mean to suggest that Biden might have tried to use Beau’s death to some sort of political advantage. That’s the sort of cold, self-interested tactic that — well, that Bill and Hillary Clinton might use. Fast forward two months and here’s Politico:

More: Report: Joe Biden himself leaked the story that it was his dying son’s wish that he run for president « Hot Air

Actually, it seems tacky as hell to me. It strikes me that Biden may be trying to ride his dead family members to the White House. I hope I'm wrong - but that's how it seems to me.

"Honorable" and "Democrat" never belong n the same sentence.

It did say, 30 years ago. but I've watched it go out with their civility over the years. NOW. it's awful

They have zero honor whatsoever. When was the last time you heard the Democrat Congressional Caucus call for another Democrat's resignation?
Recall the John Edwards was a serious contender for the nomination and his own staff thought he was unfit.

I know it, I'm not disagreeing one bit. We need to get true TERM limit on these elected asses and not just saying: We have it because we vote for them. the Democrat base of voters don't seem to care or hold any of them to any standard so they march along ROLLING all over us with lie, cheating, stealing, etc. that's just my observations. I don't know if it's too late for any kind of FIX

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