Drag queen harrassment leading to jail, not before time.

Gladly. We need to put diplomatic pressure on them to change their horrible ways.

Unfortunately the left in this country wish they could copy them.
Yeah, I would worry more about our own Country before worrying about what the U.K. Does with her own Citizens…
Gays can marry. Test tube babies still require a male and female, dufus. So educate me ,’professor’ is there a gay gene?

Lesbian women can still bear children. They don't even need sex; they just need someone to masturbate into a receptacle.. That's literally all it takes. Hell even gay men can do that. So how does sexual orientation matter then?
Lesbian women can still bear children. They don't even need sex; they just need someone to masturbate into a receptacle.. That's literally all it takes. Hell even gay men can do that. So how does sexual orientation matter then?
You seem to be a dim bulb. Lesbos still need male sperm. A female ‘sexually oriented’ as a male will not produce sperm.
You seem to be a dim bulb. Lesbos still need male sperm. A female ‘sexually oriented’ as a male will not produce sperm.

Copy where I said anything of the sort you dip-fuck. I said thanks to modern medical technology, a woman can be hooked up with a sperm donor and sexual orientation ain't even a factor. I know a lesbian who had natural childbirth. For all we know the sperm donor could have been gay and fantasizing about being bum-jammed. So your stupider-than-pig shit rationale about going against nature is just a stupider-than-pig shit non-sequitur.

Just have a cup of shut the fuck up once in a while. You might learn something.
Copy where I said anything of the sort you dip-fuck. I said thanks to modern medical technology, a woman can be hooked up with a sperm donor and sexual orientation ain't even a factor. I know a lesbian who had natural childbirth. For all we know the sperm donor could have been gay and fantasizing about being bum-jammed. So your stupider-than-pig shit rationale about going against nature is just a stupider-than-pig shit non-sequitur.

Just have a cup of shut the fuck up once in a while. You might learn something.
Ahh, the old 'sexual orientation' canard. You can't 'orient' yourself to being a born male if you are born female. You can't create sperm if you are a female, your body structure (as a female) will never be like a male. Nature has created humans as bi sexual mammals. Heterosexuals do not need 'modern technology' to create a new human being, except in very rare circumstances. Also, no 'gay gene' has been found yet. Therefore, it seems gays are created by other humans. What is the problem with scientifically trying to find out what makes a person gay? As I said, when these questions are asked, one receives only hate like 'multivita-man' who seems to be triggered to spew hateful epithets when simple questions are asked about gays.
Ahh, the old 'sexual orientation' canard. You can't 'orient' yourself to being a born male if you are born female. You can't create sperm if you are a female, your body structure (as a female) will never be like a male. Nature has created humans as bi sexual mammals. Heterosexuals do not need 'modern technology' to create a new human being, except in very rare circumstances. Also, no 'gay gene' has been found yet. Therefore, it seems gays are created by other humans. What is the problem with scientifically trying to find out what makes a person gay? As I said, when these questions are asked, one receives only hate like 'multivita-man' who seems to be triggered to spew hateful epithets when simple questions are asked about gays.
I can see you are as you said, completely ignorant. You appear here to be mistaking Drag Queens for people who have changed their gender. They are not the same. Hence we are talking about gay people making babies. All that needs is as you have been told for the man to ejaculate into some container and for the woman to finish this off. I know a woman who did this and it really cannot be that hard. She managed first time,

Your idea that gays are created by humans is what the American Christian Right and the neo cons are telling people in Africa. There are no gays except in the US they say. They claim Left Christians who try to get them accepted and given equal rights are trying to take them over again. Gay people they say are demons come to destroy them. This has led to a massive increase of rape, beating up and killing of gay people.

Lastly I know a little boy and how he is and always has been has made me certainly think being gay is genetic.
He is nine years old and for his coming tenth birthday he has asked to have his hair highlighted, to get nail polish and to get a frog jumper which appear to be for girls. He has his hair short with a man's pony tale. He would have had it very long with all kinds of clasps he borrowed from his sister and genuine pony tales but his father, seeing how people looked at him at the school gate threatened to shave all his hair off if he did not agree to getting it cut. I could be wrong about him. We will need to wait and see.
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Simply If you think it's OK to jail someone because someone else claims" it's "offended theirs something seriously wrong with you and k laus schwab can't kill you fast enough for me
The discussions about this matter are pointless as long as a relevant video is shown. What this gay was doing there that his actions being shown on YouTube now put his life in danger?

Is it legal in the UK to film another person and then put this video on YouTube or social media without their consent?
The discussions about this matter are pointless as long as a relevant video is shown. What this gay was doing there that his actions being shown on YouTube now put his life in danger?

Is it legal in the UK to film another person and then put this video on YouTube or social media without their consent?
I said it was Ireland but that is the other one. It is the UK. I haven't see the video have you? He was entertaining children with their parents present. They have not complained about him. Like from this thread he believed his life was in danger because some people are now incapable of accepting others and due to the video being put on the net they have threatened him, Its just an easy choice of who to get at and they have been encouraged to do so. Much better than looking at the real issues,

It should of course be against the law to put up videos which can lead to such outcomes. I am not even sure the videos which were put up were of him. This lady was with others who were protesting outside calling themselves 'Parents Against Grooming' hence suggesting he was grooming the kids for something. I don't know what the situation is regarding this and the law is but again she was given an injunction to take it down and refused to do so and that is the reason she may end up in jail. You have to obey court injunctions.
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I said it was Ireland but that is the other one. It is the UK. I haven't see the video have you? He was entertaining children with their parents present. They have not complained about him. Like from this thread he believed his life was in danger because some people are now incapable of accepting others and due to the video being put on the net they have threatened him, Its just an easy choice of who to get at and they have been encouraged to do so. Much better than looking at the real issues which are economic,

It should of course be against the law to put up videos which can lead to such outcomes. I am not even sure the videos which were put up were of him. This lady was with others who were protesting outside calling themselves 'Parents Against Grooming' hence suggesting he was grooming the kids for something. I don't know what the situation is regarding this and the law is but again she was given an injunction to take it down and refused to do so and that is the reason she is in jail. You have to obey court injunctions.
Of course I haven't, as anyone else in this thread. The courts' decisions should be followed, though whether imprisonment is a good option in this case is debatable.

This case is about more fundamental thing like what freedom of speech and expression actually is. And what limits this freedom should have.
Of course I haven't, as anyone else in this thread. The courts' decisions should be followed, though whether imprisonment is a good option in this case is debatable.

This case is about more fundamental thing like what freedom of speech and expression actually is. And what limits this freedom should have.
Judge warns “I do consider these breaches to be serious, and I want some time to reflect to see whether or not we are in the realms, very unusually in these courts, of a custodial sentence"

I don't think freedom of speech should allow you to make false claims on someone which risks their life. If what you want to do for your freedom interferes with the rights and freedoms of others then it is questionable whether you have that freedom. It interfered with his right to live without fear. Kids in the UK have committed suicide because videos of them have been put on the net. He is not a child but being accused of being a 'groomer' psychologically affected him and being told he was going to be killed also did. Because he is not a 'groomer' these people made and published false claims about him. Claims that put his life in danger.
I don't think freedom of speech should allow you to make false claims on someone which risks their life. If what you want to do for your freedom interferes with the rights and freedoms of others then it is questionable whether you have that freedom. It interfered with his right to live without fear.

No false claims, here.

The person, in question, has been willfully and knowingly exposing children to sexually-inappropriate content. Ms. Bunting is exactly right, exactly truthful, in exposing this dangerous pervert for sexually grooming children.

How is it that you think such sick perverts should have freedom to engage in that sort of harmful behavior, and yet someone else's freedom to truthfully call that behavior out should not be protected?

There is something very fucked-up about a society in which pedophiles, groomers, and related perverts are protected, but children are not protected from them.

I don't think freedom of speech should allow you to make false claims on someone which risks their life. If what you want to do for your freedom interferes with the rights and freedoms of others then it is questionable whether you have that freedom. It interfered with his right to live without fear. Kids in the UK have committed suicide because videos of them have been put on the net. He is not a child but being accused of being a 'groomer' psychologically affected him and being told he was going to be killed also did. Because he is not a 'groomer' these people made and published false claims about him. Claims that put his life in danger.
As long as we don't have the context in this situation, there hardly is something to be discussed. If the woman made false claims in that video or indirectly implied that the man is a groomer, then she should get punishment.
No false claims, here.

The person, in question, has been willfully and knowingly exposing children to sexually-inappropriate content. Ms. Bunting is exactly right, exactly truthful, in exposing this dangerous pervert for sexually grooming children.

Lets see your evidence for such an assertion
How is it that you think such sick perverts should have freedom to engage in that sort of harmful behavior, and yet someone else's freedom to truthfully call that behavior out should not be protected?

Of course I do not think they should be engaging in the kind of behaviour you are imagining. However you have no proof for what you are saying and Mum's and Dad's sat in with their children. Do you seriously think they are going to stay if he was engaging in sexually inappropriate behaviour, Get real.
There is something very fucked-up about a society in which pedophiles, groomers, and related perverts are protected, but children are not protected from them.
Here you like to present gay people as pedophiles, groomers, and related perverts. Gay people are less likely to commit these crimes that heterosexual. I have just bumped into some information which must describe you. It is about people who are describing themselves as 'Christian Fascists' in Texas and Florida and talking about investigating and ending parental rights to parents who take their children there.
Now provide your evidence or stfu.
As long as we don't have the context in this situation, there hardly is something to be discussed. If the woman made false claims in that video or indirectly implied that the man is a groomer, then she should get punishment.
You are right that not having a look at the show we cannot really say what it is like. However there is absolutely no hint in what happened in court to suggest he had done anything wrong and if he had he would have been arrested some time ago. I have just found that in some states in the US they are working on not allowing gays to do story telling claiming they are all paedophiles and perverts. This goes with their abortion demands and these people are bringing their views over to the UK. We have people who have been taught by the Texas ones in Scotland and I suspect that is what is happening in Northern Ireland which is an attack on that man for who he is. He has also lost work. Now the video is I suspect just of them protesting outside with his picture and name and calling him groomer and paedophile. Recently we saw in I think both Scotland and NI, mainly men shouting abuse at women going in for an abortion. I do not think we would have seen such behaviour here until very recently and it is coming from the US..
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Lets see your evidence for such an assertion

Of course I do not think they should be engaging in the kind of behaviour you are imagining. However you have no proof for what you are saying and Mum's and Dad's sat in with their children. Do you seriously think they are going to stay if he was engaging in sexually inappropriate behaviour, Get real.

Here you like to present gay people as pedophiles, groomers, and related perverts. Gay people are less likely to commit these crimes that heterosexual. I have just bumped into some information which must describe you. It is about people who are describing themselves as 'Christian Fascists' in Texas and Florida and talking about investigating and ending parental rights to parents who take their children there.
Now provide your evidence or stfu.

They aren't even trying to hide it.

There is no legitimate reason to be exposing children to this sexually-perverted filth.

And no basis on which to deny what is obvious about those who do.

You just do not get to engage in ir defend this behavior, and then demand to be immune from being rightfully called out and condemned for it.
They aren't even trying to hide it.

There is no legitimate reason to be exposing children to this sexually-perverted filth.

And no basis on which to deny what is obvious about those who do.

You just do not get to engage in ir defend this behavior, and then demand to be immune from being rightfully called out and condemned for it.
Homosexuals are fundamentally unhappy creatures who want little children to share their pain

Plus rubbing parents noses in what they are allowed ho do to the kids

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