Drag queen story hour continues it's reign at libraries despite backlash

SF is a DUMBASS city
....they gave $190,000 to an illegal for being illegal --this is one of the most DUMBASS things I've ever heard
San Francisco to pay $190G to undocumented immigrant over sanctuary law violation, lawyer says

they only recently ,BARELY [ hahahahah ] passed a no public nudity law
Opponents of the ban, which narrowly passed in a 6-5 vote, argued it would tarnish San Francisco’s reputation as a progressive haven.
but they still allow the FILTH for children and all to see at certain events
The new law calls for a $100 fine for first-time offenders and could result in jail time for those caught in the buff more than three times. Certain sanctioned events, however, like the city’s famously racy Folsom Street Fair and the annual pride parade, remain exempt.
Nancy Pelosi On San Francisco's Public Nudity Ban: 'We Have Our Standards' | HuffPost
There are very few drag queens around who don't scare the shit out of kids. Once again the left shoots itself in the foot.
Since homo's don't reproduce. They will do anything to be around children and try to influence them to join their team and become future victims. ... :cuckoo:
According to what the write up says, drag is being done in church. Any church that allows such a thing in my opinion is no church when wearing what is meant for the opposite gender is against the word of the Lord.

God bless you always!!!


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