Draq queen dances suggestively for child while adults clap and cheer U can see this guys ass

Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Is this fake?

View attachment 309807

How about this?

View attachment 309808

Or this?

View attachment 309809

Or this?

View attachment 309810

Or this?

View attachment 309812

Or this?

View attachment 309813

Or this?

View attachment 309814

Or this???

View attachment 309815

Tell me - what is your side's obsession with exposing children to this filth? Are you a fucking degenerate??
Most likely fake, yes.
It's difficult coming to terms with what you've been supporting.

We need a twelve step program for those having trouble accepting what they've been supporting.
I don't support that, neither does anyone else. Those are staged, photoshopped, or otherwise faked.
Why does your party fake videos like this?

Let's put aside whether this video is fake or genuine. If it is real, do you approve of what is depicted therein, or will you join all decent people in condemning it?

I'll respond to that: If it's real it is deplorable. If it is not, the person who created this fiction and the one who posted it here are deplorable.
If it was real I'd be the first to say it was wrong.

Public Library Deletes Pictures Of Drag Queens Fondling Children
Row over FlowJob drag act invited to speak at Scottish primary school
Real Conservatives would have rejected trump and tossed him under the bus for this for his sexually perverse comments noted below:

In the video, Trump tells Billy Bush about a failed attempt to seduce Nancy O'Dell, who was Bush's co-host at the time (circa 2005) of the recording:[9]

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

See: Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
Heading: Contents

Well, trump is not a conservative, nor are his supporters including the Social Conservatives who continue to support an unrefined cad, i.e. a perverse, dastardly person.

Save your virtue signaling for someone that gives a shit. The stories of the Hildebeast treating her aides like shit and berating them for the slightest mistake is well known. How she treated secret service agents that were sworn to protect is no secret either. Locker-room talk caught on camera from 15 years ago...big fucking deal. He didn't rape them while hired goons stood watch like Bill "drop trou" had.

Trump isn't for partial birth-abortion, leftards? They are fine with it right up to the date of delivery AND if that baby should survive the procedure? Leftards are fine with not providing any medical assistance and would prefer that it be left to die. I am a constitutionalist without a party that knows our real history and it sickens me to come across douchebags like yourself that believe you and your kind have some kind of high moral ground to stand on. People voted for Trump because they were tired of being disenfranchised and being ignored. NOTHING ever changes for the better. What it boils down to is that one side has "braggin' rights" for 4 to 8 years and the losing side has the same amount of time to bitch, moan, gripe and complain until it's their turn.

This past election cycle, the Bolsheviks upped the ante by putting bull's eyes on anyone with a MAGA hat or a Trump sign in their yard. Intimidation tactics by gutless cowards that roam in packs like Antifa. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold us out...these socialist sacks of shit gave our monetary system up to foreign bankers and then pledged our labor as surety against the debt of USA.INC.

Leftards LOVE to play the "Nazi card" when it was Truman that allowed Nazi scientists and intel officers into this country via the Vatican ratlines that scrubbed their history and set them up in rocket engineering and turning the OSS into the CIA with Nazi war criminals that should have been swinging from a rope. Don't even try and tell me that commie filth is where one should place themselves, dig?

Even IF I believed in the election process of what has become a banana republic, I would never hitch my wagon to commie fucks like yourself.....etch it in stone, commit it to memory.

So, Rye Catcher leaves a shitty, angst filled message on my profile page but I can't reply because his profile page is hidden.....how convenient? So I will reply to his little tirade here.

Rye Catcher Sez??? "Fuck you, you stupid cowardly asshole. Calling me a "commie fuck" is nothing more than a view of how ignorant and deplorable a trumpanzee is. My opinions, which are informed and in touch with reality, trigger the uneducated and biddable fools, like you, and because you are so dumb you respond with childish name calling."

Cowardly? How so? My pics are of me and my profile name is my birth name. You? A recent addition to this forum though I suspect that you have posted here under different IDs. Me calling you a "commie fuck" is based on your past postings....if the shoe fits, lace them motherfuckers up and wear them with pride. You have no "informed opinions" and those opinions are based on the pablum spew of a controlled media that makes it it's mission to shape your world views. You find me "deplorable" because I don't believe in an all encompassing "big brother" gubermint? Funny how the term "deplorable" was a rarely used adjective until the Hildebeast used it. As far as insulting rhetoric goes? Perhaps you should peruse your past postings or I can do it for ya. Remove the mote from your own eye would be my advice.

I will debate you on any topic that you take umbrage with me about. I can do it in the most civil of manner by laying out my case using facts and data as well as the written documents and legislation that has led us to this place in history. I didn't vote for Trump as I have removed myself from being a 14th amendment/de-facto employee of USA.INC by reclaiming my state status....but Trump has pleasantly surprised me by doing his best to keep his word even though there is a shadow government that has really been calling the shots since at least 1913. You can't "troll" me, son. I have spent many thousands of hours of dogged reading and research trying to put the puzzles together without the benefit of picture for reference.
If that girl was my daughter, then that guy can dance whatever he wants... but as soon as he touches her in the face, then surely at least two of those chairs in that cantina should have been broken on his head...
If that girl was my daughter, then that guy can dance whatever he wants... but as soon as he touches her in the face, then surely at least two of those chairs in that cantina should have been broken on his head...

The child needs to be removed by child services and placed with sane parents. It shouldn't be too difficult for professional investigators to locate her.

Of course it is.

Is this fake?

View attachment 309807

How about this?

View attachment 309808

Or this?

View attachment 309809

Or this?

View attachment 309810

Or this?

View attachment 309812

Or this?

View attachment 309813

Or this?

View attachment 309814

Or this???

View attachment 309815

Tell me - what is your side's obsession with exposing children to this filth? Are you a fucking degenerate??
Most likely fake, yes.
It's difficult coming to terms with what you've been supporting.

We need a twelve step program for those having trouble accepting what they've been supporting.
I don't support that, neither does anyone else. Those are staged, photoshopped, or otherwise faked.
Why does your party fake videos like this?

Let's put aside whether this video is fake or genuine. If it is real, do you approve of what is depicted therein, or will you join all decent people in condemning it?

I'll respond to that: If it's real it is deplorable. If it is not, the person who created this fiction and the one who posted it here are deplorable.
If it was real I'd be the first to say it was wrong.

Public Library Deletes Pictures Of Drag Queens Fondling Children
Row over FlowJob drag act invited to speak at Scottish primary school

All FAKE! A Russian conspiracy!
Real Conservatives would have rejected trump and tossed him under the bus for this for his sexually perverse comments noted below:

In the video, Trump tells Billy Bush about a failed attempt to seduce Nancy O'Dell, who was Bush's co-host at the time (circa 2005) of the recording:[9]

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

See: Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
Heading: Contents

Well, trump is not a conservative, nor are his supporters including the Social Conservatives who continue to support an unrefined cad, i.e. a perverse, dastardly person.

Save your virtue signaling for someone that gives a shit. The stories of the Hildebeast treating her aides like shit and berating them for the slightest mistake is well known. How she treated secret service agents that were sworn to protect is no secret either. Locker-room talk caught on camera from 15 years ago...big fucking deal. He didn't rape them while hired goons stood watch like Bill "drop trou" had.

Trump isn't for partial birth-abortion, leftards? They are fine with it right up to the date of delivery AND if that baby should survive the procedure? Leftards are fine with not providing any medical assistance and would prefer that it be left to die. I am a constitutionalist without a party that knows our real history and it sickens me to come across douchebags like yourself that believe you and your kind have some kind of high moral ground to stand on. People voted for Trump because they were tired of being disenfranchised and being ignored. NOTHING ever changes for the better. What it boils down to is that one side has "braggin' rights" for 4 to 8 years and the losing side has the same amount of time to bitch, moan, gripe and complain until it's their turn.

This past election cycle, the Bolsheviks upped the ante by putting bull's eyes on anyone with a MAGA hat or a Trump sign in their yard. Intimidation tactics by gutless cowards that roam in packs like Antifa. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold us out...these socialist sacks of shit gave our monetary system up to foreign bankers and then pledged our labor as surety against the debt of USA.INC.

Leftards LOVE to play the "Nazi card" when it was Truman that allowed Nazi scientists and intel officers into this country via the Vatican ratlines that scrubbed their history and set them up in rocket engineering and turning the OSS into the CIA with Nazi war criminals that should have been swinging from a rope. Don't even try and tell me that commie filth is where one should place themselves, dig?

Even IF I believed in the election process of what has become a banana republic, I would never hitch my wagon to commie fucks like yourself.....etch it in stone, commit it to memory.

So, Rye Catcher leaves a shitty, angst filled message on my profile page but I can't reply because his profile page is hidden.....how convenient? So I will reply to his little tirade here.

Rye Catcher Sez??? "Fuck you, you stupid cowardly asshole. Calling me a "commie fuck" is nothing more than a view of how ignorant and deplorable a trumpanzee is. My opinions, which are informed and in touch with reality, trigger the uneducated and biddable fools, like you, and because you are so dumb you respond with childish name calling."

Cowardly? How so? My pics are of me and my profile name is my birth name. You? A recent addition to this forum though I suspect that you have posted here under different IDs. Me calling you a "commie fuck" is based on your past postings....if the shoe fits, lace them motherfuckers up and wear them with pride. You have no "informed opinions" and those opinions are based on the pablum spew of a controlled media that makes it it's mission to shape your world views. You find me "deplorable" because I don't believe in an all encompassing "big brother" gubermint? Funny how the term "deplorable" was a rarely used adjective until the Hildebeast used it. As far as insulting rhetoric goes? Perhaps you should peruse your past postings or I can do it for ya. Remove the mote from your own eye would be my advice.

I will debate you on any topic that you take umbrage with me about. I can do it in the most civil of manner by laying out my case using facts and data as well as the written documents and legislation that has led us to this place in history. I didn't vote for Trump as I have removed myself from being a 14th amendment/de-facto employee of USA.INC by reclaiming my state status....but Trump has pleasantly surprised me by doing his best to keep his word even though there is a shadow government that has really been calling the shots since at least 1913. You can't "troll" me, son. I have spent many thousands of hours of dogged reading and research trying to put the puzzles together without the benefit of picture for reference.

My comment to you was sincere, you're an asshole and a coward, as well as ignorant and pathologically angry. Your last paragraph is funny, it is belied by every post you've ever written.
Real Conservatives would have rejected trump and tossed him under the bus for this for his sexually perverse comments noted below:

In the video, Trump tells Billy Bush about a failed attempt to seduce Nancy O'Dell, who was Bush's co-host at the time (circa 2005) of the recording:[9]

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

See: Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
Heading: Contents

Well, trump is not a conservative, nor are his supporters including the Social Conservatives who continue to support an unrefined cad, i.e. a perverse, dastardly person.

Save your virtue signaling for someone that gives a shit. The stories of the Hildebeast treating her aides like shit and berating them for the slightest mistake is well known. How she treated secret service agents that were sworn to protect is no secret either. Locker-room talk caught on camera from 15 years ago...big fucking deal. He didn't rape them while hired goons stood watch like Bill "drop trou" had.

Trump isn't for partial birth-abortion, leftards? They are fine with it right up to the date of delivery AND if that baby should survive the procedure? Leftards are fine with not providing any medical assistance and would prefer that it be left to die. I am a constitutionalist without a party that knows our real history and it sickens me to come across douchebags like yourself that believe you and your kind have some kind of high moral ground to stand on. People voted for Trump because they were tired of being disenfranchised and being ignored. NOTHING ever changes for the better. What it boils down to is that one side has "braggin' rights" for 4 to 8 years and the losing side has the same amount of time to bitch, moan, gripe and complain until it's their turn.

This past election cycle, the Bolsheviks upped the ante by putting bull's eyes on anyone with a MAGA hat or a Trump sign in their yard. Intimidation tactics by gutless cowards that roam in packs like Antifa. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold us out...these socialist sacks of shit gave our monetary system up to foreign bankers and then pledged our labor as surety against the debt of USA.INC.

Leftards LOVE to play the "Nazi card" when it was Truman that allowed Nazi scientists and intel officers into this country via the Vatican ratlines that scrubbed their history and set them up in rocket engineering and turning the OSS into the CIA with Nazi war criminals that should have been swinging from a rope. Don't even try and tell me that commie filth is where one should place themselves, dig?

Even IF I believed in the election process of what has become a banana republic, I would never hitch my wagon to commie fucks like yourself.....etch it in stone, commit it to memory.

So, Rye Catcher leaves a shitty, angst filled message on my profile page but I can't reply because his profile page is hidden.....how convenient? So I will reply to his little tirade here.

Rye Catcher Sez??? "Fuck you, you stupid cowardly asshole. Calling me a "commie fuck" is nothing more than a view of how ignorant and deplorable a trumpanzee is. My opinions, which are informed and in touch with reality, trigger the uneducated and biddable fools, like you, and because you are so dumb you respond with childish name calling."

Cowardly? How so? My pics are of me and my profile name is my birth name. You? A recent addition to this forum though I suspect that you have posted here under different IDs. Me calling you a "commie fuck" is based on your past postings....if the shoe fits, lace them motherfuckers up and wear them with pride. You have no "informed opinions" and those opinions are based on the pablum spew of a controlled media that makes it it's mission to shape your world views. You find me "deplorable" because I don't believe in an all encompassing "big brother" gubermint? Funny how the term "deplorable" was a rarely used adjective until the Hildebeast used it. As far as insulting rhetoric goes? Perhaps you should peruse your past postings or I can do it for ya. Remove the mote from your own eye would be my advice.

I will debate you on any topic that you take umbrage with me about. I can do it in the most civil of manner by laying out my case using facts and data as well as the written documents and legislation that has led us to this place in history. I didn't vote for Trump as I have removed myself from being a 14th amendment/de-facto employee of USA.INC by reclaiming my state status....but Trump has pleasantly surprised me by doing his best to keep his word even though there is a shadow government that has really been calling the shots since at least 1913. You can't "troll" me, son. I have spent many thousands of hours of dogged reading and research trying to put the puzzles together without the benefit of picture for reference.

My comment to you was sincere, you're an asshole and a coward, as well as ignorant and pathologically angry. Your last paragraph is funny, it is belied by every post you've ever written.

Sincere based on your skewed thinking? Perhaps,,,,but not grounded in reality and therein lies the rub.

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