Draq queen dances suggestively for child while adults clap and cheer U can see this guys ass

Almost certainly staged for propaganda purposes.

Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Republicans are pretty good with their computer skills for a bunch of ignorant Appalachian mountain folk!
But they have plenty of folks who would enjoy making videos like this.
So, you're against this totally?
Yes, of course.

Real Conservatives would have rejected trump and tossed him under the bus for this for his sexually perverse comments noted below:

In the video, Trump tells Billy Bush about a failed attempt to seduce Nancy O'Dell, who was Bush's co-host at the time (circa 2005) of the recording:[9]

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

See: Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
Heading: Contents

Well, trump is not a conservative, nor are his supporters including the Social Conservatives who continue to support an unrefined cad, i.e. a perverse, dastardly person.

Save your virtue signaling for someone that gives a shit. The stories of the Hildebeast treating her aides like shit and berating them for the slightest mistake is well known. How she treated secret service agents that were sworn to protect is no secret either. Locker-room talk caught on camera from 15 years ago...big fucking deal. He didn't rape them while hired goons stood watch like Bill "drop trou" had.

Trump isn't for partial birth-abortion, leftards? They are fine with it right up to the date of delivery AND if that baby should survive the procedure? Leftards are fine with not providing any medical assistance and would prefer that it be left to die. I am a constitutionalist without a party that knows our real history and it sickens me to come across douchebags like yourself that believe you and your kind have some kind of high moral ground to stand on. People voted for Trump because they were tired of being disenfranchised and being ignored. NOTHING ever changes for the better. What it boils down to is that one side has "braggin' rights" for 4 to 8 years and the losing side has the same amount of time to bitch, moan, gripe and complain until it's their turn.

This past election cycle, the Bolsheviks upped the ante by putting bull's eyes on anyone with a MAGA hat or a Trump sign in their yard. Intimidation tactics by gutless cowards that roam in packs like Antifa. Woodrow Wilson and FDR sold us out...these socialist sacks of shit gave our monetary system up to foreign bankers and then pledged our labor as surety against the debt of USA.INC.

Leftards LOVE to play the "Nazi card" when it was Truman that allowed Nazi scientists and intel officers into this country via the Vatican ratlines that scrubbed their history and set them up in rocket engineering and turning the OSS into the CIA with Nazi war criminals that should have been swinging from a rope. Don't even try and tell me that commie filth is where one should place themselves, dig?

Even IF I believed in the election process of what has become a banana republic, I would never hitch my wagon to commie fucks like yourself.....etch it in stone, commit it to memory.
Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Republicans are pretty good with their computer skills for a bunch of ignorant Appalachian mountain folk!
But they have plenty of folks who would enjoy making videos like this.
So, you're against this totally?
Yes, of course.

Then we agree for once.
It sure as Hell is not conservatives that support this filth, nor the policies that lead to it. This is all on you left wrong-wing filth.
Fair enough...you support other types of filth...presumably more wholesome filth.

That's a lie, and you know damn well that it's a lie. But even if it were true, it does not excuse the filth that you are so eager to defend. It is no defense for openly supporting evil, to falsely accuse someone else of a different evil.
Real Conservatives would have rejected trump and tossed him under the bus for this for his sexually perverse comments noted below:

Anyone on my side who is honest will say the same that I have to say. I openly admit that by all evidence, Mr. Trump has done and said some things that I find morally reprehensible. I will not defend or excuse his bad behavior, and I very much wish that we had a President of better moral character than Trump. But it's not like your side gave us anyone better—someone who is known to have been a willing accessory to several instances of violent sexual assault perpetrated by the filthy subhuman piece of shit to whom she is married, and who is also known to have participated in horrific acts of political corruption and abuse of power, and can be fully expected to do so again in the foolish event that we ever again allow her anywhere near any position of abusable power.

I was not happy to vote for Trump in 2016, but I had no viable better alternative.

That said, his moral shortcomings notwithstanding, I am pleased with how Trump has conducted himself while in office, and how he has carried out his duties. I still am disturbed by his lack of moral character, but as long as he continues to do his job as well as he has been doing it, I'm willing to look past that, for now.

Adults clapping away and the only one there with any sense is the confused little girl.

Do you hate the left yet? Shame on you if you don't.

At this point, I can't say for sure whether this is genuine or fake. It seems credible to me, but the least damning response from any LIbEral so far has been to cast doubt on its authenticity.

But I have to ask this of all the LIbErals who have participated, or will yet participate in this discussion—How difficult is it to just say that what is depicted in this video, whether genuine or not, is wrong, and that if it is genuine, then those responsible need to be arrested, thrown in prison, and branded for life as dangerous sex offenders? For anyone who is not a pedophile-loving (if not directly a pedophile), morally-degenerate, subhuman piece of shit; it's not difficult at all. So why will none of you on the left wrong say so? This is a rhetorical question, of course. We all know the answer. That's the point of this thread.
It sure as Hell is not conservatives that support this filth, nor the policies that lead to it. This is all on you left wrong-wing filth.
Fair enough...you support other types of filth...presumably more wholesome filth.

That's a lie, and you know damn well that it's a lie. But even if it were true, it does not excuse the filth that you are so eager to defend. It is no defense for openly supporting evil, to falsely accuse someone else of a different evil.
In that case, I'll ask the question again...are you saying that conservatives are, by nature of being conservative, morally upright humans?
While you answer I'm just going to find a pussy to grab.
It sure as Hell is not conservatives that support this filth, nor the policies that lead to it. This is all on you left wrong-wing filth.
Fair enough...you support other types of filth...presumably more wholesome filth.

That's a lie, and you know damn well that it's a lie. But even if it were true, it does not excuse the filth that you are so eager to defend. It is no defense for openly supporting evil, to falsely accuse someone else of a different evil.
In that case, I'll ask the question again...are you saying that conservatives are, by nature of being conservative, morally upright humans?
While you answer I'm just going to find a pussy to grab.
Yes we ARE, dickhead, yes we are. Now go back to your safe space, mentally challenged one.
Almost certainly staged for propaganda purposes.

Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Is this fake?


How about this?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this?

gay pride New York02.jpg

Or this?


Or this???


Tell me - what is your side's obsession with exposing children to this filth? Are you a fucking degenerate??
Almost certainly staged for propaganda purposes.

Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Is this fake?

View attachment 309807

How about this?

View attachment 309808

Or this?

View attachment 309809

Or this?

View attachment 309810

Or this?

View attachment 309812

Or this?

View attachment 309813

Or this?

View attachment 309814

Or this???

View attachment 309815

Tell me - what is your side's obsession with exposing children to this filth? Are you a fucking degenerate??
YIKES! And some on the Left, including some that post on here, consider this OK and normal. BEYOND dreadful.
It sure as Hell is not conservatives that support this filth, nor the policies that lead to it. This is all on you left wrong-wing filth.
Fair enough...you support other types of filth...presumably more wholesome filth.

That's a lie, and you know damn well that it's a lie. But even if it were true, it does not excuse the filth that you are so eager to defend. It is no defense for openly supporting evil, to falsely accuse someone else of a different evil.
In that case, I'll ask the question again...are you saying that conservatives are, by nature of being conservative, morally upright humans?
While you answer I'm just going to find a pussy to grab.
Yes we ARE, dickhead, yes we are. Now go back to your safe space, mentally challenged one.
You really want to claim that?
Quite apart from the regular procession of staunch conservatives that are caught playing with underage boys or girls there's always this...

"Democratic presidencies dating back to 1970 have produced exactly one criminal conviction from investigations into the administration. Republican presidencies have had a total of 91.

It is worth taking a second to let that sink in: three Democratic presidents. Six Republican presidents. Ninety-one convictions to one.

If you look at criminal indictments, not just convictions, its not a prettier picture: GOP Presidencies had 124 criminal indictments. Democrats had 3. This data comes from a table helpfully shared by PBS."

Republican Presidencies Have 91X the Convictions Rate of Democratic Presidencies | HuffPost
Almost certainly staged for propaganda purposes.

Thiis is not fake.
Of course it is.

Is this fake?

View attachment 309807

How about this?

View attachment 309808

Or this?

View attachment 309809

Or this?

View attachment 309810

Or this?

View attachment 309812

Or this?

View attachment 309813

Or this?

View attachment 309814

Or this???

View attachment 309815

Tell me - what is your side's obsession with exposing children to this filth? Are you a fucking degenerate??
YIKES! And some on the Left, including some that post on here, consider this OK and normal. BEYOND dreadful.

It's absolutely disgusting. For years we warned these sick LGBT fucks were after the kids and we were told to shut up and stop being bigots/homophobes. Now they don't even hide it - they parade it on our goddamn streets. All I can say is this - any fag/dyke that pulls this shit around MY kids is leaving on a stretcher. Thank Christ I don't live anywhere near this lunacy.
In that case, I'll ask the question again...are you saying that conservatives are, by nature of being conservative, morally upright humans?

One thing is certainly obvious enough. Where matters of political controversy line up with clear matters of good versus evil, conservatives are nearly always found on the side of good, and LIbErals are nearly always found on the side of evil.

Which side supports the savage, cold-blooded murder of unborn children, and which side opposes it?

Which side stands with homosexuals, transsexuals, child molesters, and other sick, degenerate sexual perverts?

Which side treasonously takes the side of foreign criminals illegally invading our country, against that of this country and of their own fellow Americans, and which side seeks to defend our country against these invaders?

Which side openly sides with violent criminals, by seeking ti make it more difficult for law-abiding Americans to exercise our Second Amendment rights, to make us easier prey for the criminals?

Which side supports the recent efforts of the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby to have their agenda taught to young children in public schools?

And which side is it that can't even bring itself to condemn the sickness depicted in the video on which this thread is based?


I won't claim, of course, that conservatism is perfect, that it is always good,and never evil, nor will I claim that there is not any good in LIbEralism, that it is nothing but evil.

But the correlation between the conservative/LIbEral dichotomy, and the good/evil dichotomy is very strong, and undeniable. Certainly, no LIbEral will ever, ever be in a position to lecture any conservative on matters of ethics or morality.
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