

Apr 1, 2011
What are your dreams? Do you understand that this is a very important time for recovery as well as healing? Do you understand that the potential cure for what ails you as an individual (and ultimately as a nation, as a world) is possibly within your dreams? Must we always be reminded? :doubt:
Dreams as in what you dream while sleeping or dreams as in what you aspire?
One may provoke the other. Which would the individual prefer to invest the most in it seems may be the better question, perhaps, if they were to be different (however slightly).

Here is a type of example: Kirstie Alley Pictures & Photos - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2012 - Zang Toi - Runway

^^ the after pics of her organic awareness and she is currently on a trip to Italy writing her memoirs.

Kirstie Alley: Before and After Pics | Kirstie Alley, Before: Long Black Dress | Style Goes Strong

^^ before her organic awareness.

I would say that farming and those investing in the most naturalistic measures of such may, indeed, be on to something worth dreaming about, but that is just merely my opinion, of course.

I suppose it would be foolish to post more about the most advanced medical breakthroughs in organ donating and transplanting and perhaps why 'organic' may be worth far more to us as a nation than it is accredited to at this point in time. Perhaps as mentioned in the other thread about Einstein being 'wrong'... with his theories of relativity and such that atmospheres, the bodies and the brains, do represent the biggest obstacles in some of the most challenging research necessary. I suppose it would be foolish, however, as I mentioned... to post any more about such because this is already well known.
They aren't at all random if readers are paying attention. Almost every post I make is linked to one another.
Last night I dreamed of a three way with a 32 year old named Jacki and a 37 year old named Anita.
I left at 830 AM and got home 15-20 minutes ago.
Fun timez.
People dream and talk shit. I dream and do shit.
They aren't at all random if readers are paying attention. Almost every post I make is linked to one another.

Not me, I post with no central theme really.

But I have to say, the answer to life itself is inside of the subsonscious. I just have to believe that.

It's that feeling that someone is always watching you, like you're inside of a movie all of the time........................I always feel like I'm watched. I do try to impress :razz: I work hard as a mo-fo. It will be a shame to find out noone was watching afterall :(

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