Dress code at Planet Fitness gets patron expelled for pro-life t-shirt.

As an avid gym rat let me say...screw Planet Fatness.

They make fun of bodybuilders on commercials. They have a "lunk alarm" anyone can set off when a member is lifting too heavy. And the BAN deadlifts...the single most effective muscle and strength building excercise out there.

Then market themselves the "no judgment" zone.

Its a gym for fat people and people who want to socialize in a gym.
Liberals are the champs at hate, intolerance, and censorship

68 Year Old Man Kicked Out Of Planet Fitness For Wearing Pro-life T-shirt Despite Their Claim Of Being 100 Judgement Free

nov 18 2014
I just got off the phone with Michael Amarosa, a 68 year-old man from Deltona, Florida who was recently kicked out of the local Planet Fitness for wearing a pro-life t-shirt to work out in.

Michael has been going to Planet Fitness for three years and about two weeks ago was approached by one of the staff as he was working out. The staff member informed him that his shirt was offensive to someone and asked if he would be willing to change into a shirt she had in her hand. Michael said no and asked what would happen if he did not change his shirt. He was asked
to leave.

Now before I go on, lets look at the slogan for Planet Fitness: “Welcome to Planet Fitness. Home of the Judgement Free Zone®”. That’s right, Planet Fitness wants people to think they are a “judgement free zone” while casting judgement on Michael for a pro-life t-shirt.

Michael’s shirt read, “abortion kills a person” and he thought that if he wore a less abrasive shirt that maybe they would not cast judgement on him. He was wrong. Michael came back the next day wearing a shirt that read, “pray to end abortion” and he was approached again and asked to leave.
Pro-life is just a fake name for anti-abortion. The man was wearing an inciting political message on his shirt: he is the hater, he is the judgmental one, he is the one with an agenda. He came into a place where people just want to relax and workout without people using slogans on their clothes to shout a political agenda. No wonder he was kicked out.
Does a private business not have the right to refuse business to him? That's the trend. He either changes his shirt or buh bye... outta there.

Huh, that is what the wedding cake maker said when they did not want to make a wedding cake for a couple of fruitloops, and you people whistled a different tune, like the deranged shitbag hypocrites you are.
Does a private business not have the right to refuse business to him? That's the trend. He either changes his shirt or buh bye... outta there.

Huh, that is what the wedding cake maker said when they did not want to make a wedding cake for a couple of fruitloops, and you people whistled a different tune, like the deranged shitbag hypocrites you are.
LMAO Don't you get the point you fucking idiot? He was being ironic. LOL
Progressives are Judgement Free, as long as you're in total lock step with them.

That's also why they are history's most prolific mass murderers

I'm confused is this the week you defend business' for having rules or is this the week you attack them for having rules you dont like?
As an avid gym rat let me say...screw Planet Fatness.

They make fun of bodybuilders on commercials. They have a "lunk alarm" anyone can set off when a member is lifting too heavy. And the BAN deadlifts...the single most effective muscle and strength building excercise out there.

Then market themselves the "no judgment" zone.

Its a gym for fat people and people who want to socialize in a gym.

Like you a lot, but you are a cop fan, and that makes you suspect when it comes to gyms and cops. Go find a gym that lets you do what you want.

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