Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Oh as for feeding, we burn FOOD for fuel that could be used to feed the world. But liberals "THINK" the world is overpopulated so if you don't feed people they will die. Nice of you guys for having empathy towards your fellow man.
What about the babies that got past the executioners blade and was born on the table, that was then killed while breathing air?

what about it?

Of course at 8 weeks there was still a HEART beating and a developing BRAIN, I wonder how you guys would feel if people started aborting bald eagle's, or humpback whale's, or white rhino's fetus at 8 weeks?

Bald Eagles and Humpback whales are endangered as SPECIES!!!! There is no change that we will wipe out homo sapiens through abortion. In fact, quite the opposite, reducing the size of the population keeps the remaining population healthy.

"Hearsay" but still proves that liberals will do anything to get someone like this to not be executed, but then those unborn babies, who have harmed no one, can be killed, dissected, and sold for parts, all in the name of science. Maybe if we stopped coddling the REAL evil ones, and put them to the knife, we could get those funds to feed children and not be in debt. But then again, there would be less Dumbocrats voters in jail, and you know that cant happen.

Fetuses aren't people, guy. and as long as they are inside of a woman, it's ultimately her choice, not yours or mine.
Ah I see, if a humback whale has a FETUS in its body, then it is protected, but since you liberals HATE, humanity, then the FETUS in, or out of the body of a liberal woman, it is okay to execute it for parts. So everyone, you see how liberals feel, about humans, and if they can, they will purge about 6 1/2 billion people for the New World Order. My question about that is, do you liberals think that "YOU" wont be part of the purge? Low information voters don't last long in the liberal world.
The mother of said humpback whale can also abort her own fetus.
If there are too many of you on Earth, why don't you start to lower the population problem by showing everyone else how its done. Be the first to stop that unwanted CO2 and eliminate your CO2 footprint? Because you chickenshits want everyone else to give up their lives, or unborn lives, while you and your sorry ass liberal elites want the world to yourselves, to ruin like what is happening in the world today. Why is it that if you put all the people side by side, front to back, it might fill up the state of Texas? Because of the liberals in the cities that give FREE stuff that the poor shlobs flock to, making those cities into cesspools, that you liberals hate and say is over crowded. Bunch of dumbass tards who vote liberal, thinking that the liberal elites are for the little people. If so, why does William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) have over $150,000,000 and wont share it with the rest of you? Case closed.

Guy, you are ranting at this point.

It isn't a matter of how much room you need to crowd people into, it's how much room and resources you need to feed them. If the whole world lived like Americans, we'd need three planets to feed them all. Unfortunately, most of the world's 7 billion people live in incredible poverty, and shithead like you want them to keep reproducing.

Seriously, dude, see your doctor and get your medication adjusted before you hurt someone.
Oh as for feeding, we burn FOOD for fuel that could be used to feed the world. But liberals "THINK" the world is overpopulated so if you don't feed people they will die. Nice of you guys for having empathy towards your fellow man.

The world IS overpopulated. It's not just a matter of food, it's a matter of water - there's not enough drinkable water where the people are. It's a matter of clothing, shelter, etc.

Again, please get your medications adjusted, and stop trying to tell women what to do with their lady parts, it's none of your fucking business.
Oh as for feeding, we burn FOOD for fuel that could be used to feed the world. But liberals "THINK" the world is overpopulated so if you don't feed people they will die. Nice of you guys for having empathy towards your fellow man.

The world IS overpopulated. It's not just a matter of food, it's a matter of water - there's not enough drinkable water where the people are. It's a matter of clothing, shelter, etc.

Again, please get your medications adjusted, and stop trying to tell women what to do with their lady parts, it's none of your fucking business.
So with the rise of the oceans and we decide to put desalination plants around the beaches of countries in need, we could solve the issue of water shortages. Duh, bet you didn't think I knew about those, but since I spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, where I saw up close plants like these, you liberals don't want this because then there would be even more people because happy people want to have children, while angry people want dead babies, in or out of the womb. You are such dumbasses who think the world is overpopulated, but since you are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots, you parrot whatever comes out of the rainbow house. Once again, FEEL FREE, to start the reduction of the overpopulation and if we can get more liberals to leave this planet, soon there wouldn't be global warming, there wouldn't be overpopulation, but pretty much a happy people who can get along.
So with the rise of the oceans and we decide to put desalination plants around the beaches of countries in need, we could solve the issue of water shortages. Duh, bet you didn't think I knew about those, but since I spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, where I saw up close plants like these, you liberals don't want this because then there would be even more people because happy people want to have children, while angry people want dead babies, in or out of the womb.

Guy, do you know what it costs to run a desalinazation plant?

Here's the thing. When I was in the service, I new this gal who was college educated, Asian, religious, had a lot of traditional values, but she liked to fuck her boyfriend because he promised to marry her. But he didn't make good on his promise, so she decided to 'forget' to take her birth control pills. Then she got knocked up and had an abortion because he STILL wouldn't marry her.

People are going to make their bad choices no matter what the law is.
Maybe if we got rid of our most despicable crimminals($100,000+ a year to take care of) we could afford those desalination plants. Get rid of the rapist that knocked up the girl who forgot her birth control pill, or the axe murderer who took the lives of many? Get rid of the child rapist(well that would get rid of plenty of liberals then) and soon the government would be able to close the hard core prisons, but that isn't what liberals want, because when you have maximum security facilities, they employ people to make food, they employ people to make clothes, they employ security guards(who screw around with the inmates) and this is big business for the liberals. Yeah people are going to make bad choices and should be punished for it, not coddled like you liberals love to do with the bad guys, yet then again, the unborn child never got to make a choice, and executed in the womb or out, which brings US back to the abortion issue. Leah Barkoukis - Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive
Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive
You guys make me sick. What goes around, comes around, see you in Hell.
Maybe if we got rid of our most despicable crimminals($100,000+ a year to take care of) we could afford those desalination plants. Get rid of the rapist that knocked up the girl who forgot her birth control pill, or the axe murderer who took the lives of many? Get rid of the child rapist(well that would get rid of plenty of liberals then) and soon the government would be able to close the hard core prisons, but that isn't what liberals want, because when you have maximum security facilities, they employ people to make food, they employ people to make clothes, they employ security guards(who screw around with the inmates) and this is big business for the liberals. Yeah people are going to make bad choices and should be punished for it, not coddled like you liberals love to do with the bad guys, yet then again, the unborn child never got to make a choice, and executed in the womb or out, which brings US back to the abortion issue.

I want to hear about how pro-life you are when you talk about all the people you want to kill.

No, guy, we can't afford desalination plants that can handle all the agricultural and civic needs. The saudis just desalination enough for drinking water and then they import the food they need by trading it for the oil that is causing the global warming.
Maybe if we got rid of our most despicable crimminals($100,000+ a year to take care of) we could afford those desalination plants. Get rid of the rapist that knocked up the girl who forgot her birth control pill, or the axe murderer who took the lives of many? Get rid of the child rapist(well that would get rid of plenty of liberals then) and soon the government would be able to close the hard core prisons, but that isn't what liberals want, because when you have maximum security facilities, they employ people to make food, they employ people to make clothes, they employ security guards(who screw around with the inmates) and this is big business for the liberals. Yeah people are going to make bad choices and should be punished for it, not coddled like you liberals love to do with the bad guys, yet then again, the unborn child never got to make a choice, and executed in the womb or out, which brings US back to the abortion issue.

I want to hear about how pro-life you are when you talk about all the people you want to kill.

No, guy, we can't afford desalination plants that can handle all the agricultural and civic needs. The saudis just desalination enough for drinking water and then they import the food they need by trading it for the oil that is causing the global warming.
I am pro-life when it comes to the most innocent of victims that you want to execute for science. Those that have had chance after chance and still go out of their way to screw others(liberals) deserve no 4th or 5th chance. Once again, EVIL is running around in America, they are liberals, who wish to do harm to babies in or out of the womb. Lucifer is laughing at you. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
I am pro-life when it comes to the most innocent of victims that you want to execute for science. Those that have had chance after chance and still go out of their way to screw others(liberals) deserve no 4th or 5th chance. Once again, EVIL is running around in America, they are liberals, who wish to do harm to babies in or out of the womb. Lucifer is laughing at you.

The Morning Star is laughing at me?

Anyway, no one is having abortions for "science", guy. Those fetuses would be aborted no matter what is done with the medical waste.

I do find it hilarious that the same people who get upset when we terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus can't wait to start executing people in prisons, despite a pretty sorry track record of actually convicting the right people.
Since I have spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I kinda know what the Saudis do with their water. Not only do they use it for drinking, but also to water their lawns, grow crops, and take showers with it. Your lack of intelligence shows again. You are such a twit who knows nothing.

And if we had that kind of money to piss away, we could do it, too.

Unfortunately, we don't.

So you spent 5 years in Crazy-land, and you don't think it rubbed off?
I am pro-life when it comes to the most innocent of victims that you want to execute for science. Those that have had chance after chance and still go out of their way to screw others(liberals) deserve no 4th or 5th chance. Once again, EVIL is running around in America, they are liberals, who wish to do harm to babies in or out of the womb. Lucifer is laughing at you.

The Morning Star is laughing at me?

Anyway, no one is having abortions for "science", guy. Those fetuses would be aborted no matter what is done with the medical waste.

I do find it hilarious that the same people who get upset when we terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus can't wait to start executing people in prisons, despite a pretty sorry track record of actually convicting the right people.
I guess when that kidney-bean sized fetus is born outside the womb and executed , you have no problem with that, as I pointed out in a previous article?
I guess when that kidney-bean sized fetus is born outside the womb and executed , you have no problem with that, as I pointed out in a previous article?

I have no problem with doctors and patients making whatever decisions they think are appropriate.

The rest of you need to mind your own fucking business.
I guess when that kidney-bean sized fetus is born outside the womb and executed , you have no problem with that, as I pointed out in a previous article?

I have no problem with doctors and patients making whatever decisions they think are appropriate.

The rest of you need to mind your own fucking business.
Joe Biden: Life Begins at Conception, But I Won't Hold Others to That
Joe Biden: Life Begins at Conception, But I Won't Hold Others to That
How convenient for you that people are supposed to mind their own fucking business, and when people do,(like saying they don't like homosexual marriages) you liberals are right there forcing your shit down our throats, but then when we talk about abortions where life starts at conception, oh, look out, we need to get out of a womans right to KILL. DOUBLE STANDARDS, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.
How convenient for you that people are supposed to mind their own fucking business, and when people do,(like saying they don't like homosexual marriages) you liberals are right there forcing your shit down our throats, but then when we talk about abortions where life starts at conception, oh, look out, we need to get out of a womans right to KILL. DOUBLE STANDARDS, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.

I think you are a little confused here.

If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

No one is forcing ANYTHING down your throat.
Yeah, when a person says he didn't believe in fudge packing marriage, you libtards were out in front of Chic-Fil-A trying to boycott them into submission. Problem was that MORE Americans, came out showing their support for Chic,(which then you called them homophobes) but Chic made more profits that month. Then a person claimed that her faith prevented her from serving pizza to a homosexual marriage and you libtards forced that shop to close. Joe, you are a big dumbass not to think that your liberal agenda requires you to force your shit on the rest of US, because as long as there is opposition to your immoral ways, there is hope that We the People can get rid of the Cancer that is called liberalism.
Yeah, when a person says he didn't believe in fudge packing marriage, you libtards were out in front of Chic-Fil-A trying to boycott them into submission. Problem was that MORE Americans, came out showing their support for Chic,(which then you called them homophobes) but Chic made more profits that month.

They also stopped funding homophobic groups, but you left that part out. It wasn't that they were just saying their opinion, but they were funding groups that were classified as hate organizations.

Then a person claimed that her faith prevented her from serving pizza to a homosexual marriage and you libtards forced that shop to close.

Except that shop didn't close. All they really did was write a bunch of shit on her YELP Page.

Joe, you are a big dumbass not to think that your liberal agenda requires you to force your shit on the rest of US, because as long as there is opposition to your immoral ways, there is hope that We the People can get rid of the Cancer that is called liberalism.

Guy, the only cancer I see here is your brain illness. You seriously need help.
Yeah, when a person says he didn't believe in fudge packing marriage, you libtards were out in front of Chic-Fil-A trying to boycott them into submission. Problem was that MORE Americans, came out showing their support for Chic,(which then you called them homophobes) but Chic made more profits that month.

They also stopped funding homophobic groups, but you left that part out. It wasn't that they were just saying their opinion, but they were funding groups that were classified as hate organizations.

Then a person claimed that her faith prevented her from serving pizza to a homosexual marriage and you libtards forced that shop to close.

Except that shop didn't close. All they really did was write a bunch of shit on her YELP Page.

Joe, you are a big dumbass not to think that your liberal agenda requires you to force your shit on the rest of US, because as long as there is opposition to your immoral ways, there is hope that We the People can get rid of the Cancer that is called liberalism.

Guy, the only cancer I see here is your brain illness. You seriously need help.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Immoral people HATE everyone who wants EVIL to be abolished from Earth. Immoral people must CRUSH those who oppose them, because INSANE people need to do immoral things to make their lives fulfilled. So whom is it that classified those organizations as hate? Just love it when people who want to save our country from LUCIFER, are considered hate groups. At least we don't "HATE" unborn children and want them executed. Really now, who is the party of HATE? Look in the mirror, for you are the EVIL one.
Yeah, when a person says he didn't believe in fudge packing marriage, you libtards were out in front of Chic-Fil-A trying to boycott them into submission. Problem was that MORE Americans, came out showing their support for Chic,(which then you called them homophobes) but Chic made more profits that month.

They also stopped funding homophobic groups, but you left that part out. It wasn't that they were just saying their opinion, but they were funding groups that were classified as hate organizations.

Then a person claimed that her faith prevented her from serving pizza to a homosexual marriage and you libtards forced that shop to close.

Except that shop didn't close. All they really did was write a bunch of shit on her YELP Page.

Joe, you are a big dumbass not to think that your liberal agenda requires you to force your shit on the rest of US, because as long as there is opposition to your immoral ways, there is hope that We the People can get rid of the Cancer that is called liberalism.

Guy, the only cancer I see here is your brain illness. You seriously need help.
The Indiana Pizza Shop At The Center Of The Gay Marriage Debate Has Closed Due To Death Threats
Yeah, when a person says he didn't believe in fudge packing marriage, you libtards were out in front of Chic-Fil-A trying to boycott them into submission. Problem was that MORE Americans, came out showing their support for Chic,(which then you called them homophobes) but Chic made more profits that month.

They also stopped funding homophobic groups, but you left that part out. It wasn't that they were just saying their opinion, but they were funding groups that were classified as hate organizations.

Then a person claimed that her faith prevented her from serving pizza to a homosexual marriage and you libtards forced that shop to close.

Except that shop didn't close. All they really did was write a bunch of shit on her YELP Page.

Joe, you are a big dumbass not to think that your liberal agenda requires you to force your shit on the rest of US, because as long as there is opposition to your immoral ways, there is hope that We the People can get rid of the Cancer that is called liberalism.

Guy, the only cancer I see here is your brain illness. You seriously need help.
The Indiana Pizza Shop At The Center Of The Gay Marriage Debate Has Closed Due To Death Threats
They took a vacation from their business for like a week or two because they were being harassed. After receiving almost a million dollars in donations, they went back to work.

Hate pays, huh?

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