Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Apparently you didn't notice that the date was in 2004 warning about the eventual collapse of the housing bubble, that was created by the liberals who had people purchasing housing they couldn't afford. But since you are a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, low information, useful idiot, you continue to follow those that have and are still ruining America. Everyday, I see more people on the streets, who look for change, and I tell them that Obama has 7 million dollars, I don't, go ask him for change.
Umm.... in 2004 ... Republicans had controlled the executive branch since 2001, the House since 1995, and the Senate since 1995 minus the year and a half following the Jeffords switch.

Republicans ran the government.

Republicans are to blame.

President Hosts Conference on Minority Homeownership
I bet the Republicans are at fault for Obama's economy also? Yep, you libtards deserve all the misery that this administration is FORCING upon you, where the rich are definitely richer and the most in poverty ever. But once again, it was Jimmy Carters, and Bill Clintons affordable housing American Dream Act, that was the cause of the housing bubble bursting, where you could buy a subprime mortgage even if you couldn't afford it, then after 5 year walk away, since there was no money down. You libtards always blame someone else for the FAILED liberal policies, as typical of cowards.
You know, the problem with talking with crazy people is that they can't really hide the fact they are crazy... case in point.

Nice reliable source there , the NY times, one of the most lickspittle news ORG's ever.

Okay, guy, when you are going to doubt the "Paper of Record", you really should come up with a source that is credible to dispute things they've documented.

yes Bush, like his father was a liberal Republican who reached across the aisle to help the Dumbocrats screw US over even more(NO MORE BUSHes or Clintons)

You mean he wasn't a crazy person. I agree. Just an incompetent one. The problem is, life is comprimise. If you haven't learned this at a young age, you are probably pretty dysfunctional and your co-workers probably have a pool going on when you will start a shooting rampage.

but you voted not once but twice for Obama,who is even worse than Bush, and you swoon over him like he was the new messiah.

Uh, no, guy, I only voted for Obama in 2012, and that was because he was running against a Mormon. I have a strict rule about letting crazy religious nuts have nukes.

And Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) has made billions more while more people are in poverty since the war on poverty was created by LBJ.

And Warren has admitted he thinks the current tax system that benefits the wealthy is unfair. Not that stops you from bending over for rich people on the hope someone might outlaw abortion some day.

Over 5 trillion dollars have been wasted on that war, yet Bush created 4 trillion dollars of debt(Obama called that unpatriotic) and Obama has created 9 trillion dollars of debt(is that unpatriotic also?) and you aren't saying a thing.

I agree, the debt is a problem. Obama has cut military spending, raised taxes on the rich, and taken the yearly deficit down from 1 Trillion to under 400 Billion. Still too high.
I bet the Republicans are at fault for Obama's economy also? Yep, you libtards deserve all the misery that this administration is FORCING upon you, where the rich are definitely richer and the most in poverty ever. But once again, it was Jimmy Carters, and Bill Clintons affordable housing American Dream Act, that was the cause of the housing bubble bursting, where you could buy a subprime mortgage even if you couldn't afford it, then after 5 year walk away, since there was no money down. You libtards always blame someone else for the FAILED liberal policies, as typical of cowards.
Spits the flaming imbecile who's blaming Democrats for Republican policies passed by Republicans during the years Republicans controlled the government.

You know, the problem with talking with crazy people is that they can't really hide the fact they are crazy... case in point.

Nice reliable source there , the NY times, one of the most lickspittle news ORG's ever.

Okay, guy, when you are going to doubt the "Paper of Record", you really should come up with a source that is credible to dispute things they've documented.

yes Bush, like his father was a liberal Republican who reached across the aisle to help the Dumbocrats screw US over even more(NO MORE BUSHes or Clintons)

You mean he wasn't a crazy person. I agree. Just an incompetent one. The problem is, life is comprimise. If you haven't learned this at a young age, you are probably pretty dysfunctional and your co-workers probably have a pool going on when you will start a shooting rampage.

but you voted not once but twice for Obama,who is even worse than Bush, and you swoon over him like he was the new messiah.

Uh, no, guy, I only voted for Obama in 2012, and that was because he was running against a Mormon. I have a strict rule about letting crazy religious nuts have nukes.

And Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) has made billions more while more people are in poverty since the war on poverty was created by LBJ.

And Warren has admitted he thinks the current tax system that benefits the wealthy is unfair. Not that stops you from bending over for rich people on the hope someone might outlaw abortion some day.

Over 5 trillion dollars have been wasted on that war, yet Bush created 4 trillion dollars of debt(Obama called that unpatriotic) and Obama has created 9 trillion dollars of debt(is that unpatriotic also?) and you aren't saying a thing.

I agree, the debt is a problem. Obama has cut military spending, raised taxes on the rich, and taken the yearly deficit down from 1 Trillion to under 400 Billion. Still too high.
Uh, no, guy, I only voted for Obama in 2012, and that was because he was running against a Mormon. I have a strict rule about letting crazy religious nuts have nukes.
Obama admits Iran nuclear deal only delays inevitable, leaves problem for future presidents
Obama admits Iran nuclear deal only delays inevitable, leaves problem for future presidents
Dumbass, real nice of Obama to give the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist's the bomb, who repeated has said he will destroy Israel(little Satan) within 25 years, and death to America(great Satan) will now have 150 billion dollars at their disposal to use it for more Terrorism. Every FAIL policy of the LIBERALS has ruined America, especially to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT, either by having illegal hordes crossing the borders, dropping their ANCHOR babies, in the thousands(while Americans are aborting 33,000 a month) or bringing in Muslim Terrorists in the name of liberal compassion for those who are escaping the ARAB SPRING, that Hillary Goddamn Clinton caused in the middle east. You libtards keep on riding that high sociopathic horse, because while riding high, it is easier to have your head separated from your shoulders, by those who are being invited in by YOUR president.
Dumbass, real nice of Obama to give the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist's the bomb, who repeated has said he will destroy Israel(little Satan) within 25 years, and death to America(great Satan) will now have 150 billion dollars at their disposal to use it for more Terrorism. Every FAIL policy of the LIBERALS has ruined America, especially to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT, either by having illegal hordes crossing the borders, dropping their ANCHOR babies, in the thousands(while Americans are aborting 33,000 a month) or bringing in Muslim Terrorists in the name of liberal compassion for those who are escaping the ARAB SPRING, that Hillary Goddamn Clinton caused in the middle east. You libtards keep on riding that high sociopathic horse, because while riding high, it is easier to have your head separated from your shoulders, by those who are being invited in by YOUR president.

Guy, the Zionists have been telling us that the Iranians are "ABOUT TO GET THE BOMB WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE" since 1992. I don't believe them anymore and I'm not sure why you do.

Also, what is going on in Syria has very little to do with the "Arab Spring", you tend to get confused like when you thought Germany hadn't attacked us in WWI or We declared war on Hitler instead of the other way around.

Now, for that 150 billion dollars. Yes, we are going to return THEIR MONEY. We took their money away from them, we have to give it back. Kind of a simple thing, sorry you don't get that.

Again, kind of tired talking to you because you are kind of like the crazy homeless person who rants at the lamp-post he thinks is giving him orders from the CIA.
Dumbass, real nice of Obama to give the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist's the bomb, who repeated has said he will destroy Israel(little Satan) within 25 years, and death to America(great Satan) will now have 150 billion dollars at their disposal to use it for more Terrorism. Every FAIL policy of the LIBERALS has ruined America, especially to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM IT, either by having illegal hordes crossing the borders, dropping their ANCHOR babies, in the thousands(while Americans are aborting 33,000 a month) or bringing in Muslim Terrorists in the name of liberal compassion for those who are escaping the ARAB SPRING, that Hillary Goddamn Clinton caused in the middle east. You libtards keep on riding that high sociopathic horse, because while riding high, it is easier to have your head separated from your shoulders, by those who are being invited in by YOUR president.

Guy, the Zionists have been telling us that the Iranians are "ABOUT TO GET THE BOMB WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE" since 1992. I don't believe them anymore and I'm not sure why you do.

Also, what is going on in Syria has very little to do with the "Arab Spring", you tend to get confused like when you thought Germany hadn't attacked us in WWI or We declared war on Hitler instead of the other way around.

Now, for that 150 billion dollars. Yes, we are going to return THEIR MONEY. We took their money away from them, we have to give it back. Kind of a simple thing, sorry you don't get that.

Again, kind of tired talking to you because you are kind of like the crazy homeless person who rants at the lamp-post he thinks is giving him orders from the CIA.
Guy, the Zionists have been telling us that the Iranians are "ABOUT TO GET THE BOMB WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE" since 1992. I don't believe them anymore and I'm not sure why you do.
Obama admits Iran nuclear deal only delays inevitable, leaves problem for future presidents
Obama admits Iran nuclear deal only delays inevitable, leaves problem for future presidents
If you guys weren't so goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, lowinformation, useful idiots, you might actually see who said what. But then that would mean you would have to pull your head out of your asses, and I just don't think you are able to.

If you guys weren't so goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, lowinformation, useful idiots, you might actually see who said what. But then that would mean you would have to pull your head out of your asses, and I just don't think you are able to.

GUy, Fox News taking statements out of context is not an argument. Not to mention this story is about five months old and isn't about the final agreement.

Hey, guy, also regurgitating what you've heard on Rush Limbaugh's show is not an argument.

News flash. Limbaugh is a closeted homosexual who is laughing at you people all the way to the bank.

Turn off the Hate Radio and try to learn something.
Only hates have been the liberals/progressive/communist/Marxist/socialist/democrats.
1. they hated the black people and kept them as slaves.
2. they hated Republicans who freed the slaves.
3. They hated women who were able to vote.
4. They hated the gasoline engine which allowed people to be free and travel where free people went.
5. They hated cigarettes, but love POT, go figure.
6. They hate all people(overpopulation) yet 7 billion people would fit in the State of Texas. The overpopulation is in liberal cities which promise free stuff to those who don't want to work.
7. They hate their own lives, because they are the most miserable people on the planet and they don't think it is fair when other people are happy.
It is a shame that liberals always talk about how man is screwing up the Earth, but I ask liberals if CO2 and man is the enemy of the Earth, then why are you still on the planet, be the first to remove your sorry ass and make an example for others to follow. But since liberals are chickenshits, they want everyone else to die, so they can have the planet all to themselves. Problem with that is, then there is no one to work, so no food, no electricity, no water, no people left, for soon even the liberals would be dead. Bunch of sorry tards who are liberals.
Only hates have been the liberals/progressive/communist/Marxist/socialist/democrats.
1. they hated the black people and kept them as slaves.
2. they hated Republicans who freed the slaves.
3. They hated women who were able to vote.
4. They hated the gasoline engine which allowed people to be free and travel where free people went.
5. They hated cigarettes, but love POT, go figure.
6. They hate all people(overpopulation) yet 7 billion people would fit in the State of Texas. The overpopulation is in liberal cities which promise free stuff to those who don't want to work.
7. They hate their own lives, because they are the most miserable people on the planet and they don't think it is fair when other people are happy.
It is a shame that liberals always talk about how man is screwing up the Earth, but I ask liberals if CO2 and man is the enemy of the Earth, then why are you still on the planet, be the first to remove your sorry ass and make an example for others to follow. But since liberals are chickenshits, they want everyone else to die, so they can have the planet all to themselves. Problem with that is, then there is no one to work, so no food, no electricity, no water, no people left, for soon even the liberals would be dead. Bunch of sorry tards who are liberals.
You know it is true, why else do you start the destruction of life before it is even born. That you call life, just a jumble of cells, and have that life executed before its first breath, then howl like a madman(liberal) when a murder gets on death row and should have more chances because he was a product of his society. Once again, you guys are the haters, but since you are sociopathic, you fit right in.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
This is why the call unborn babies, "FETUS".
This is why the call unborn babies, "FETUS".

No, we call them that because that's what a doctor calls them.
Let me quote the sociopath once again How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
FETUS is so impersonal, unborn baby is very personal. Which is why you murderers don't want women to have ultra sounds before they decide to terminate that innocent life. Yet then during the execution of that unborn child, an ultra sound is used so they can get to those crunchy parts without damaging them to make sure the parts are sellable. When you don't have feelings of guilt, shame or remorse, you can murder someone and not feel not only for the victim but the family of that victim also.
Worldwide ENQUIRER bombshell exclusive: Ted Kennedy made a secret visit to the grave of Mary Jo Kopechne before his death.
FETUS is so impersonal, unborn baby is very personal.

Fetus is technically correct, 'unborn baby" is making up words to express disgust with something.

Which is why you murderers don't want women to have ultra sounds before they decide to terminate that innocent life.

At the point they want to give women ultrasounds (which involves violating them with a wand) you really can't see anything anyway. It's just another way to punish women.

At 8 weeks, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. You aren't going to pick that up on an ultrasound.

Yet then during the execution of that unborn child, an ultra sound is used so they can get to those crunchy parts without damaging them to make sure the parts are sellable.

First, very few fetuses are harvested for research. second, when they are, something has gone wrong with the pregnancy and the woman is donating.

When you don't have feelings of guilt, shame or remorse, you can murder someone and not feel not only for the victim but the family of that victim also.

Guy, I'll be more impressed when you Wingnuts arent' trying to snatch food stamps and school lunches out of the mouths of hungry children.
FETUS is so impersonal, unborn baby is very personal.

Fetus is technically correct, 'unborn baby" is making up words to express disgust with something.

Which is why you murderers don't want women to have ultra sounds before they decide to terminate that innocent life.

At the point they want to give women ultrasounds (which involves violating them with a wand) you really can't see anything anyway. It's just another way to punish women.

At 8 weeks, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. You aren't going to pick that up on an ultrasound.

Yet then during the execution of that unborn child, an ultra sound is used so they can get to those crunchy parts without damaging them to make sure the parts are sellable.

First, very few fetuses are harvested for research. second, when they are, something has gone wrong with the pregnancy and the woman is donating.

When you don't have feelings of guilt, shame or remorse, you can murder someone and not feel not only for the victim but the family of that victim also.

Guy, I'll be more impressed when you Wingnuts arent' trying to snatch food stamps and school lunches out of the mouths of hungry children.
At 8 weeks, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. You aren't going to pick that up on an ultrasound.
What about the babies that got past the executioners blade and was born on the table, that was then killed while breathing air? Of course at 8 weeks there was still a HEART beating and a developing BRAIN, I wonder how you guys would feel if people started aborting bald eagle's, or humpback whale's, or white rhino's fetus at 8 weeks? I mean those are just a jumble of cells. Do you think your libtard buddies would allow that?

FETUS is so impersonal, unborn baby is very personal.

Fetus is technically correct, 'unborn baby" is making up words to express disgust with something.

Which is why you murderers don't want women to have ultra sounds before they decide to terminate that innocent life.

At the point they want to give women ultrasounds (which involves violating them with a wand) you really can't see anything anyway. It's just another way to punish women.

At 8 weeks, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. You aren't going to pick that up on an ultrasound.

Yet then during the execution of that unborn child, an ultra sound is used so they can get to those crunchy parts without damaging them to make sure the parts are sellable.

First, very few fetuses are harvested for research. second, when they are, something has gone wrong with the pregnancy and the woman is donating.

When you don't have feelings of guilt, shame or remorse, you can murder someone and not feel not only for the victim but the family of that victim also.

Guy, I'll be more impressed when you Wingnuts arent' trying to snatch food stamps and school lunches out of the mouths of hungry children.
Oklahoma inmate set to die for 1997 killing
Sneed was the prosecution's key witness and testified that Glossip masterminded the killing because he was afraid Van Treese was about to fire him for embezzling money and poorly managing the motel. Sneed was sentenced to life in prison in exchange for his testimony.

A fellow inmate, Michael Scott, said in an affidavit that he heard Sneed say "he set Richard Glossip up, and that Richard Glossip didn't do anything."
"Hearsay" but still proves that liberals will do anything to get someone like this to not be executed, but then those unborn babies, who have harmed no one, can be killed, dissected, and sold for parts, all in the name of science. Maybe if we stopped coddling the REAL evil ones, and put them to the knife, we could get those funds to feed children and not be in debt. But then again, there would be less Dumbocrats voters in jail, and you know that cant happen.
What about the babies that got past the executioners blade and was born on the table, that was then killed while breathing air?

what about it?

Of course at 8 weeks there was still a HEART beating and a developing BRAIN, I wonder how you guys would feel if people started aborting bald eagle's, or humpback whale's, or white rhino's fetus at 8 weeks?

Bald Eagles and Humpback whales are endangered as SPECIES!!!! There is no change that we will wipe out homo sapiens through abortion. In fact, quite the opposite, reducing the size of the population keeps the remaining population healthy.

"Hearsay" but still proves that liberals will do anything to get someone like this to not be executed, but then those unborn babies, who have harmed no one, can be killed, dissected, and sold for parts, all in the name of science. Maybe if we stopped coddling the REAL evil ones, and put them to the knife, we could get those funds to feed children and not be in debt. But then again, there would be less Dumbocrats voters in jail, and you know that cant happen.

Fetuses aren't people, guy. and as long as they are inside of a woman, it's ultimately her choice, not yours or mine.
What about the babies that got past the executioners blade and was born on the table, that was then killed while breathing air?

what about it?

Of course at 8 weeks there was still a HEART beating and a developing BRAIN, I wonder how you guys would feel if people started aborting bald eagle's, or humpback whale's, or white rhino's fetus at 8 weeks?

Bald Eagles and Humpback whales are endangered as SPECIES!!!! There is no change that we will wipe out homo sapiens through abortion. In fact, quite the opposite, reducing the size of the population keeps the remaining population healthy.

"Hearsay" but still proves that liberals will do anything to get someone like this to not be executed, but then those unborn babies, who have harmed no one, can be killed, dissected, and sold for parts, all in the name of science. Maybe if we stopped coddling the REAL evil ones, and put them to the knife, we could get those funds to feed children and not be in debt. But then again, there would be less Dumbocrats voters in jail, and you know that cant happen.

Fetuses aren't people, guy. and as long as they are inside of a woman, it's ultimately her choice, not yours or mine.
Ah I see, if a humback whale has a FETUS in its body, then it is protected, but since you liberals HATE, humanity, then the FETUS in, or out of the body of a liberal woman, it is okay to execute it for parts. So everyone, you see how liberals feel, about humans, and if they can, they will purge about 6 1/2 billion people for the New World Order. My question about that is, do you liberals think that "YOU" wont be part of the purge? Low information voters don't last long in the liberal world.
Ah I see, if a humback whale has a FETUS in its body, then it is protected, but since you liberals HATE, humanity, then the FETUS in, or out of the body of a liberal woman, it is okay to execute it for parts. So everyone, you see how liberals feel, about humans, and if they can, they will purge about 6 1/2 billion people for the New World Order. My question about that is, do you liberals think that "YOU" wont be part of the purge? Low information voters don't last long in the liberal world.

I'm not aware that anyone is performing whale abortions. I think killing the adult whale would be the problem, although whaling is still going on, and there are less than 80,000 specimens in the world.

On the other hand, there are over 7 billion human beings. There are just too many of us, as there aren't enough resources to feed all of us without wiping out the habitat for all the other species.
Ah I see, if a humback whale has a FETUS in its body, then it is protected, but since you liberals HATE, humanity, then the FETUS in, or out of the body of a liberal woman, it is okay to execute it for parts. So everyone, you see how liberals feel, about humans, and if they can, they will purge about 6 1/2 billion people for the New World Order. My question about that is, do you liberals think that "YOU" wont be part of the purge? Low information voters don't last long in the liberal world.

I'm not aware that anyone is performing whale abortions. I think killing the adult whale would be the problem, although whaling is still going on, and there are less than 80,000 specimens in the world.

On the other hand, there are over 7 billion human beings. There are just too many of us, as there aren't enough resources to feed all of us without wiping out the habitat for all the other species.
If there are too many of you on Earth, why don't you start to lower the population problem by showing everyone else how its done. Be the first to stop that unwanted CO2 and eliminate your CO2 footprint? Because you chickenshits want everyone else to give up their lives, or unborn lives, while you and your sorry ass liberal elites want the world to yourselves, to ruin like what is happening in the world today. Why is it that if you put all the people side by side, front to back, it might fill up the state of Texas? Because of the liberals in the cities that give FREE stuff that the poor shlobs flock to, making those cities into cesspools, that you liberals hate and say is over crowded. Bunch of dumbass tards who vote liberal, thinking that the liberal elites are for the little people. If so, why does William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) have over $150,000,000 and wont share it with the rest of you? Case closed.

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