Driver playing on cell phone cripples three teens. Gets 5 months in jail


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Cell drivers are psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. This monster deserved 50 years and you have to figure the officials took bribes to let her off so easy.

Driver on cellphone who hit teens gets 5 months, hears about 'horrible', 'traumatizing' injuries

nov 12 2015
Her daughter, Sarah Hollenbeck, was so disoriented that she didn't know that she and two of her friends had been hit by a car while in a crosswalk near their school, the mother said.

Dove averted her gaze as the three teens talked about their lives since the crash and their lingering injuries. Hollenbeck's sense of smell and taste haven't returned, and she's not sure they ever will.

Kovalenko also lost her sense of smell and has vision problems. She suffered a concussion after bouncing off the windshield of Dove's Kia. Her injuries included a broken nose and a lost tooth. She said she failed a class because she missed so much time from school.

Jester tore her anterior cruciate ligament and shattered a kneecap. She can't stand too long without her leg buckling. Her injuries have made running, ballet and tap dancing virtually impossible -- all things she used to do.
Judge Eric Bloch ordered Dove to serve 30 days for third-degree assault beginning in December and another 120 days for reckless driving starting in June, when she finishes her semester at Mount Hood Community College.
There's no proportionality in the law or judge's decisions and you know it. Just look at the sheer number of felonies on the books and the number of murderers who get light sentences while someone who commits a mala prohibita "crime" gets the max.

Some ditz maiming three people because she was too busy playing with her phone to maintain control of her two ton vehicle should get more than 5 months.
There's no proportionality in the law or judge's decisions and you know it. Just look at the sheer number of felonies on the books and the number of murderers who get light sentences while someone who commits a mala prohibita "crime" gets the max.

Some ditz maiming three people because she was too busy playing with her phone to maintain control of her two ton vehicle should get more than 5 months.
Tell us, how much jail time did Laura Bush serve for killing her teenage friend in a car accident? Oh right, none.

Should this woman have been on the phone in a school zone? No. Can anything be done about that now? No. 5 days, 5 months, or 5 years changes not a damn thing.
Oh well, if nothing can be done about it now, let's just throw open the prison doors.

And Laura Bush might not have gotten any time, but Vince Neil got a whopping 30 days in county for a DUI that ended up killing his friend and maiming two women.

But since nothing could be done about it after the fact, he probably shouldn't have even gotten that much.
Oh well, if nothing can be done about it now, let's just throw open the prison doors.

And Laura Bush might not have gotten any time, but Vince Neil got a whopping 30 days in county for a DUI that ended up killing his friend and maiming two women.

But since nothing could be done about it after the fact, he probably shouldn't have even gotten that much.
The point is, it really doesn't fucking matter now does it, the damage is done. She didn't intend to hit the girls, but she did. That's life on this rock and reasonable people can see that, unlike SS here, who's a fucking nutjob.
Some ditz maiming three people because she was too busy playing with her phone to maintain control of her two ton vehicle should get more than 5 months.

Yup - if she'd used a gun to cripple these kids, libs would demand 50 years. But use a car and libs say forget it.
Tell us, how much jail time did Laura Bush serve for killing her teenage friend in a car accident? Oh right, none.


That's right. It was manslaughter at the least and may have been murder since the victim was a former bf. But her parents were well off and nothing was done to laura welch.

When laura was first lady she refused to talk about it. If some journo had the nerve to ask she said "oh i'ts too painful to talk about" and the useless press dropped the issue.
The point is, it really doesn't fucking matter now does it, the damage is done. She didn't intend to hit the girls, but she did. That's life on this rock and reasonable people can see that, unlike SS here, who's a fucking nutjob.

HAHA. Hey einstein. That can be said about every crime. "We can't change the past so let's just forget what you did."
5 months is a slap on the wrist in my opinion.

God bless you and the victims always!!!


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