Driving...on Weed: Study finds no problems with weed use while driving

well if i was in the middle of nowhere and there was no cell phone service and i was hurt bad...and the nearest hospital was 20 miles away and there were 2 people with me and one was drunk and the other was high.....i would hope like hell the pot guy does the driving .....
He would still be breaking the law, he would still be arrested for DWI, and he would still be convicted, and he would still go to jail.
you grabbed the point of that one didnt you?......geezus....lol......
A current event? More like the rubber room forum. Alcohol impairment measurements are so specific that they measure it to less than 1% but the study indicates "moderate amounts" of marijuana. I smell a rat. Here we are in a time in history where government studies cite specific chemicals contained in cigarettes and can list the chemicals that cause serious disease like cancer. As a result cigarette smoking has almost been banned and cigarette companies sued . Fair enough but similar government "research" is so sloppy that it measures marijuana usage in ridiculously non-scientific terms like "moderate" and pretends that their is no other way to ingest the alleged benefits of medical marijuana besides burning the freaking weed and taking in all the tar and poison into your lungs. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
Medical marijuana hasn't been legalized by the state through the normal process of scientific study, careful weighing of risks and benefits, and examination of countervailing public policy. Medical marijuana was enacted by popular vote because they got enough potheads to vote for it.
You smell people stinking from weed much more in stores around here now. I assume their chauffeurs didn't drive them. Anyone that's mesmerized by soup cans and walks in front of you isn't going to be a good driver.
"Stinking from weed . . ."

I know there is a smell from ingesting too much alcohol, or garlic, but what does one who has eaten or smoked too much marijuana smell like?
Too much? I imagine worse that a little. It stinks to high heaven. What does booze or garlic have to do with it?
You smell people stinking from weed much more in stores around here now. I assume their chauffeurs didn't drive them. Anyone that's mesmerized by soup cans and walks in front of you isn't going to be a good driver.
"Stinking from weed . . ."

I know there is a smell from ingesting too much alcohol, or garlic, but what does one who has eaten or smoked too much marijuana smell like?
Too much? I imagine worse that a little. It stinks to high heaven. What does booze or garlic have to do with it?
The odor of burning marijuana, unlike the odor of burning cigarette tobacco, is not at all unpleasant and has been likened to fall leaves burning. Ingesting and expelling marijuana smoke leaves no residual odor in the lungs or on the breath of the smoker -- regardless of volume. So whatever you smell, or imagine you smell, is something other than marijuana.

Beverage alcohol and garlic, on the other hand, are well known to impart distinctive odors to the breath and perspiration of the user. Unlike marijuana, you can smell it quite plainly.
Yeah. I work with them and there are plenty who post here. You keep on rationalizing, though. That's what addicts do.
There is a recognized psychological condition, the addictive personality disorder, which causes those afflicted to experience a compulsive longing for something, such as chocolate. I once knew a girl who was so "addicted" to Pepsi Cola she got out of bed at 3AM and drove 20 miles round-trip to an all-night convenience store to buy two liters of Pepsi -- and drink half of one on the return trip. But there is no such thing as a Pepsi addict -- nor is marijuana an addictive substance. But if you have a need to believe there is, be advised that such a compulsion is one component of the addictive personality.

Both myself and my late wife enjoyed marijuana throughout the sixties and seventies, when it was decriminalized in New York City. When Ronald Reagan intensified the War On Drugs in 1982 and it once again became seriously illegal in New York City, we decided it wasn't worth the risk, the comparatively limited availability and ridiculously increased cost, and we gave it up. While we certainly did miss the tranquil euphoria and the expanding levels of insight it afforded us we never experienced the kind of craving associated with drug withdrawal. Neither did any of those among our friends who also chose to put it aside.

But I am acquainted with two individuals who did not abstain, one of whom said she tried but couldn't. So make of that what you will.
One part per zillion of THC in your blood stream should be enough to put reefer dope fiends in jail for 10 years. No tolerance for this gateway drug to harder drugs like heroin and ecstasy and crack cocaine.

In all cases, hard drug users started with marijuana.
Whats the impact when it's not used in moderate amounts and what constitutes a moderate amount?
While using "too much" marijuana will not produce any harmful effect it will induce a stupor, cause slurred speech and retard mobility. Because the potency of marijuana varies depending on its source it often is impossible to know what effect to expect and how much is too much until it's ingested. Legalization and federally mandated potency designations, such as imposed on beverage alcohol, will solve this problem and enable marijuana users to know exactly what they are buying and to better control their usage levels.
One part per zillion of THC in your blood stream should be enough to put reefer dope fiends in jail for 10 years. No tolerance for this gateway drug to harder drugs like heroin and ecstasy and crack cocaine.

In all cases, hard drug users started with marijuana.
Actually, they all started with mothers' milk, coffee and cigarettes.

If you've never used marijuana I believe you'd be doing yourself a very big favor by trying it -- and by making an effort to learn the truth about it rather than to continue being intellectually hobbled by the kind of Reefer Madness nonsense you clearly have been indoctrinated with.
You smell people stinking from weed much more in stores around here now. I assume their chauffeurs didn't drive them. Anyone that's mesmerized by soup cans and walks in front of you isn't going to be a good driver.
"Stinking from weed . . ."

I know there is a smell from ingesting too much alcohol, or garlic, but what does one who has eaten or smoked too much marijuana smell like?
Too much? I imagine worse that a little. It stinks to high heaven. What does booze or garlic have to do with it?
The odor of burning marijuana, unlike the odor of burning cigarette tobacco, is not at all unpleasant and has been likened to fall leaves burning. Ingesting and expelling marijuana smoke leaves no residual odor in the lungs or on the breath of the smoker -- regardless of volume. So whatever you smell, or imagine you smell, is something other than marijuana.

Beverage alcohol and garlic, on the other hand, are well known to impart distinctive odors to the breath and perspiration of the user. Unlike marijuana, you can smell it quite plainly.
You're a complete and utter moron. Now you are going to dictate how unpleasant pot smell is and try to say alcohol stinks worse somehow? It's obvious you hollowed out your brain with weed.
One part per zillion of THC in your blood stream should be enough to put reefer dope fiends in jail for 10 years. No tolerance for this gateway drug to harder drugs like heroin and ecstasy and crack cocaine.

In all cases, hard drug users started with marijuana.
Actually, they all started with mothers' milk, coffee and cigarettes.

If you've never used marijuana I believe you'd be doing yourself a very big favor by trying it -- and by making an effort to learn the truth about it rather than to continue being intellectually hobbled by the kind of Reefer Madness nonsense you clearly have been indoctrinated with.
Reefer Madness, mother's milk, coffee ....yep, your brain is gone. Thanks for proving that pot is NOT harmless.
Whats the impact when it's not used in moderate amounts and what constitutes a moderate amount?
While using "too much" marijuana will not produce any harmful effect it will induce a stupor, cause slurred speech and retard mobility. Because the potency of marijuana varies depending on its source it often is impossible to know what effect to expect and how much is too much until it's ingested. Legalization and federally mandated potency designations, such as imposed on beverage alcohol, will solve this problem and enable marijuana users to know exactly what they are buying and to better control their usage levels.
Yeah because they can't tell how stoned they are. LOL, stupid pothead!
Some of you, like Mike, don't seem to understand the law involved. IT is NOT driving while intoxicated. If it were, then yes you could make a case that a person may not be intoxicated at .06 whereas another person might be so there shouldn't be a BAC , or the same with THC levels.

The law is DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. In the case of alcohol that means you are under the influence if your BAC is < whatever your state limit is , regardless of whether you are intoxicated or not. That's why you can pass a field sobriety test and still be ticketed for DUI.

Same with THC, okay you can argue that X amount of THC doesn't mean you are intoxicated. In fact you may be right, but too bad, the law is UNDER THE INFLUENCE of X or >X amount of THC, whether you are intoxicated or not is irrelevant.

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