Driving...on Weed: Study finds no problems with weed use while driving

[Cool story bro but I think you need to address this to the guy who said weed doesnt impair you. .....
That is a fucking lie, uncool stooge.

It said that it seemed in moderate amounts it did not cause problems.

Yes, it said that in the article I posted

You fuckin' fool. You think the rest of us can't read?

Just like alcohol, marijuana will need to have some type of measurement for acceptable road driving.

Where did you read that? From me Angry Ass

Lying asses like you truly corrupt what should be a thought provoking story, but, no, you have to make claims that are simple false and dangerous.

You must be a far right conservative with that mindset.
Well hell if you can drive and smoke weed with no impairment then surely you should be able to get high and work as a surgeon, teacher, construction worker. There are no limits! We are finally going to live in utopia people.

Or fly a plane.
[Cool story bro but I think you need to address this to the guy who said weed doesnt impair you. .....
That is a fucking lie, uncool stooge.

It said that it seemed in moderate amounts it did not cause problems.

Yes, it said that in the article I posted

You fuckin' fool. You think the rest of us can't read?

Just like alcohol, marijuana will need to have some type of measurement for acceptable road driving.

Where did you read that? From me Angry Ass

Lying asses like you truly corrupt what should be a thought provoking story, but, no, you have to make claims that are simple false and dangerous.

You must be a far right conservative with that mindset.

Stop with your bullshit Jake, you damn well know that morons on the left do that type of shit as well.
[Cool story bro but I think you need to address this to the guy who said weed doesnt impair you. .....
That is a fucking lie, uncool stooge.

It said that it seemed in moderate amounts it did not cause problems.

Yes, it said that in the article I posted

You fuckin' fool. You think the rest of us can't read?

Just like alcohol, marijuana will need to have some type of measurement for acceptable road driving.

Where did you read that? From me Angry Ass

Lying asses like you truly corrupt what should be a thought provoking story, but, no, you have to make claims that are simple false and dangerous.

You must be a far right conservative with that mindset.

I know, I know.....you keep saying things and not explaining them. What claim did I make that was false, goofy?
Sorry bro, testing for THC is the only test we currently have to determine if you've ingested weed. And you can't tell me they can't come up with some reasonable number that says "okay if you have THIS amount of THC in your system, you're impaired"
There presently is no way of making that determination. The reason being individual biochemistry substantially affects content readings of the standard THC component urinalysis. The same is true for many other natural substances one might ingest. Traces might be detectable, but quantity or time of ingestion cannot be determined.
Sorry bro, testing for THC is the only test we currently have to determine if you've ingested weed. And you can't tell me they can't come up with some reasonable number that says "okay if you have THIS amount of THC in your system, you're impaired"
There presently is no way of making that determination. The reason being individual biochemistry substantially affects content readings of the standard THC component urinalysis. The same is true for many other natural substances one might ingest. Traces might be detectable, but quantity or time of ingestion cannot be determined.

Too bad.

My right to ensure we don't have impaired drivers on the road trumps your right to smoke weed and drive. In fact only one of those actually IS a right.
8 years on patrol....I've seen potheads wreck. Typically it wasn't something aggressive they did. It was the slow reaction to something else. Like not hitting brakes quick enough when someone stops at a light.

I'm pro legalization. But you can't drive high.

Yep- agree completely.
Sorry bro, testing for THC is the only test we currently have to determine if you've ingested weed. And you can't tell me they can't come up with some reasonable number that says "okay if you have THIS amount of THC in your system, you're impaired"
There presently is no way of making that determination. The reason being individual biochemistry substantially affects content readings of the standard THC component urinalysis. The same is true for many other natural substances one might ingest. Traces might be detectable, but quantity or time of ingestion cannot be determined.

Too bad.

My right to ensure we don't have impaired drivers on the road trumps your right to smoke weed and drive. In fact only one of those actually IS a right.

What if its a religious belief do I get a pass then?
Anyone who has ever been stoned...ever...knows this study is utter nonsense.
My take is the "moderate amount"...must have been a single small toke.
In the same sense...alcohol has no impediment on driving...in moderation...

Another waste of tax payer dollar.
The following is excerpted from that study:

"All this report really shows is that more people in Washington State are likely consuming cannabis, and thus might have some THC in their systems at the time of an accident. But since having THC in your system tells us nothing about your potential impairment, it would be like a report showing how many people involved in accidents had drunk a beer in the last week," said Taylor West, deputy director of the group.

For the benefit of those who don't already know, certain residual properties of THC remain in the blood stream for up to thirty days after consuming even a token amount of marijuana (one or two puffs, or one bite of an edible. So it may be said that if drivers involved in all serious accidents in the U.S. were tested marijuana would be blamed for a substantial percentage of those accidents -- even in the examples of those drivers who hadn't consumed any pot for weeks and were perfectly sober.

These reports of marijuana impairment are a favorite gimmick of the NIDA and other government and privately funded anti-marijuana interests. But it's all 99% bullshit.

Sorry bro, testing for THC is the only test we currently have to determine if you've ingested weed. And you can't tell me they can't come up with some reasonable number that says "okay if you have THIS amount of THC in your system, you're impaired"

Doesn't work that way yet- but doesn't mean we can't combine a test for THC and an objective impairment test- certainly we should be able to put a test on a tablet that a suspected impaired driver would have to pass.

If the driver can't pass, and is on drugs that can impair thinking- legal(Ambien, legal narcotics) or pot or alcohol- then arrest and convict for driving impaired and under the influence.
Sorry bro, testing for THC is the only test we currently have to determine if you've ingested weed. And you can't tell me they can't come up with some reasonable number that says "okay if you have THIS amount of THC in your system, you're impaired"
There presently is no way of making that determination. The reason being individual biochemistry substantially affects content readings of the standard THC component urinalysis. The same is true for many other natural substances one might ingest. Traces might be detectable, but quantity or time of ingestion cannot be determined.

Too bad.

My right to ensure we don't have impaired drivers on the road trumps your right to smoke weed and drive. In fact only one of those actually IS a right.

What if its a religious belief do I get a pass then?

Nope. If we did , I'd start a religion that demanded that I kill stupid people. I'd be like the Jehovah Witness of Death.
8 years on patrol....I've seen potheads wreck. Typically it wasn't something aggressive they did. It was the slow reaction to something else. Like not hitting brakes quick enough when someone stops at a light.

I'm pro legalization. But you can't drive high.
I agree completely with what you've said here. But while slowed reflexes will indeed contribute to some percentage of auto accidents I believe the most common effect marijuana tranquility has on drivers is that of slowing them down. They neither speed nor drive recklessly, which is something you are in a better position than most others to be aware of.

So, while driving stoned will contribute to slowed reflex accidents, the tendency to drive more slowly and carefully should have some level of compensating effect.

Do you agree?
Doesn't work that way yet- but doesn't mean we can't combine a test for THC and an objective impairment test- certainly we should be able to put a test on a tablet that a suspected impaired driver would have to pass.

If the driver can't pass, and is on drugs that can impair thinking- legal(Ambien, legal narcotics) or pot or alcohol- then arrest and convict for driving impaired and under the influence.
". . . we should be able to put a test on a tablet that a suspected impaired driver would have to pass."

Good idea. The result of such a test would be demonstrable in court rather than relying on the contestable impressions and opinion of an administering police officer.
Doesn't work that way yet- but doesn't mean we can't combine a test for THC and an objective impairment test- certainly we should be able to put a test on a tablet that a suspected impaired driver would have to pass.

If the driver can't pass, and is on drugs that can impair thinking- legal(Ambien, legal narcotics) or pot or alcohol- then arrest and convict for driving impaired and under the influence.
". . . we should be able to put a test on a tablet that a suspected impaired driver would have to pass."

Good idea. The result of such a test would be demonstrable in court rather than relying on the contestable impressions and opinion of an administering police officer.

Personally I would prefer that over a blood alcohol test also.

Combine the tablet test with video footage from the officer's car cam and body cam- and with a follow up blood test- would be far more objective of the real impairment a driver was experiencing.
You smell people stinking from weed much more in stores around here now. I assume their chauffeurs didn't drive them. Anyone that's mesmerized by soup cans and walks in front of you isn't going to be a good driver.
"Stinking from weed . . ."

I know there is a smell from ingesting too much alcohol, or garlic, but what does one who has eaten or smoked too much marijuana smell like?
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UI studies impact of marijuana on driving
First-of-its-kind study at University of Iowa's National Advanced Driving Simulator shows how marijuana and marijuana with alcohol impact driving

A new study conducted at the University of Iowa’s National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) has found drivers who use alcohol and marijuana together weave more on a virtual roadway than drivers who use either substance independently. However, the cocktail of alcohol and marijuana does not double the effect of the impairment.

Here is something they said that was super funny and if you've ever smoked, this is true

As expected, there was impairment in all areas when alcohol and cannabis were mixed. But cannabis itself, when taken in moderate amounts, seems to cause no significant driving impairment.

In fact, some would argue that it makes them drive safer or slower. :badgrin::badgrin:

Let's see. We have a bunch of academics in a controlled environment using something that isn't the real thing and not on the road. How about you talk to the some Firefighter/EMTs that have been in the real world not behind some machine and let them tell you how such a study is a bunch of bullshit.

You can believe whichever one you want. If you choose to believe a bunch of academics in a controlled setting over those who see just the opposite in real life, the only thing I can say is maybe being the victim of someone having smoked up will change your mind.
Do not come on this forum and claim that you are a better driver under the influence of marijuana. People under the influence of alcohol think that too. The loss of judgment is part of the impairment, making people not realize that they are driving badly.
well if i was in the middle of nowhere and there was no cell phone service and i was hurt bad...and the nearest hospital was 20 miles away and there were 2 people with me and one was drunk and the other was high.....i would hope like hell the pot guy does the driving .....
Let's see. We have a bunch of academics in a controlled environment using something that isn't the real thing and not on the road. How about you talk to the some Firefighter/EMTs that have been in the real world not behind some machine and let them tell you how such a study is a bunch of bullshit.

You just ruined the entire simulation business. Wait until this gets out. They'll be out of business.

Space Exploration simulation! Driving simulation! Aviation simulation! All ruined:ack-1:
well if i was in the middle of nowhere and there was no cell phone service and i was hurt bad...and the nearest hospital was 20 miles away and there were 2 people with me and one was drunk and the other was high.....i would hope like hell the pot guy does the driving .....
He would still be breaking the law, he would still be arrested for DWI, and he would still be convicted, and he would still go to jail.

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