Published This Month In The Journal Of The Blindingly Obvious: Marijuana May Affect Your Thinking

Using marijuana may affect your ability to think and plan, study says

Science never ceases to amaze us. Don’t mistake this for stupidity. Dr. Dumais is a genius. She figured out how to get the university to pay for her and and her friends’ weed supply.

“Our study enabled us to highlight several areas of cognition impaired by cannabis use, including problems concentrating and difficulties remembering and learning, which may have considerable impact on users’ daily lives,” said coauthor Dr. Alexandre Dumais, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal.

“Cannabis use in youth may consequently lead to reduced educational attainment, and, in adults, to poor work performance and dangerous driving. These consequences may be worse in regular and heavy users,” Dumais said.
INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

But the pot pimps don't care as long as they get their fix of pot and/or cash.
INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive drug.

But the pot pimps don't care as long as they get their fix of pot and/or cash.

And being the good little Nazi you are, you want to control what everyone does.

And related to what I also said:
Legal marijuana has led to increased use, risk for abuse among teens

California lawmakers advance measure allowing medical marijuana on K-12 campuses.

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WHO could have foreseen that making pot legal would negatively impact minors?

Not the pot pimps.

Cuz addicts only care about their fix.
^ Incompetent trolling pot pimp.

Nope, I do not partake. But unlike you, I am not a Nazi, so I do not think our laws should be based only upon that which I want to do.

Your authoritarianism does your avatar proud.
If someone becomes a pothead it has zero affect on me and it has no effect on the nation. Sugar also has a terrible effect on people. We should outlaw that as well. Hypocrites you are. Big time hypocrites.
Booze is ingrained in our culture

Drugs less so

booze causes problems

and you want to increase those problems?

no thanks
Marijuana has been used by humans for over three thousand years it is only the uptight whites who seem to believe the lies about how it is dangerous yet is not.
Employers want turnover and the truth is they aren't interested in keeping even their best workers.
Marijuana has been used by humans for over three thousand years it is only the uptight whites who seem to believe the lies about how it is dangerous yet is not.
All you have to do to see how dangerous that shit is
I've seen a lot of pothead losers in my life. As far as I know they're all still losers bouncing from job to job or trade to trade.

Unlike drinkers who are solid citizens.

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