Moderate Cannabis Use Has Adverse Effects on Cognitive Functioning,

How many employers have they went after?
I dont know

but it does happen

ICE agents arrest at least 30 at Sanford manufacturing plant

None of them were the employer. All employee's. And then what happens? They are processed and they return to work.
Here is what happens there. Feds don't come and get them. The states were forced to foot the bill holding the person because the Fed's have no where to hold them. Step up and raise taxes to pay for federal holding facilities.
You have no documentation for that

your claim that ICE is doing nothing turned out to be false
Here is what happens there. Feds don't come and get them. The states were forced to foot the bill holding the person because the Fed's have no where to hold them. Step up and raise taxes to pay for federal holding facilities.
You have no documentation for that

your claim that ICE is doing nothing turned out to be false

Sorry, ICE is doing very little.
None of them were the employer. All employee's.
Employees with stolen or forged documents

the illegal aliens lied to get the job

Impossible. A common excuse but impossible. One could get hired with fake documents but as soon as the employer sends in the taxes or S.S. number on the employee there is no way it's not going to throw up red flags.

So this is nothing but an excuse unless you can find an employer turning over their help every few days.
Step up and raise taxes to pay for federal holding facilities.
Do you and pelosi support more money for ICE?

the democrat party is being pressured from the left to defund ICE

Yes, I support defunding ICE since they will not do their job. Going after a business could even be profitable what with the fines they could charge. They refuse to.
Impossible. A common excuse but impossible. One could get hired with fake documents but as soon as the employer sends in the taxes or S.S. number on the employee there is no way it's not going to throw up red flags.
Apparently not

But if there is a breakdown in communication its not the employers fault
Impossible. A common excuse but impossible. One could get hired with fake documents but as soon as the employer sends in the taxes or S.S. number on the employee there is no way it's not going to throw up red flags.
Apparently not

But if there is a breakdown in communication its not the employers fault

We have employers bragging about hiring employee's because they say they can not get citizens to work. That is also a lie. They can't get citizens to work for how little they want to pay.
We have employers bragging about hiring employee's because they say they can not get citizens to work.
Its become a chicken or the egg problem

employers cannot find Americans who are willing to work because they can get welfare instead and lay around all day

welfare bums say that because of illegal aliens the wages offered to Americans are too low

both have valid arguments that can be solved by removing all the illegal aliens and preventing them from returning
We have employers bragging about hiring employee's because they say they can not get citizens to work.
Its become a chicken or the egg problem

employers cannot find Americans who are willing to work because they can get welfare instead and lay around all day

Employers that pay a fair wage can find employee's. There are also a lot of people who want to come in and work the legal way BUT they also have to be paid a certain wage with certain protections and the employer isn't interested in that.

welfare bums say that because of illegal aliens the wages offered to Americans are too low

both have valid arguments that can be solved by removing all the illegal aliens and preventing them from returning

Which the Fed's refuse to do because it would hurt the economy. I say it wouldn't but those in charge see it differently. They want the low wages and the consumers here.
Ten million illegals at 200 per bus is 50,000 bus loads.

We’d better get cracking, ay cracker?
Ten million is a very low number

But realistically we can assume that some illegals will be allowed to remain, and we want an orderly process so it will take years

so the first step is to cut off the flow of new illegals through a border wall and stepped up patroling
The stoners and their Political Supporters have been lying to us since the beginning. Nothing that alters your psyche is good for you, including alcohol. BUT!!!!!!!!!! you can drink 1 or 2 drinks a day and not have any adverse affects. You cant smoke weed moderately, you smoke a joint your high...weed has one purpose to get you stoned.

Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, specifically verbal memory, that cannot be explained by familial factors, according to a study of siblings led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

We wanted to expand our understanding of whether cannabis use is related to lower cognitive functioning,” said study lead author Dr. Jarrod Ellingson, a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado.

“There’s a large body of evidence that cannabis use is linked to cognitive functioning, but we know that cannabis use is not isolated from other important risk factors (e.g. peer group influence, parental behavior, socioeconomic status).”

“That was the primary motivation behind this study, in which we compared siblings to account for many of these risk factors.”

In the study, Dr. Ellingson and colleagues were able to establish comparisons between siblings and then determine that differential levels of cannabis use were related to poorer cognitive functioning, particularly verbal memory.

For one you do not have to smoke an entire joint. That would be m ore than a drink or two worth of THC.

Compare it to a single bong hit or a couple puffs off a vape and maybe the comparison would be more fitting.

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