Zone1 White on Black Crime.

Per Capita is bs. Racism was outlawed in the 60's. Meaning that every act of racism is a crime. White racism induced stress is the cause of health problems and death for black people. It kills approximately 600 blacks per day. So basically every day, nearly as many blacks die from stress related health problems caused by white racism than people who were murdered in the white racists favorite city-Chicago, in 2022. That's white on black crime.

What you call black racism isn't even racism.
Your imagination is detrimental you your mental health. Sure, blacks have stress, it’s not caused by racism, just because someone says so? Whites also have stress. Life isn’t always a bed of roses, quit blaming whites for every negative issue in a black persons life. You show your low intellect with every post you make, which is usually cut and paste bullshit.
Well done Brother IM2

^^^ TEAM OF RACISTS. Now two nuts are "brothers," because of what? They share they same skin pigmentation.

What a way to show everyone what black power racists you all are.

Let me know when you start a thread on Black on White crime, a far more prevalent and common problem.
^^^ TEAM OF RACISTS. Now two nuts are "brothers," because of what? They share they same skin pigmentation.

What a way to show everyone what black power racists you all are.

Let me know when you start a thread on Black on White crime, a far more prevalent and common problem.
No it isn't. For example in 2020 blacks killed 400 whites. At the same time at least 600 blacks per day were dying from hypertension due to the stress of living with white racism.

And really, it is time whites like you stopped lying about how you don't see skin color or how you don't notice race. You ain't fooling anyone.
I doubt it. He’s never wrong, just ask him. What he will do is ignore my challenge to show us the law that makes racism illegal.
This one does:

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, enacted in 2009, expanded the federal definition of hate crimes to include those committed based on the victim's actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. This act allows federal authorities to investigate and prosecute hate crimes when state and local authorities are unable or unwilling to do so.
  • Fact
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This one does:

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, enacted in 2009, expanded the federal definition of hate crimes to include those committed based on the victim's actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. This act allows federal authorities to investigate and prosecute hate crimes when state and local authorities are unable or unwilling to do so.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act also made racism illegal.
Your imagination is detrimental you your mental health. Sure, blacks have stress, it’s not caused by racism, just because someone says so? Whites also have stress. Life isn’t always a bed of roses, quit blaming whites for every negative issue in a black persons life. You show your low intellect with every post you make, which is usually cut and paste bullshit.
You're white, you don't experience the chemical reaction that happens in the body when facing racism. So don't try telling me what racism doesn't cause. In this thread I've produced numerous studies as well as the Director of the CDC's declaration that racism was indeed a health disorder. Facts. Do some research.
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This one does:

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, enacted in 2009, expanded the federal definition of hate crimes to include those committed based on the victim's actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. This act allows federal authorities to investigate and prosecute hate crimes when state and local authorities are unable or unwilling to do so.
Those are criminals actions. Merely being a racist isn’t an action.
Those are criminals actions. Merely being a racist isn’t an action.
As long as you stay in the closet maybe so, but seriously how many of you are able to sustain that modus operandi for very long? Just look at this message board, people claiming not to be racist who just can't keep from making statement after statement of a racist nature.

Repercussions for individuals engaging in racist behavior or hate crimes can vary widely, and it depends on factors such as the severity of the offense, the jurisdiction, and the enforcement of existing laws. In the United States, some white individuals who have engaged in racist behavior or committed hate crimes have faced legal consequences, public condemnation, and social backlash. Here are some examples:
  1. Legal Consequences: Hate crimes, which include crimes committed with a bias motive, can result in enhanced penalties. Perpetrators may face charges such as assault, vandalism, or intimidation, and the legal consequences can be more severe if it is proven that the crime was motivated by bias against a specific race or group. Federal and state authorities may pursue charges under hate crime laws, and convictions can lead to imprisonment and fines.
  2. Employment Consequences: Individuals who engage in racist behavior, especially in a publicized manner, may face repercussions in their professional lives. Employers may choose to terminate employment or take other disciplinary actions against employees who violate anti-discrimination policies.
  3. Social and Public Condemnation: Racist incidents can lead to public condemnation and social backlash. Social media often plays a significant role in exposing and spreading information about such incidents, leading to public outrage and calls for accountability. This can result in damage to an individual's reputation and relationships.
  4. Educational Consequences: Students who engage in racist behavior may face consequences within educational institutions. This could include disciplinary actions, suspension, or expulsion.
  5. Civil Lawsuits: Victims of racist behavior may pursue civil lawsuits against perpetrators, seeking damages for emotional distress, physical harm, or other harms resulting from discriminatory actions.
Those three guys down in Georgia that ran down and shot & killed Ahmaud Arbery also apparently though being racist wasn't "illegal".

They thought wrong. What's that expression, "You're feeling froggy? Go ahead and leap"
  • Winner
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You're white, you don't experience the chemical reaction that happens in the body when facing racism. So don't try telling me what racism doesn't cause. In this thread I've produced numerous studies as well as the Director of the CDC's declaration that racism was indeed a health disorder. Facts. Do some research.
I'm white and have had to deal with racists like yourself for many years. I've lived in several large cities in the USA and have dealt with much black hatred towards whites.
I'm white and have had to deal with racists like yourself for many years. I've lived in several large cities in the USA and have dealt with much black hatred towards whites.
No, you have not faced racism. I have to laugh at idiots like you who tell me how you've faced hatred from blacks as if whites have never done anything to create the hate and mistrust you claimed to have faced.

  1. Employment Consequences: Individuals who engage in racist behavior, especially in a publicized manner, may face repercussions in their professional lives. Employers may choose to terminate employment or take other disciplinary actions against employees who violate anti-discrimination policies.
What is racist behavior? Is racist behavior expressing agreement with Professor J. Philippe Rushton?
No, you have not faced racism. I have to laugh at idiots like you who tell me how you've faced hatred from blacks as if whites have never done anything to create the hate and mistrust you claimed to have faced.
Maybe blacks like you have given cause for people to distrust you. Have you ever considered that? When 13% of the population commits more than 50% of the violent crime ... folks tend to recoil when in the presence of that 13%.
Maybe blacks like you have given cause for people to distrust you. Have you ever considered that? When 13% of the population commits more than 50% of the violent crime ... folks tend to recoil when in the presence of that 13%.
And stop repeating that lie. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime on an annual basis. Furthermore whites have a 247 year history of genocide, enslavement, torture and oppression usiing every meanns necessary to give themselves advantage.
And stop repeating that lie. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime on an annual basis. Furthermore whites have a 247 year history of genocide, enslavement, torture and oppression usiing every meanns necessary to give themselves advantage.
Blacks commit half of crimes. When people tell surveys about their personal experience as crime victims, they confirm that 50% figure. If there were no Negroes in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and our welfare system would be much lower. The United States would be a nicer, safer country.
And stop repeating that lie. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime on an annual basis. Furthermore whites have a 247 year history of genocide, enslavement, torture and oppression usiing every meanns necessary to give themselves advantage.
Look up the term "Per Capita" and get back to me.

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