Dropping atom bombs in Japan..more than justified, just ask Korea, China, Burma, Philippines……..

They did not surrender till the bombs were dropped and would have cost more American and even Japqnese lives in a standard assault
They had been putting out feelers for an end of the war since May 1945.

Also, the Japanese didn't surrender because of the bombs. We had been bombing them for months. the Japanese surrendered because the USSR entered the Pacific War.
Tokyo was the center of Bushido craziness but the intent was to convince the holdouts to surrender by incinerating and radiating civilians. The same reasoning for the use of nuclear weapons could have been used in the European theatre but nuclear weapons were only intended to be used on Asians at the time.

Ahhh... not really. The thing was that we didn't have the bomb in time to use in the European Theater. The reason why we had a bomb program at all was because the Scientists convinced FDR that Hitler was developing one, so we needed one, too. (In fact, the Nazis weren't even close to a bomb by VE Day. They were totally on the wrong track.
Ahhh... not really. The thing was that we didn't have the bomb in time to use in the European Theater. The reason why we had a bomb program at all was because the Scientists convinced FDR that Hitler was developing one, so we needed one, too. (In fact, the Nazis weren't even close to a bomb by VE Day. They were totally on the wrong track.
Maybe we were and maybe we weren't ready with a Bomb to use on the Nazis but we terrorized the German people enough with indiscriminate bombing of cities. The firebombing of Dresden might have had a similar effect as the Bomb, absent radiation of course.
Maybe we were and maybe we weren't ready with a Bomb to use on the Nazis but we terrorized the German people enough with indiscriminate bombing of cities. The firebombing of Dresden might have had a similar effect as the Bomb, absent radiation of course.

Um, no, not really. The real problem was, Hitler just plain old ran out of men to throw at the enemy. Then he ran out of old people and little boys.
Always funny to listen what US-Americans think about their crimes.

America didn't start the war. Germany and Japan did. (Or more precisely, they started two different wars that intersected into the same conflict. )
Tokyo was the center of Bushido craziness but the intent was to convince the holdouts to surrender by incinerating and radiating civilians. The same reasoning for the use of nuclear weapons could have been used in the European theatre but nuclear weapons were only intended to be used on Asians at the time.

Wrong.....the Germans surrendered before the bombs were ready....had they been ready, they would have been dropped on the Germans first.
America didn't start the war.

What's first of all true and wrong the same time and what's not any reason to do war crimes.

Germany and Japan did. (Or more precisely, they started two different wars that intersected into the same conflict. )

Germany did not start World War 1 at all and Japan had been in this part of World War 1+2 an ally of the enemies of Germany. And World War 2 was started from Stalin and Hitler together. And your last comment is indeed very interesting because the only common element in the second part of this conflict had been the USA and their allied imperialists and Soviets.

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Um, no, not really. The real problem was, Hitler just plain old ran out of men to throw at the enemy. Then he ran out of old people and little boys.
The Nazi regime was just about finished and there were few military targets left so Allied planes decided to target cities. Same goes for Japan before the Bomb. I'm not making a judgement for or against but the strategy was to keep killing civilians and destroying infrastructure until the maniacs surrendered.
What's first of all true and wrong the same time and what's not any reason to do war crimes.

Um, no, not really. We didn't start the war, but we did finish it.

Germany did not start World War 1 at all and Japan had been in this part of World War 1+2 an ally of the enemies of Germany. And World War 2 was started from Stalin and Hitler together. And your last comment is indeed very interesting because the only common element in the second part of this conflict had been the USA and their allied imperialists and Soviets.

Okay, first the only reason why Stalin threw in with Hitler was that Stalin saw the weakness of the western allies in dealing with Hitler. That said, Stalin didn't take anything that wasn't previously part of the Russian Empire. He probably knew Hitler was going to turn on him at some point and took the appropriate actions.

Japan is a little trickier. She was engaged in a war of aggression against China. However, ideologically, the Chinese Nationalists were probably more in line with the other Axis powers and Ribbentrop wanted to sign an alliance with China. Hitler realized that Japan had a navy and the potential to take the war to the USSR, but instead Tojo signed a non-aggression pact with Russia and turned on the US, bringing America into the war.

The Nazi regime was just about finished and there were few military targets left so Allied planes decided to target cities. Same goes for Japan before the Bomb. I'm not making a judgement for or against but the strategy was to keep killing civilians and destroying infrastructure until the maniacs surrendered.
Actually, there probably was a good reason to keep bombing Germany, in that under Albert Speer, German material output increased until allied troops got to Germany proper.
Um, no, not really. We didn't start the war, but we did finish it.

That's not really true. You supported with an unbelievable amount of money World War 1. And when you had the problem that you never will get back this money because you played the wrong game you changed the rules of the game.

Okay, first the only reason why Stalin threw in with Hitler was that Stalin saw the weakness of the western allies in dealing with Hitler.

What a nonsense. Stalin was convcined Hitler will not be so stupid to start a war against Russia - but Hitler was so stupid to do so.

That said, Stalin didn't take anything that wasn't previously part of the Russian Empire. He probably knew Hitler was going to turn on him at some point and took the appropriate actions.

No. Stalin was totally surprised from Hitlers behavior.

Japan is a little trickier.

Trickier? In which absurde categories do you think at all? The USA had a colony in Hawaii and tried to dominate the Pacific area. Russia and China tried to dominate Asia. That's why Japan did do - as far as I know the first time in their history - a war outside of Japan.

She was engaged in a war of aggression against China. However, ideologically, the Chinese Nationalists were probably more in line with the other Axis powers and Ribbentrop wanted to sign an alliance with China. Hitler realized

Hitler realized something? That's new to me.

that Japan had a navy and the potential to take the war to the USSR, but instead Tojo signed a non-aggression pact with Russia and turned on the US, bringing America into the war.

Hitler was in panic the USA could stop to go into a war with Germany when Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor. That's why he immediatelly after Pearl Harbor declared war on the USA although Germany had not been able to attack the USA. The USA did do him the favor to accept his declaration of war and to start also a war on two fronts what also Germany did do and which Germany anyway had to lose. I guess this made his game more interesting for him.

Actually, there probably was a good reason to keep bombing Germany,

The bombing of Germany made the war longer - not shorter.

in that under Albert Speer,

Speer? What has the architect of Hitler to do with what in this context here? Hitler and Speer suffered what we normally call "Geschmacksverirrung". Try to translate this on your own.

German material output increased

Eh? What for heaven sake do you speak about? Which material?

until allied troops got to Germany proper.

You are really totally stupid. Do you try to tell me you murdered Emma Myers and her little daughter Mary in Berlin because this made it more easy for your soldiers to drive through the rubble which had been once Berlin for to make a souvernir photo in front of her ruin and to write on a stone there: "John was here! I'm happy that I was able to murder you and your child."

Did you ever notice in your insanity that Germany never - in letters: n-e-v-e-r - had done anything bad to the USA - although we have the moral right to wipe out the whole USA because of the crimes the USA had done? A Jew once said "Germany never will forgive us Auschwitz" and in an analogy I had to say: "The USA never will forgive us to win their wars with war crimes".
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What do you think will be the greatest risk for Germany if we would attack Russia in the current situation of world history? I'll tell you: the USA.

PS: And by the way: If I see it the right way then you made not only Nazis, Soviets and Islamists. You made also the new state-capitalistic China - and now you hate it. You seem to be continually tripping over your own global political shoes.
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That's not really true. You supported with an unbelievable amount of money World War 1. And when you had the problem that you never will get back this money because you played the wrong game you changed the rules of the game.

Actually, you have it wrong again. The US only entered the war because Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare after promising they wouldn't. They thought they could starve the UK and France out before the US could mobilize effectively. Whoops.

Seriously, talking to you actually makes me embarrassed of my German Ancestry.

Trickier? In which absurde categories do you think at all? The USA had a colony in Hawaii and tried to dominate the Pacific area. Russia and China tried to dominate Asia. That's why Japan did do - as far as I know the first time in their history - a war outside of Japan.

Wow, seriously, what the fuck are they teaching you? Japan was engaged in a war of aggression against China. The US imposed an economic embargo to get them to knock it off. The Japansed decided to scoop up European colonies in SE Asia because the French and Dutch were defeated and the Brits were busy with Germany. But the US was in their way, which is why they did the dastardly sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Hitler was in panic the USA could stop to go into a war with Germany when Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor. That's why he immediatelly after Pearl Harbor declared war on the USA although Germany had not been able to attack the USA. The USA did do him the favor to accept his declaration of war and to start also a war on two fronts what also Germany did do and which Germany anyway had to lose. I guess this made his game more interesting for him.

Actually, Hitler was under no obligation to declare war on the US. the treaty he had with Japan only required him to declare war if Japan was attacked. he did it anyway, because when you are a crazy dictator, that kind of thing makes sense.

Speer? What has the architect of Hitler to do with what in this context here? Hitler and Speer suffered what we normally call "Geschmacksverirrung". Try to translate this on your own.

Speer was appointed Reichsminister for war production in 1942.

You are really totally stupid. Do you try to tell me you murdered Emma Myers and her little daughter Mary in Berlin because this made it more easy for your soldiers to drive through the rubble which had been once Berlin for to make a souvernir photo in front of her ruin and to write on a stone there: "John was here! I'm happy that I was able to murder you and your child."

Did someone actually do that, or are you competing with Lisa558 for the "most hyseterical poster of 2024?"

Did you ever notice in your insanity that Germany never - in letters: n-e-v-e-r - had done anything bad to the USA - although we have the moral right to wipe out the whole USA because of the crimes the USA had done? A Jew once said "Germany never will forgive us Auschwitz" and in an analogy I had to say: "The USA never will forgive us to win their wars with war crimes".

Well, I'd say the unrestricted submarine warfare they did on both wars was bad. But Hitler was stupid enough to pick a fight with us, he deserved what he got.
Actually, you have it wrong again.

You still like to justify the war crimes and genocides of the holy USA?

The US only entered the war

because the USA loves war.

because Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare after promising they wouldn't. They thought they could starve the UK and France out before the US could mobilize effectively. Whoops.

Eh? France and England wasted with wars the territory of the USA. Germany never did do so. And the group of people with German ancestors is the biggest group of people in the USA. That's why you love our daughter nations France (a German word) and England (a German word) and hate Germany (a Roman word).

Seriously, talking to you actually makes me embarrassed of my German Ancestry.

You are really a 24/7 full time superidiot.

Wow, seriously, what the fuck

Who says "what the fuck" has no German ancestors or denies the own German roots.

are they teaching you? Japan was engaged in a war of aggression against China. The US imposed an economic embargo to get them to knock it off. The Japansed decided to scoop up European colonies in SE Asia because the French and Dutch were defeated and the Brits were busy with Germany. But the US was in their way, which is why they did the dastardly sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

You tried to dominate the Pacific sea with your colony Hawaii which you stole from the indigen Hawaiians. Japan fought for their independence and freedom. You was an aggressor. China was an aggressor. Russia was an aggressor. Japan had no chance to win against them all. But it was in the substance honorful what they tried to do. Unfortunatelly they made also war crimes. But the Japanese war crimes against civilists - as had happened for example in Nanking - do not justify any war crime of the USA.

Actually, Hitler was under no obligation to declare war on the US. the treaty he had with Japan only required him to declare war if Japan was attacked. he did it anyway, because when you are a crazy dictator, that kind of thing makes sense.

For sure this declaration of war was only a joke from Hitler because it was impossible for Germany to attack the USA.

Speer was appointed Reichsminister for war production in 1942.Gues h

Eh? This idiot was what? ... Ah, get it. Guess he got a free ticket from Hitler to become as rich as he liked to become and Hitler had in this way always money for his nonsense buildings.

Did someone actually do that, or are you competing with Lisa558 for the "most hyseterical poster of 2024?"


Well, I'd say the unrestricted submarine warfare they did on both wars was bad. But Hitler was stupid enough to pick a fight with us, he deserved what he got.

I know. That's why you murdered Mrs. Myers and her daughter - in some million cases and under other names all over Germany. That's why you genocided (murdered and displaced) the Baltic Germans (=Prussians), the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And that's why you took care that the Soviets overtook more than 50% of the world.

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Actually, conventional bombings at the time killed more people.

Again, the real problem is that for 50 years, we have all lived with the spectre of the end of the world in 20 minutes or less.

Revisionist history based on modern fears.

The thing is seeing what the bombs did probably stopped them from being used during the point of the cold war where MAD wasn't established, and both sides thought a first strike victory was possible.

I found the Book "Downfall, The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire" by Richard B Frank to be a good read on the topic.
This is some batshit crazy here.

Eh? France and England wasted with wars the territory of the USA. Germany never did do so. And the group of people with German ancestors is the biggest group of people in the USA. That's why you love our daughter nations France (a German word) and England (a German word) and hate Germany (a Roman word).

America doesn't hate Germany. All things considered, we have a pretty good relationship.

Who says "what the fuck" has no German ancestors or denies the own German roots.
I've never denied my German roots. My dad was born in a town called Lahnstein. But that said, most Germans I've talked to regret Germany's actions in the World Wars.
You tried to dominate the Pacific sea with your colony Hawaii which you stole from the indigen Hawaiians. Japan fought for their independence and freedom. You was an aggressor. China was an aggressor. Russia was an aggressor. Japan had no chance to win against them all. But it was in the substance honorful what they tried to do. Unfortunatelly they made also war crimes. But the Japanese war crimes against civilists - as had happened for example in Nanking - do not justify any war crime of the USA.

China was hardly in a position to be an aggressor in 1930.

The Japanese chose to go to war and throw in with Hitler. Kind of stupid of them.

For sure this declaration of war was only a joke from Hitler because it was impossible for Germany to attack the USA.

I know. That's why you murdered Mrs. Myers and her daughter - in some million cases and under other names all over Germany. That's why you genocided (murdered and displaced) the Baltic Germans (=Prussians), the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And that's why you took care that the Soviets overtook more than 50% of the world.

No, Germany did that to herself. And frankly, if not for the US, it would have been lot worse for you. Some wanted to dismantle Germany to a pre-1870 status of smaller states.
This is some batshit crazy here.

America doesn't hate Germany.

What's totally wrong - otherweise would Donald Trump not make votes with hate on Germany and the only role German actors get in Hollywood are criminals or Nazis. The USA reduced Germany to Hitler - worldwide.

All things considered, we have a pretty good relationship.

No. Some Germans have with some US-Americans good relations.

I've never denied my German roots.

For me you have less than nothing to do with Germany and Germans. We call dirt dirt.

My dad was born in a town called Lahnstein.

In Lahnstein - wonderful city. Then he is a Chatte. The Chatten had been a very militant tribe once.

But that said, most Germans I've talked to regret Germany's actions in the World Wars.

Eh? What has this to do with war crimes which you glorify as good US-American deeds?

China was hardly in a position to be an aggressor in 1930.


The Japanese chose to go to war and throw in with Hitler. Kind of stupid of them.

Dream on. Germany and Japan had nearly nothing to do with each other - except that both nations are on an astonishing high level of culture.

No, Germany did that to herself. And frankly, if not for the US, it would have been lot worse for you. Some wanted to dismantle Germany to a pre-1870 status of smaller states.

Okay. Let us speak again in three hundred years if the world will survive the USA, China, Russia and different kind of terrorisms and no German will exist any longer. Meanwhile shove a gun up your ass and learn to fart hazelnuts from the trees. You will make a lot of money with.

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What's totally wrong - otherweise would Donald Trump not make votes with hate on Germany and the only role German actors get in Hollywood are criminals or Nazis. The USA reduced Germany to Hitler - worldwide.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Dream on. Germany and Japan had nearly nothing to do with each other - except that both nations are on an astonishing high level of culture.
Except they signed a military alliance.
Okay. Let us speak again in three hundred years if the world will survive the USA, China, Russia and different kind of terrorisms and no German will exist any longer. Meanwhile shove a gun up your ass and learn to fart hazelnuts from the trees. You will make a lot of money with.
okay, Scheisskopf, whatever you say. You are not a well person.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Except they signed a military alliance.

okay, Scheisskopf, whatever you say. You are not a well person.

You support war crimes because you have "moral".

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