Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

Hey dipstick, do you know what synonyms are? Look it up.
Also I guess you're incapable of seeing difference in my words and those in the CBS article. Rosenstein used both unwitting and knowingly in his press conference. You can watch it here.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Announces Indictment Russian Nationals

So take holier than thou attitude and shove it.


I know what synonyms are, Like OKTexas and Lying asshole.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment, and to prove it, you posted that no americans were charged in the russian meddling conspiracy, which is an entirely different matter.

no American willingly or wittingly participated with Russians.


any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment

Which Americans worked with the Russians, according to the indictment?

past tense: participated; past participle: participated
  1. 1.
    take part.
    "thousands participated in a nationwide strike"
    synonyms: take part in, engage in, join in, get involved in, share in, play a part/role in, be a participant in, partake in, have a hand in, be associated with;

  1. make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.
    "they conspired against him"
    synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, intrigue, machinate, collude, connive, collaborate, work hand in glove;
    informalbe in cahoots
Hey dipstick, do you know what synonyms are? Look it up.
Also I guess you're incapable of seeing difference in my words and those in the CBS article. Rosenstein used both unwitting and knowingly in his press conference. You can watch it here.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Announces Indictment Russian Nationals

So take holier than thou attitude and shove it.


I know what synonyms are, Like OKTexas and Lying asshole.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment, and to prove it, you posted that no americans were charged in the russian meddling conspiracy, which is an entirely different matter.

no American willingly or wittingly participated with Russians.


any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.

How about you STFU and post a link, show where any American knew they were working with the Russians.

no American willingly or wittingly participated with Russians.


any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment

Which Americans worked with the Russians, according to the indictment?

Richard Pinedo

Who is the California man who just pleaded guilty to unwittingly aiding Russian interference in the 2016 election

Not sure that helps your claim.........
Hey dipstick, do you know what synonyms are? Look it up.
Also I guess you're incapable of seeing difference in my words and those in the CBS article. Rosenstein used both unwitting and knowingly in his press conference. You can watch it here.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Announces Indictment Russian Nationals

So take holier than thou attitude and shove it.


I know what synonyms are, Like OKTexas and Lying asshole.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment, and to prove it, you posted that no americans were charged in the russian meddling conspiracy, which is an entirely different matter.

no American willingly or wittingly participated with Russians.


any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.

How about you STFU and post a link, show where any American knew they were working with the Russians.

When cornered and asked to produce the evidence........ silence.... crickets......

Funny how all the bloviation and hype melt away when FACTS enter a discussion... not one piece of factual evidence... none...
If that was true, he should have used his cell phone to call 911, instead of telling his girlfriend he was gonna beat up the creepy cracker.
why oh why do you guys lie so much?


trayvon did not tell his girl friend on the phone he was going to beat zimmerman up?

WHERE in the heck do you get that crap from?

Taking the stand on Wednesday, the third day of the George Zimmerman trial, a friend of Trayvon Martin testified Wednesday about the final moments of the teenager's life, saying that Martin told her someone was following him.
"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."
That man was Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch captain charged with second-degree murder for killing 17-year-old Martin in Sanford, Florida, on February 26, 2012. He told police he was pursuing the teenager because there had been a rash of crime in the area. A confrontation ensued, and Zimmerman said he was forced to kill Martin in self-defense.
Jeantel testified that as he neared the home of his father's girlfriend, Martin tried to lose Zimmerman.
"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."She told the prosecutor that the screams for help heard on the 911 call made by a neighbor belong to Martin.
Witness: Man 'kept watching' Trayvon
Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.
"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.
Jeantel also said she heard a bump from Martin's headset hitting something and "wet grass sounds."
"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, 'Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call - CNN
Hey dipstick, do you know what synonyms are? Look it up.
Also I guess you're incapable of seeing difference in my words and those in the CBS article. Rosenstein used both unwitting and knowingly in his press conference. You can watch it here.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Announces Indictment Russian Nationals

So take holier than thou attitude and shove it.


I know what synonyms are, Like OKTexas and Lying asshole.

You claimed no americans worked with the russians, which was disproved by the indictment, and to prove it, you posted that no americans were charged in the russian meddling conspiracy, which is an entirely different matter.

no American willingly or wittingly participated with Russians.


any American was knowingly involved in the conspiracy.

How about you STFU and post a link, show where any American knew they were working with the Russians.

When cornered and asked to produce the evidence........ silence.... crickets......

Funny how all the bloviation and hype melt away when FACTS enter a discussion... not one piece of factual evidence... none...
FACTS are the new racism
If that was true, he should have used his cell phone to call 911, instead of telling his girlfriend he was gonna beat up the creepy cracker.
why oh why do you guys lie so much?


trayvon did not tell his girl friend on the phone he was going to beat zimmerman up?

WHERE in the heck do you get that crap from?

Taking the stand on Wednesday, the third day of the George Zimmerman trial, a friend of Trayvon Martin testified Wednesday about the final moments of the teenager's life, saying that Martin told her someone was following him.
"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."
That man was Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch captain charged with second-degree murder for killing 17-year-old Martin in Sanford, Florida, on February 26, 2012. He told police he was pursuing the teenager because there had been a rash of crime in the area. A confrontation ensued, and Zimmerman said he was forced to kill Martin in self-defense.
Jeantel testified that as he neared the home of his father's girlfriend, Martin tried to lose Zimmerman.
"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."She told the prosecutor that the screams for help heard on the 911 call made by a neighbor belong to Martin.
Witness: Man 'kept watching' Trayvon
Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.
"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.
Jeantel also said she heard a bump from Martin's headset hitting something and "wet grass sounds."
"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, 'Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call - CNN

Yeah, forensics proved the girl a liar. Martin was on top of Zimmerman when he was shot.

If that was true, he should have used his cell phone to call 911, instead of telling his girlfriend he was gonna beat up the creepy cracker.
why oh why do you guys lie so much?


trayvon did not tell his girl friend on the phone he was going to beat zimmerman up?

WHERE in the heck do you get that crap from?

Taking the stand on Wednesday, the third day of the George Zimmerman trial, a friend of Trayvon Martin testified Wednesday about the final moments of the teenager's life, saying that Martin told her someone was following him.
"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."
That man was Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch captain charged with second-degree murder for killing 17-year-old Martin in Sanford, Florida, on February 26, 2012. He told police he was pursuing the teenager because there had been a rash of crime in the area. A confrontation ensued, and Zimmerman said he was forced to kill Martin in self-defense.
Jeantel testified that as he neared the home of his father's girlfriend, Martin tried to lose Zimmerman.
"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."She told the prosecutor that the screams for help heard on the 911 call made by a neighbor belong to Martin.
Witness: Man 'kept watching' Trayvon
Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.
"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.
Jeantel also said she heard a bump from Martin's headset hitting something and "wet grass sounds."
"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, 'Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call - CNN

trayvon did not tell his girl friend on the phone he was going to beat zimmerman up?

Instead of calling 911 or avoiding the creepy cracker, he decided to assault him.
Creepy cracker killed him in self-defense.
Happy ending.
Guys....not sure how Martin and Zimmerman cropped up in this thread but I don’t think it has anything to do with the DNC lawsuit, let’s get back on topic :)
This law suit would never have been filed if Mueller had anything...the dems see the writing on the wall....
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

Leftards are suing over the fact that they were exposed for being a corrupt and criminal organization and someone needs to pay for exposing that?

Look no further than Seth Rich, a DNC insider that was disgusted with the corruption he witnessed...and he was killed for it,

Good luck with the lawsuit....oh wait, you are a Canadian interjecting your worthless, "fact free" opinion...never mind.


PS. No one died at Sandy Hook/hoax....debate me on this.........
Seth Rich was murdered? Sandy Hook was a hoax? Still posting the same old lies, again. Speaking of "fact free" bullsh*t.
The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

LOL...good one, is this where you accuse others of what the left is actually doing?
The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.

Yes I do know why the FBI is under fire. It’s to discredit the report they’re preparing on the Trump Campsign’s collusion with Russia.

When Mueller issues his report, Trump and the GOP will say “This is a pack of lies issued by a corrupt organization filled with lying criminals. We’re just going to throw it in the garbage and do nothing about it”.

The real witch hunt in Washington is the attacks by Trump and the RNC against the Justice Department and the FBI.

. . . and given the shit that went down during that whole Benghazi affair? The IRS targeting political organizations, the gun running to drug cartels and all the other corruption in D.C.?

I think that would be a sound judgement to make.

If the corrupt corporate elite media isn't going to tell America the truth, maybe it is time for the military to step in and end this madness before there really is bloodshed.
Trump, being the CiC would be labeled a tyrant...for saving the nation.
Trump could rape Ivanka on live TV and keep most of his support.
Without the original server there would be no way to prove it was hacked let alone by whom.
not true....although they would love to have it, Comey testified it was good enough to determine the Russians did hack it.... but in discovery, they can get the original....

They are obligated to allow opposing party to examine the best evidence, which is the actual server
by now they probably replaced the hard drives.
And if they changed the hard drives that would be obstruction. Oops

Discovery of the server is limited to the party that can use it as exculpatory evidence, which in this case are the Rusians and the GRU. One party can't invoke discovery on behalf of another party.

The writer who sued Trump couldn't ask him about his taxes, but the bank Trump sued was entitled to his finances.
Well the Russians are named in the suit!

The DNC sued Richard Nixon over Watergate. The suit was for 1 million dollars for breaking in and trying to bug the DNC headquarters at Watergate. Low & behold several years later Richard Nixon ended up paying the DNC $775,000 in a settlement over that.

Now the difference in a civil trial versus a criminal trial. A criminal trial requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas in a civil trial only "preponderance of evidence is needed."

Where this originally played out Nationally was in the O.J. Simpson trial where he was found not guilty--BUT then went onto a civil trial and LOST the law suit over preponderence of evidence. The other thing is---depositions, evidence & testimony will be made public in a civil trial.

This is not good for Trump.


Add to this that the congressional open public hearings on this will begin this coming January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress--and we should have some great entertainment all the way up until impeachment.

A great book to prepare for all this

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Top seller on Amazon, well written, informative, hard to put down.
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The DNC sued Richard Nixon over Watergate. The suit was for 1 million dollars for breaking in and trying to bug the DNC headquarters at Watergate. Low & behold several years later Richard Nixon ended up paying the DNC $775,000 in a settlement over that.

Now the difference in a civil trial versus a criminal trial. A criminal trial requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas in a civil trial only "preponderance of evidence is needed."

Where this originally played out Nationally was in the O.J. Simpson trial where he was found not guilty--BUT then went onto a civil trial and LOST the law suit over preponderence of evidence. The other thing is---depositions, evidence & testimony will be made public in a civil trial.

This is not good for Trump.


Add to this that the congressional open public hearings on this will begin this coming January 20, 2019 when Democrats when are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress--and we should have some great entertainment all the way up until impeachment.

A great book to prepare for all this


Top seller on Amazon, well written, informative, hard to put down.

First they have to establish that a possible crime was committed.
Just because you don’t believe that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians, despite nearly one hundred criminal charges, and five guilty pleas which say they did, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Phishing is illegal. Laws are designed protect the stupid and the naive from criminals. Law suits are one method to help make those who have been hurt financially by criminal acts, whole again.

So far, none of the charges and none of the five guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump.

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