Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

Its meant to create the Illusion of collusion by naming them as partners in a hack of the DNC that they refused to have the proper authorities investigate.

After reading the whole 88 pages of the filing, the court is going to toss this in short order.

As this is a case against multiple defendants, the court can not "toss the whole thing". It can only act under motion of individual parties to sever or dismiss the claim against them.
The court where it was filed has no jurisdiction on the Russian Government. The case will be tossed for all as the filing was faulted.

They will be unable to prove the hack and its origin as they refused to have an independent party with jurisdiction over the potential crime do an investigation. Their Evidence is therefore "tainted" and suspect.

This will be tossed for a myriad of reasons.
The DNC lawsuit may be a trap for the russians. The only one's entitled to discovery of the DNC server are the russins the the GRU. The same one's charged in the Mueller indictment.
In order to carry out discovery, they have to enter US court jurisdiction, upon which they are immediately subject to arrest under the indictment.

So tell the RNC et al, if they want the server, they have to give Mueller the russians.

Stop repeating this same stupid shit over and over, every one charged is a conspiracy has full right of discovery on any aspect of the alleged conspiracy. That means everyone gets to look at every thing.

The DNC lawsuit may be a trap for the russians. The only one's entitled to discovery of the DNC server are the russins the the GRU. The same one's charged in the Mueller indictment.
In order to carry out discovery, they have to enter US court jurisdiction, upon which they are immediately subject to arrest under the indictment.

So tell the RNC et al, if they want the server, they have to give Mueller the russians.

Stop repeating this same stupid shit over and over, every one charged is a conspiracy has full right of discovery on any aspect of the alleged conspiracy. That means everyone gets to look at every thing.

Which is the biggest reason I think this will be tossed sooner than later..
The court where it was filed has no jurisdiction on the Russian Government. The case will be tossed for all as the filing was faulted..
It's the same court with jurisdiction in the case brought by the victims of 9-11 against the Saudi Arabian government.
That case wasn't dismissed for being in the wrong court.
They will be unable to prove the hack and its origin as they refused to have an independent party with jurisdiction over the potential crime do an investigation. Their Evidence is therefore "tainted" and suspect.

This will be tossed for a myriad of reasons.

If you catch a thief with your car. You don't have to prove how he got it. His mere possession of it without your permission constitutes an actionable crime.
Stop repeating this same stupid shit over and over, every one charged is a conspiracy has full right of discovery on any aspect of the alleged conspiracy. That means everyone gets to look at every thing.

Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery

(B) Specific Limitations on Electronically Stored Information.

Each party has to have "good cause" to get discovery of the server or its contents. Only the Russians and the GRU have "good cause"
They will of course share that discovery with the other parties once they acquire it, but acquisition is limited to avoid duplication, especially in cases of physical evidence.
Stop repeating this same stupid shit over and over, every one charged is a conspiracy has full right of discovery on any aspect of the alleged conspiracy. That means everyone gets to look at every thing.

Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery

(B) Specific Limitations on Electronically Stored Information.

Each party has to have "good cause" to get discovery of the server or its contents. Only the Russians and the GRU have "good cause"
They will of course share that discovery with the other parties once they acquire it, but acquisition is limited to avoid duplication, especially in cases of physical evidence.
Enjoy your mental masturbation...

The case has fatal flaws. IF it lasts more than a week I will be very surprised.
The court where it was filed has no jurisdiction on the Russian Government. The case will be tossed for all as the filing was faulted..
It's the same court with jurisdiction in the case brought by the victims of 9-11 against the Saudi Arabian government.
That case wasn't dismissed for being in the wrong court.

911 occurred in NY, the DNC is in DC.

It's the same court with jurisdiction in the case brought by the victims of 9-11 against the Saudi Arabian government.
That case wasn't dismissed for being in the wrong court.
911 occurred in NY, the DNC is in DC.


Congress passed the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (Act),' which provides for federal jurisdiction over the commerical acts of foreign states

See 28 U.S.C. § 1330(a) (1976). Section 1330 grants the federal district courts. "original jurisdiction without regard to amount in controversy of any nonjury civil action..
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.
You hve no clue how discovery owrks do you? It's limited to matters germane to the charges in the case. And unless the contents of the server are exculpatory to the conspiracy, it's non discoverable.

So what is the argument that the server will prove they didn't conspire with the russians?


They want damages for the server hack, that they can not show happened. Every single thing those idiots want from the Republicans can be sought for from the dim wits.. The discovery door swings both ways dumb ass..

They’re not asking for damages for the server hack, per se. They’re asking for damages for the conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign, to undermine the Clinton campaign. And for publishing the emails they stole from the server. The negative publicity surrounding the publication of the emails reduced donations as people were afraid their personal information would fall into nefarious hands.

The reduced donations are easy to prove. Money received before the hack. Money received after. That’s can be proven without access to the server.
You have physical evidence of a crime that is held by any federal agency? As the DNC refused the federal government agencies access to document the damage and track it you got nothin... talk about stupid people.....
Hide and watch, genius! Patience is a virtue!
Considering the score is currently:
Billy_Bob 19
Care4all 0

I have plenty of patience... You guys not so much..
I've been here 11 years, I ain't going anywhere, and will respectfully eat cake, take a whipping, if I am wrong about all of this....
Sort of like when you were wrong with your predictions about the Trayvon Martin case and the 'Big Mike' case?
You're ALWAYS on the losing side dear. You ought to ask yourself why that is.
How about reposting all your 'predictions' about Trump when he announced he was running for the Presidency?
I still do not think Zimmerman should have killed Trayvon, Trayvon did not deserve to die.

And the same with big Mike, he didn't deserve to die....

Neither should have been killed for their deeds, and I stand by that....

And from the moment Trump came down that golden escalator and gave his first official speech, and all the things he said and did afterwards, he was NOT FIT to serve us in the oval office.... regardless of who his opponents were in the primary or the election, or what things he proposed that I liked.

but the one thing that I could never accept, is if he aided and abetted the Russian govt in the interference they caused in our election process. It's cheating....and cheaters should never be held high and rewarded, as winners.

Zimmerman should not have killed Trayvon? What choice did the teenage thug give him? When you physically assault someone, then you have signed your own death warrant if that person is armed. The same goes for Michael Brown.

What you don't seem to get is that the people they attacked didn't deserve to die. When it has to choose, the law is on the side of law abiding citizens, not thugs.

Good riddance. They needed killing.
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It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.
You hve no clue how discovery owrks do you? It's limited to matters germane to the charges in the case. And unless the contents of the server are exculpatory to the conspiracy, it's non discoverable.

So what is the argument that the server will prove they didn't conspire with the russians?


They want damages for the server hack, that they can not show happened. Every single thing those idiots want from the Republicans can be sought for from the dim wits.. The discovery door swings both ways dumb ass..

They’re not asking for damages for the server hack, per se. They’re asking for damages for the conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign, to undermine the Clinton campaign. And for publishing the emails they stole from the server. The negative publicity surrounding the publication of the emails reduced donations as people were afraid their personal information would fall into nefarious hands.

The reduced donations are easy to prove. Money received before the hack. Money received after. That’s can be proven without access to the server.

They didn't steal any emails, you dumbass dingbat, and there is zero evidence that the Trump campaign participated in any conspiricy with the Russians. None. Zilch. Nada. Zip.

Like you, the DNC is totally delusional. They are just feeding red meat to the lunatics who make up the base of the party.
They didn't steal any emails, you dumbass dingbat, and there is zero evidence that the Trump campaign participated in any conspiricy with the Russians. None. Zilch. Nada. Zip.
Trump hired Stone who talked to Gucifer 2.0 who worked for the GRU who hacked the server.
Giuliani and Stone announced the release two days prior.
They didn't steal any emails, you dumbass dingbat, and there is zero evidence that the Trump campaign participated in any conspiricy with the Russians. None. Zilch. Nada. Zip.
Trump hired Stone who talked to Gucifer 2.0 who worked for the GRU who hacked the server.
Giuliani and Stone announced the release two days prior.
All of those claims are lacking any credible means of support.
Breaking News Update!

The Trumpenfuhrer Responds:

Donald J. Trump
So funny, the Democrats have sued the Republicans for Winning. Now the R’s counter and force them to turn over a treasure trove of material, including Servers and Emails!
1:52 PM · Apr 21, 2018
Stop repeating this same stupid shit over and over, every one charged is a conspiracy has full right of discovery on any aspect of the alleged conspiracy. That means everyone gets to look at every thing.

Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery

(B) Specific Limitations on Electronically Stored Information.

Each party has to have "good cause" to get discovery of the server or its contents. Only the Russians and the GRU have "good cause"
They will of course share that discovery with the other parties once they acquire it, but acquisition is limited to avoid duplication, especially in cases of physical evidence.

You're making assumptions and why didn't post the actual rule which reads:

Rule 26(3)(b)(2)(B)

(B) Specific Limitations on Electronically Stored Information. A party need not provide discovery of electronically stored information from sources that the party identifies as not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective order, the party from whom discovery is sought must show that the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. If that showing is made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule 26(b)(2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.

Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery

So now you're just making shit up.

It's the same court with jurisdiction in the case brought by the victims of 9-11 against the Saudi Arabian government.
That case wasn't dismissed for being in the wrong court.
911 occurred in NY, the DNC is in DC.


Congress passed the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (Act),' which provides for federal jurisdiction over the commerical acts of foreign states

See 28 U.S.C. § 1330(a) (1976). Section 1330 grants the federal district courts. "original jurisdiction without regard to amount in controversy of any nonjury civil action..

And, the supposed trespass occurred in DC, not NY, it appears the DNC did a bit of judge shopping in a district other than where the alleged injury occurred.

You're making assumptions and why didn't post the actual rule which reads:

Rule 26(3)(b)(2)(B)

(B) Specific Limitations on Electronically Stored Information. A party need not provide discovery of electronically stored information from sources that the party identifies as not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective order, the party from whom discovery is sought must show that the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. If that showing is made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule 26(b)(2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.

Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery

So now you're just making shit up.


Go back a few posts and you'll find I posted the whole paragraph. If you read it, it says the process plays out by:
the party from whom discovery is sought must show that the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost.

If that showing is made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the requesting party shows good cause,

The russians the the GRU has "good cause" the RNC does not. They can get the discovery from the other party.

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