Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!
Very smart move.
The lawsuit makes sure President Trump/REP Congress/REP Senate and FOX and the American people will get to read every fucking detail of Mueller's witch hunt.
Maybe the LIB mutts here ought to learn what the term 'discovery' means in a law court.
that's what I am GRATEFUL for!

God bless discovery!

The trump admin can't destroy it or bury it or sweep it under the rug,

even if he did fire Mueller!

this is perfect!

Discovery goes both ways, now the DNC will have to turn over their servers for independent forensic examination. Will they, I doubt it.


If they don’t the suit will be dismissed as it’s material evidence

Laurence Tribe on DNC Suit!

Democratic Party sues Russia, Trump campaign and WikiLeaks alleging 2016 campaign conspiracy
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
If Hillary was in charge, she would just use BleachBit to make it all disappear.

You do know that all of that is bull crud, don't you?

The Firm that had her server was told in December, after Hill's team passed on all the gvt emails they had on their server to the State Department, to erase the personal emails that were left....

And never contacted the firm again about it, per the FBI investigation and the testimony of the technician that erased them.... and the Clinton staff.... The subpoena came a month + after the tech had gotten the instructions to clean the server....

NO ONE from the Clinton team asked the tech to clean the server after the subpoena... clinton's staff knew, or thought they knew, it had already been cleaned of her personal emails a month or two earlier, in their minds....

So it is a lie that Clinton or her team asked the tech to erase the personal emails AFTER the subpoena was served..... they didn't.

The tech did erase them wayyy later than December because he had forgotten to do it, but the Clinton team did NOT know that...
You must have VERY tiny tiny feet. HAAAA! HAAAAA!
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

So did you Communists sue for a gizzilion-quazillion dollars cuz your witch hunt failed an an an Trump is mean cuz it wuz hillaries turn?

You morons have jumped the shark, and you're too fucking stupid to realize it. :thup:
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!


Yeah, ewe Stalinists iz SMURT...

Hey Communists, way to acknowledge that the witch hunt has failed. :thup:

Obviously the Inquisition is folding.
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!
Very smart move.
The lawsuit makes sure President Trump/REP Congress/REP Senate and FOX and the American people will get to read every fucking detail of Mueller's witch hunt.

Not likely, but you go with that.

Anyone can file suite for anything
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!

Muller has no evidance. He is about to be out of a job.

Yes, this is an acknowledgement of that. Torquemada wants to get out before he ends up like McCabe - prison bound.
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!
Very smart move.
The lawsuit makes sure President Trump/REP Congress/REP Senate and FOX and the American people will get to read every fucking detail of Mueller's witch hunt.

Not likely, but you go with that.

Anyone can file suite for anything
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!

Muller has no evidance. He is about to be out of a job.

Yes, this is an acknowledgement of that. Torquemada wants to get out before he ends up like McCabe - prison bound.

That’s why Rudy came on bord. All Muller is doing now is trying to preserve his legacy and save face. Comey and McCabe screwed him good on this one.
SHE was the one that decided what was work related and what wasn't, and her staffers deleted everything else. Congress decided that they wanted to see it all, but then they couldn't, so we just had to trust her.
She gave her Staff Lawyers Criteria to find all that was Government related, that needed to be sent to the State Dept, for the National Archive Record....

Hillary did not pull out her personal private emails to hide them....she did not do any of the separating, what her lawyers/staffers were instructed to do was find anything that was government related, and send the records and emails to the state Dept, and what is left on the server, remove.

Her staff and lawyers finished this in December 2015....and instructed the Computer tech handling their account at an offsite firm, to delete what was left on the server....there was no subpoena for the server at that time.

And YES, of course Hillary got to choose (give criteria) for what was personal and what was government related..... it's the protocol, in gvt regulations, NOT TO SEND any personal emails when sending gvt emails to the National Archive records....

it is in the gvt rules, that they must be left out and not sent to be saved.

All Employees have the same instructions in the rule book.
Poor Trump... his flailing is unbecoming....
You have physical evidence of a crime that is held by any federal agency? As the DNC refused the federal government agencies access to document the damage and track it you got nothin... talk about stupid people.....
Hide and watch, genius! Patience is a virtue!
Considering the score is currently:
Billy_Bob 19
Care4all 0

I have plenty of patience... You guys not so much..
I've been here 11 years, I ain't going anywhere, and will respectfully eat cake, take a whipping, if I am wrong about all of this....
Sort of like when you were wrong with your predictions about the Trayvon Martin case and the 'Big Mike' case?
You're ALWAYS on the losing side dear. You ought to ask yourself why that is.
How about reposting all your 'predictions' about Trump when he announced he was running for the Presidency?
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
Why not????????
Why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page for picking his nose in public?
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
Why not????????
Why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page for picking his nose in public?
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.

thank you for once again proving what uneducated, uninformed, low IQ imbeciles trumptardfs are.
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!
Typical democrat MO. When all else fails, go running to the courts. Trouble for the Demmies is they no longer control the courts. Not even the 9th circuit. And every day more and more conservatives are being appointed by Trump, to important benches.

Democrats are employing tactics they know no longer work. They're in free fall.
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!
Yesterday on CNN Gloria Borger, a rabid Trump hater said the DNC lawsuit was a "nothing more than a political stunt that is intended to bring in donations to the DNC because the DNC is broke".
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.
You hve no clue how discovery owrks do you? It's limited to matters germane to the charges in the case. And unless the contents of the server are exculpatory to the conspiracy, it's non discoverable.

So what is the argument that the server will prove they didn't conspire with the russians?
Discovery goes both ways, now the DNC will have to turn over their servers for independent forensic examination. Will they, I doubt it.

i'm certain they are well aware of that, and have no fears.... copies of their hard drive were already given to the FBI when the cyber security company handed over their results....to the FBI....
Without the original server there would be no way to prove it was hacked let alone by whom.
not true....although they would love to have it, Comey testified it was good enough to determine the Russians did hack it.... but in discovery, they can get the original....

They are obligated to allow opposing party to examine the best evidence, which is the actual server
by now they probably replaced the hard drives.
And if they changed the hard drives that would be obstruction. Oops
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!
Yesterday on CNN Gloria Borger, a rabid Trump hater said the DNC lawsuit was a "nothing more than a political stunt that is intended to bring in donations to the DNC because the DNC is broke".

David Brinkley made the same argument when the DNC filed a lawsuit against the watergate burglars.

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