Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

I will. I'm more interested in the center ring action right now. With McCabe. Comey, Ohr and the Strok/Page lovebirds. and the IG work and revelations of the size and scope of the effort to spy on and THWART a duly elected president.

Your team HAS to deflect right now and keep your troops ignorant and motivated. So do what you need to do and don't you DARE try to find out how a team of partisan pranksters coordinated in a Coup attempt on an American election.. It'll turn your stomach.. Trust me..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
It's also opened to door to get the infamous DNC server...if the sledge hammers haven't rendered it into an expensive anchor for a lifeboat.
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.

absolutely. thanks.
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.

yes, we want to know why the GOP is obstructing justice and trying to block a legitimate investigation.
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.
I have cared for her all along!....since 2009...
And we're not even to the coordination with Crapper and the State Dept. But that's the backside of the hurricane shit storm for the Fall and Winter.

Your team colluded to pass off a bunch of unverifiable propaganda from professional Russian propagandist that was COMMISSIONED, marketed and paid for by your party. And it involved DIRECT TIES between the FBI and Fusion GPS. With the help of the CIA Brennan and DNI Crapper and plenty of folks at the State Dept.

Just wait until your father gets home. You're like GROUNDED as a party for half of forever..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.
Thank you! :p Keep trying, no hard feelings!

I feel the same way about you!! I want to save you, (and Avatar)!

Here's a link on the debbie Wasserman Pakistani hard drive thingy that debunks part of the Wasserman conspiracy being spread around.... :D

FACT CHECK: Did The Federal Bureau of Investigation Seize Smashed Hard Drives From Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's Home?
Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably
singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.

yes, we want to know why the GOP is obstructing justice and trying to block a legitimate investigation.

Unlike CareForAll -- you're beyond saving. And I KNOW CNN is telling you all about the "INTENSE" attacks on Mueller -- but that all bovine scatology. Aint no obstruction of Mueller -- he and his $Mill team are just suffering extreme constipation at the moment and the WashPo and other propaganda sources HAVE to keep you and Lakhota in the dark and fed mushrooms like a good organic farmer would.
This thread is another prime example that NaziCon Trump supporters suffer from "confirmation bias":

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,[Note 1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.[1] It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias is a variation of the more general tendency of apophenia.

People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).

A series of psychological experiments in the 1960s suggested that people are biased toward confirming their existing beliefs. Later work re-interpreted these results as a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives. In certain situations, this tendency can bias people's conclusions. Explanations for the observed biases include wishful thinking and the limited human capacity to process information. Another explanation is that people show confirmation bias because they are weighing up the costs of being wrong, rather than investigating in a neutral, scientific way. However, even scientists can be prone to confirmation bias.[2]

Confirmation biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Poor decisions due to these biases have been found in political and organizational contexts.[3][4]

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia

What Is Confirmation Bias? | Psychology Today
Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.
Thank you! :p Keep trying, no hard feelings!

I feel the same way about you!! I want to save you, (and Avatar)!

Here's a link on the debbie Wasserman Pakistani hard drive thingy that debunks part of the Wasserman conspiracy being spread around....

FACT CHECK: Did The Federal Bureau of Investigation Seize Smashed Hard Drives From Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's Home?

Sorry kiddo.. 1st rule of saving you is getting you to "fact check" on your own. I don't DO "fact checks". I go to primary sources and read it all. Pretty easy to get an unbiased opinion. It's OUT there. It's what I read. And it's NOT good for your side..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

LOL...good one, is this where you accuse others of what the left is actually doing?
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.

Yes I do know why the FBI is under fire. It’s to discredit the report they’re preparing on the Trump Campsign’s collusion with Russia.

When Mueller issues his report, Trump and the GOP will say “This is a pack of lies issued by a corrupt organization filled with lying criminals. We’re just going to throw it in the garbage and do nothing about it”.

The real witch hunt in Washington is the attacks by Trump and the RNC against the Justice Department and the FBI.
Pretty soon liberals via the 9th Circuit are going to investigate, immune and impeach those who voted for Trump
They feel we did something wrong and must pay for it
It's only a matter of time until voting Republican becomes a crime.

It already IS a crime dumbass. The 2 parties are just buying time. The "big middle" is gonna bury you party animals. We're fucking tired of lame Repubs not protecting the integrity of govt and colluding to keep anyone from being punished or exposed.

You guys fold like a lawn chair when anything controversial needs to be handled. You've got like SIX people who can talk back to McConnell or Ryan. The whole clash is orchestrated by just FOUR people. And that's gotta change if you ever want ANYONE guilty punished.

....refusing to accept the election results and blaming anyone and everyone EXCEPT who is to blame: HILLARY!

Bwuhahahahaha! :p
Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

So you don't KNOW WHY all those FBI are under fire? You want to wait for perp walks to show up on CNN or you gonna start getting educated BEFORE the whole thing blows up your face larger than life?

Comey is out there mumbling to himself. Hillary is on her third 100 excuses. You have Ohr and wife probably singing like birds to the IG and you're not aware of WHY this is all happening? I have to go with "temporary loss of sanity" because I KNOW --- you're not really that deluded. Save yourself. You're too good to be a dying party zombie. Seriously, youre the only one I want to save.
Thank you! :p Keep trying, no hard feelings!

I feel the same way about you!! I want to save you, (and Avatar)!

Here's a link on the debbie Wasserman Pakistani hard drive thingy that debunks part of the Wasserman conspiracy being spread around.... :D

FACT CHECK: Did The Federal Bureau of Investigation Seize Smashed Hard Drives From Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's Home?
All it appears to debunk is that it was not Debbie's residence. It was that of her IT consultant...the one she didn't fire until the day after he was arrested trying to leave the country...as his wife was busy liquefying their assets.

Awan was arrested on 24 July 2017 at Dulles International Airport in Virginia while trying to leave the U.S. He was fired from Wasserman-Schultz’s office the following day.

Wasserman-Schultz terminated Awan’s employment months after he and his wife, Hina Alvi, were fired by two of Wasserman-Schultz’s colleagues, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) and Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-New York), respectively.

Debbie is dirty.
This thread is another prime example that NaziCon Trump supporters suffer from "confirmation bias":

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,[Note 1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.[1] It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias is a variation of the more general tendency of apophenia.

People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).

A series of psychological experiments in the 1960s suggested that people are biased toward confirming their existing beliefs. Later work re-interpreted these results as a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives. In certain situations, this tendency can bias people's conclusions. Explanations for the observed biases include wishful thinking and the limited human capacity to process information. Another explanation is that people show confirmation bias because they are weighing up the costs of being wrong, rather than investigating in a neutral, scientific way. However, even scientists can be prone to confirmation bias.[2]

Confirmation biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Poor decisions due to these biases have been found in political and organizational contexts.[3][4]

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia

What Is Confirmation Bias? | Psychology Today
Damn! You're describing James Comey to a T......
I don’t know if this has already been brought up but a civil suit allows discovery on the defendants side too. Bring it!

I don't think Dumbtown CNN viewership has realized yet that this DNC farcical suit is ACTUALLY attempting to INTERFERE with Mueller's ongoing investigation. All this talk about discovery and getting access to Mueller's records is a fantasy --- but it's CLEARLY a vote of no confidence on Mueller.

Political parties are ALWAYS guilty of the shit they accuse the other side of.. In THIS case, it's THEIR collusion by paying for Russian propaganda that interfered with an election. And now they want to cock block Mueller's work by filing their OWN suit and tying him up.. That's obstruction --- aint' it?
I don’t know if this has already been brought up but a civil suit allows discovery on the defendants side too. Bring it!

I don't think Dumbtown CNN viewership has realized yet that this DNC farcical suit is ACTUALLY attempting to INTERFERE with Mueller's ongoing investigation. All this talk about discovery and getting access to Mueller's records is a fantasy --- but it's CLEARLY a vote of no confidence on Mueller.

Political parties are ALWAYS guilty of the shit they accuse the other side of.. In THIS case, it's THEIR collusion by paying for Russian propaganda that interfered with an election. And now they want to cock block Mueller's work by filing their OWN suit and tying him up.. That's obstruction --- aint' it?

And you would be wrong. The civil suit will not proceed until the criminal investigation ends. The DNC is basically getting in line behind Mueller.

If Mueller reports collusion, the DNC case is strengthened. Even if there is no criminal finding in the case, the legal bar for a civil suit is much lower, so the lack of a criminal conviction doesn’t mean that the DNC weren’t harmed or that the Trump campaign isn’t liable.
Yes I do know why the FBI is under fire. It’s to discredit the report they’re preparing on the Trump Campsign’s collusion with Russia.

Dragonlady, I am not suggesting you are insane, but your comment is so ignorant, uninformed and stupid, I have to conclude you are a Russian bot or a mental fucking retard! :p
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
If Hillary was in charge, she would just use BleachBit to make it all disappear.

You do know that all of that is bull crud, don't you?

The Firm that had her server was told in December, after Hill's team passed on all the gvt emails they had on their server to the State Department, to erase the personal emails that were left....

And never contacted the firm again about it, per the FBI investigation and the testimony of the technician that erased them.... and the Clinton staff.... The subpoena came a month + after the tech had gotten the instructions to clean the server....

NO ONE from the Clinton team asked the tech to clean the server after the subpoena... clinton's staff knew, or thought they knew, it had already been cleaned of her personal emails a month or two earlier, in their minds....

So it is a lie that Clinton or her team asked the tech to erase the personal emails AFTER the subpoena was served..... they didn't.

The tech did erase them wayyy later than December because he had forgotten to do it, but the Clinton team did NOT know that...

Ummmm. . . yeah.

Not quite.

If only Hillary wasn't trying to cover her tracks.

SHE was the one that decided what was work related and what wasn't, and her staffers deleted everything else. Congress decided that they wanted to see it all, but then they couldn't, so we just had to trust her.

Everything related to the whole situation is confidential, so no one knows.

The only thing we know now in hind sight, is that the folks that are carrying out the conspiracy against Trump, are those who were then in the act of protecting Hillary while they allowed her to cover up her crimes.

You implicitly trust her and her campaign, others do not.

From FBI fragments, a question: Did Team Clinton destroy evidence under subpoena?

"But even with the fragments now public — the Clinton 302, the overview report, but none of the many other witness interviews — it seems fair to conclude that staff on the Clinton team destroyed material that was under subpoena. Whether that was unwitting, or whether it was something else, is not known, at least publicly.

There's no doubt that Clinton intended to destroy her email archives after choosing which ones to send to the State Department. That's what Mills' December 2014 directive was apparently intended to do. Given that the Benghazi investigation was well under way and there had been multiple document requests and production agreements, the effect of Mills' directive, had it been carried out at the time she sent it, would have been to destroy the evidence that had not been handed over to the State Department before anyone knew to ask for it. But apparently the Platte River Networks staffer's carelessness led to the emails not being destroyed in December 2014, remaining in existence until March 2015, when their existence was publicly disclosed and another subpoena issued for them. Then they were destroyed.

It's clear Clinton did not turn over all her work-related emails to the State Department on Dec. 5, 2014, as she claimed on many occasions. The FBI said it recovered "17,448 unique work-related and personal e-mails" that Clinton had not turned over. Of those, at least 30 were said to contain references to Benghazi and thus would have been responsive to the various congressional requests and subpoenas going back to Sept. 20, 2012.

Of course congressional investigators will want to know more about what happened. And of course Republicans will press the issue as the presidential election approaches. But there's a simpler reason for the FBI to release more information: After all the investigating, and all the talking, the public still doesn't know what happened."

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