Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
If Hillary was in charge, she would just use BleachBit to make it all disappear.

You do know that all of that is bull crud, don't you?

The Firm that had her server was told in December, after Hill's team passed on all the gvt emails they had on their server to the State Department, to erase the personal emails that were left....

And never contacted the firm again about it, per the FBI investigation and the testimony of the technician that erased them.... and the Clinton staff.... The subpoena came a month + after the tech had gotten the instructions to clean the server....

NO ONE from the Clinton team asked the tech to clean the server after the subpoena... clinton's staff knew, or thought they knew, it had already been cleaned of her personal emails a month or two earlier, in their minds....

So it is a lie that Clinton or her team asked the tech to erase the personal emails AFTER the subpoena was served..... they didn't.

The tech did erase them wayyy later than December because he had forgotten to do it, but the Clinton team did NOT know that...
How many personal emails do you get in a year on your company account? Two years worth? Maybe three depending on how long this server was up and running. By any measure 33,000 is a lot. 33,000 personal emails that had to be erased. How many years would it take for you to get 33,000 emails from your friends? A popular person doesn't get that many yet we're supposed to think a person not may people like gets them? It's not like it was a democrat fanboy email. It was for official business. Yet 33,000 of those were personal? When did this bitch actually work?
Trump is VERY UPSET over Wendy!!

View attachment 189136

This is great news for Trump because when all this gets tossed for lack of evidence BEFORE any discovery, a lot of Dem Urban Legends and deflections are gonna get buried for good. Like WHY the DNC chose to paw over all of the EVIDENCE they needed to MAKE THIS case and thus invalidate their own suit..

It's desperation time for the resistance because they did many "bad things"..
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???
I give you my take on their "law Suit".

1. They failed to get "credible" evidence and refused to have the legal authorities follow it.

2. Their "evidence" of Collusion is based on the Steel Dossier which has been show fraudulent and without merit.

3. They include the Russian Government, something that must be done in a World Court, and expect to go somewhere with this. By listing a government that is outside the purview of the court, this is just mental masturbation.

4, They demand all of the Mueller investigation data be give to them. This contains private data only the government can collect and most of it is outside the purview of the court and above their Classified information pay grade.

This is a wish list of pure Bull Shit.. IT is frivolous and without merit.. My bet is, it is thrown out very quickly given the massive over reach of the democrats and attempting to take control of the Mueller investigation that is about to close as an UNFOUNDED ALLEGATION..

No because first they lawyers want to make money on it. An the journalists too. So this will not be thrown out.
Trump is VERY UPSET over Wendy!!

View attachment 189136

This is great news for Trump because when all this gets tossed for lack of evidence BEFORE any discovery, a lot of Dem Urban Legends and deflections are gonna get buried for good. Like WHY the DNC chose to paw over all of the EVIDENCE they needed to MAKE THIS case and thus invalidate their own suit..

It's desperation time for the resistance because they did many "bad things"..
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???
I give you my take on their "law Suit".

1. They failed to get "credible" evidence and refused to have the legal authorities follow it.

2. Their "evidence" of Collusion is based on the Steel Dossier which has been show fraudulent and without merit.

3. They include the Russian Government, something that must be done in a World Court, and expect to go somewhere with this. By listing a government that is outside the purview of the court, this is just mental masturbation.

4, They demand all of the Mueller investigation data be give to them. This contains private data only the government can collect and most of it is outside the purview of the court and above their Classified information pay grade.

This is a wish list of pure Bull Shit.. IT is frivolous and without merit.. My bet is, it is thrown out very quickly given the massive over reach of the democrats and attempting to take control of the Mueller investigation that is about to close as an UNFOUNDED ALLEGATION..

No because first they lawyers want to make money on it. An the journalists too. So this will not be thrown out.


has no clue how court cases work. :cuckoo:

Maybe in a documentary made for TV movie -- but NOT in a court of law. This is bread and circuses to keep your Blue team from reading OTHER news that's much more important to the nation..

the idiots said that when the dems sued CREEP and the president after the Watergate break in.

out of curiosity, how do people like you delude yourselves so horribly?
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???

I will. I'm more interested in the center ring action right now. With McCabe. Comey, Ohr and the Strok/Page lovebirds. and the IG work and revelations of the size and scope of the effort to spy on and THWART a duly elected president.

Your team HAS to deflect right now and keep your troops ignorant and motivated. So do what you need to do and don't you DARE try to find out how a team of partisan pranksters coordinated in a Coup attempt on an American election.. It'll turn your stomach.. Trust me..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
Rumors have it that Wassermann-Schultz and her crew of Pakistani IT people were shuttling top secret information from 14 democrat senators of who's IT system they controlled to the Pakistani government and there is a current FBI/NSA/CIA/Capitol Police investigation into Treason ongoing.

IF true, and it breaks as news soon, there is going to be nowhere to hide for democrats.

Maybe in a documentary made for TV movie -- but NOT in a court of law. This is bread and circuses to keep your Blue team from reading OTHER news that's much more important to the nation..

the idiots said that when the dems sued CREEP and the president after the Watergate break in.

out of curiosity, how do people like you delude yourselves so horribly?

You think 10 sr FBI officials already fired, demoted, under investigation or leaving is just a mirage? Not my delusioon honey buns. It's happening. And when the IG reports come out -- you're gonna forget this side show DNC freak circus of a law suit..

Maybe in a documentary made for TV movie -- but NOT in a court of law. This is bread and circuses to keep your Blue team from reading OTHER news that's much more important to the nation..

the idiots said that when the dems sued CREEP and the president after the Watergate break in.

out of curiosity, how do people like you delude yourselves so horribly?

You think 10 sr FBI officials already fired, demoted, under investigation or leaving is just a mirage? Not my delusioon honey buns. It's happening. And when the IG reports come out -- you're gonna forget this side show DNC freak circus of a law suit..
It's a joke. They spent over a year on this stupid russia shit and got nothing so they're now going to sue over the nothing they have? You have to be a moron to be a democrat.
Trump is VERY UPSET over Wendy!!

View attachment 189136

This is great news for Trump because when all this gets tossed for lack of evidence BEFORE any discovery, a lot of Dem Urban Legends and deflections are gonna get buried for good. Like WHY the DNC chose to paw over all of the EVIDENCE they needed to MAKE THIS case and thus invalidate their own suit..

It's desperation time for the resistance because they did many "bad things"..
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???
I give you my take on their "law Suit".

1. They failed to get "credible" evidence and refused to have the legal authorities follow it.

2. Their "evidence" of Collusion is based on the Steel Dossier which has been show fraudulent and without merit.

3. They include the Russian Government, something that must be done in a World Court, and expect to go somewhere with this. By listing a government that is outside the purview of the court, this is just mental masturbation.

4, They demand all of the Mueller investigation data be give to them. This contains private data only the government can collect and most of it is outside the purview of the court and above their Classified information pay grade.

This is a wish list of pure Bull Shit.. IT is frivolous and without merit.. My bet is, it is thrown out very quickly given the massive over reach of the democrats and attempting to take control of the Mueller investigation that is about to close as an UNFOUNDED ALLEGATION..

Good LUCK with that!

The DNC lawsuit against Nixon camp/rnc and others, was filed 3 days after it was found out the RNC broke in....

Everyone thought the DNC was absolutely nuts, just cuckoo... and the suit would go no where....even the main stream media was making fun of them....

3 years later, after open and public congressional hearings and special counsel investigations....

and as Nixon was taking his walk of shame, the RNC settled the suit and paid the DNC.

we are no way near the fat lady singing!
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did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???

I will. I'm more interested in the center ring action right now. With McCabe. Comey, Ohr and the Strok/Page lovebirds. and the IG work and revelations of the size and scope of the effort to spy on and THWART a duly elected president.

Your team HAS to deflect right now and keep your troops ignorant and motivated. So do what you need to do and don't you DARE try to find out how a team of partisan pranksters coordinated in a Coup attempt on an American election.. It'll turn your stomach.. Trust me..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....
Pretty soon liberals via the 9th Circuit are going to investigate, immune and impeach those who voted for Trump
They feel we did something wrong and must pay for it
It's only a matter of time until voting Republican becomes a crime.
Trump is VERY UPSET over Wendy!!

View attachment 189136

This is great news for Trump because when all this gets tossed for lack of evidence BEFORE any discovery, a lot of Dem Urban Legends and deflections are gonna get buried for good. Like WHY the DNC chose to paw over all of the EVIDENCE they needed to MAKE THIS case and thus invalidate their own suit..

It's desperation time for the resistance because they did many "bad things"..
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???
I give you my take on their "law Suit".

1. They failed to get "credible" evidence and refused to have the legal authorities follow it.

2. Their "evidence" of Collusion is based on the Steel Dossier which has been show fraudulent and without merit.

3. They include the Russian Government, something that must be done in a World Court, and expect to go somewhere with this. By listing a government that is outside the purview of the court, this is just mental masturbation.

4, They demand all of the Mueller investigation data be give to them. This contains private data only the government can collect and most of it is outside the purview of the court and above their Classified information pay grade.

This is a wish list of pure Bull Shit.. IT is frivolous and without merit.. My bet is, it is thrown out very quickly given the massive over reach of the democrats and attempting to take control of the Mueller investigation that is about to close as an UNFOUNDED ALLEGATION..

Good LUCK with that!

The DNC lawsuit against Nixon and others, was filed 3 days after it was found out the RNC broke in....

Everyone thought the DNC was absolutely nuts, just cuckoo... and the suit would go no where....even the main stream media was making fun of them....

3 years later, after open and public congressional hearings and special counsel investigations....

and as Nixon was taking his walk of shame, the RNC settled the suit and paid the DNC.

we are no way near the fat lady singing!
Keep believing....

Should the DNC get to the discovery phase and should they get any of the Mueller data, you do realize that the TRUMP team gets it too?

This thing is going to crash like a cheap card house..

Your going to be screaming in embarrassment right when you should be voting... This is going to be slammed hard right on your feet.. Enjoy it!
I will. I'm more interested in the center ring action right now. With McCabe. Comey, Ohr and the Strok/Page lovebirds. and the IG work and revelations of the size and scope of the effort to spy on and THWART a duly elected president.

Your team HAS to deflect right now and keep your troops ignorant and motivated. So do what you need to do and don't you DARE try to find out how a team of partisan pranksters coordinated in a Coup attempt on an American election.. It'll turn your stomach.. Trust me..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.

The one tweet you posted is actually just fine. Do you even KNOW that Sgt Schultz was protecting a pack of Pakistani n'er do wells who were STEALING the communications of about 14 Dem Congress Critters? And she was protecting them. MAYBE because they were blackmailing her?

Or is Trump TV all you can handle??
all conspiracy, no facts to back any of it up.... fake news...propaganda... a tad of facts twisted and distorted to sell a story to you....

LOL...good one, is this where you accuse others of what the left is actually doing?
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
The DNC has every right to seek damages. From the OP:

After the 2016 hack, the DNC spent millions to replace IT equipment, hire outside cybersecurity consultants and otherwise clean up the damage. Beyond the financial cost, the publication of the hacked emails forced the party’s chairwoman to resign, infuriated donors, traumatized staffers and contributed to the party’s loss of the White House.

Losing a fair election is not cause for damages

Which is why I wish Bernie would sue the DNC for fixing the primaries that cheated Bernie out of the nomination. That was NOT losing a fair election.
This is great news for Trump because when all this gets tossed for lack of evidence BEFORE any discovery, a lot of Dem Urban Legends and deflections are gonna get buried for good. Like WHY the DNC chose to paw over all of the EVIDENCE they needed to MAKE THIS case and thus invalidate their own suit..

It's desperation time for the resistance because they did many "bad things"..
did you read the 60 pages in the lawsuit???

I will. I'm more interested in the center ring action right now. With McCabe. Comey, Ohr and the Strok/Page lovebirds. and the IG work and revelations of the size and scope of the effort to spy on and THWART a duly elected president.

Your team HAS to deflect right now and keep your troops ignorant and motivated. So do what you need to do and don't you DARE try to find out how a team of partisan pranksters coordinated in a Coup attempt on an American election.. It'll turn your stomach.. Trust me..
oh no no no....the Mueller case has been steadily heading forward, it is the TRUMP TV that is trying to deflect from the ongoing investigation....

Didn't KNOW there was Trump TV -- I could most of what I know from CSPAN and political journals. You KNOW that The Nation isn't embargoing real news on your party's wrongdoings dont you? They were one of the 1st to utter the name C. Steele and dossier. I'm a subscriber to THEM --- because they do REAL investigative journalism. Not because they are the socialists that they proudly claim to be.

I read it all. So what's happening on Trump TV? WhateverTF that is?

Oh that's the channel Trump quotes in his tweets on a daily basis. You didn't know? I'm kind of surprised. That's how he communicates, is through tweeting. And his tweets generally match the show. They say it, he tweets it as though it were the truth.

It's the damnedest thing.
he also tweets when his flock should watch Hannity and judge jeneane....

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