Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

The DNC has every right to seek damages. From the OP:

After the 2016 hack, the DNC spent millions to replace IT equipment, hire outside cybersecurity consultants and otherwise clean up the damage. Beyond the financial cost, the publication of the hacked emails forced the party’s chairwoman to resign, infuriated donors, traumatized staffers and contributed to the party’s loss of the White House.

Really?? Why didn't they actually GIVE the servers to the massive Govt Counter Cyber groups to ANALYZE in the 1st place nidget? They didn't WANT any help.. There's REASONS for that. .So don't take MY tax money for their loss if THEY REFUSE TO COOPERATE with an above board FULL investigation in the 1st place.

You're one HELL of a useless zealot with no interest in ACTUAL justice or the fate of your country...
Since Trump, the blue wave has been flipping seats from Alabama to Wisconsin.
So, why throw up this hail mary? This suit actually jeopardizes the alleged blue wave by exposing the DNC.

Did you see the list of defendants. Trump jr, Kushner, they both get to be deposed about all things russian.

Loosen your panties party animal. FIRST -- the suit has to survive dismissal and appeals on dismissal.
It's gonna be tied up for MONTHS before and IF any discovery begins..

So I suppose their claims on Trump are his sarcastic debate comment asking the Russians to FIND Hillary emails after the fact. And that set-up Russian ambush meeting of Trump Jr that was coordinated thru Fusion GPS. After THAT horseshit is shoveled OUT of the suit -- it's gonna have so many holes in it that they'll need to refile..

There's NO new evidence that hasn't be conclusively already dismissed...
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
If Hillary was in charge, she would just use BleachBit to make it all disappear.
Did you see the list of defendants. Trump jr, Kushner, they both get to be deposed about all things russian.
Who gets deposed on the other side?
The head of the DNC, the one who filed the lawsuit.

The DNC compromised the very evidence they NEED to make this case. Did not ALLOW "chain of evidence" protection for it. Pawed over by too many DNC folks or contractors after the crime was committed.

They HAVE NO CHANCE of pursuing this in court after they refused to submit their hairy little problem to ACTUAL LEGAL authorities...
It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!
Very smart move.
The lawsuit makes sure President Trump/REP Congress/REP Senate and FOX and the American people will get to read every fucking detail of Mueller's witch hunt.
Maybe the LIB mutts here ought to learn what the term 'discovery' means in a law court.
that's what I am GRATEFUL for!

God bless discovery!

The trump admin can't destroy it or bury it or sweep it under the rug,

even if he did fire Mueller!

this is perfect!

You’re correct, I believe he can delete it though, seams like I remember someone doing that and it was ok with democrats so I guess that’s the way he could go.

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It's awesome! the Mueller investigation evidence now has to be preserved!!!!

smart move!
Very smart move.
The lawsuit makes sure President Trump/REP Congress/REP Senate and FOX and the American people will get to read every fucking detail of Mueller's witch hunt.
Maybe the LIB mutts here ought to learn what the term 'discovery' means in a law court.
Then they can learn the term frivolous lawsuit when the Dems are paying off everyone they sued
well, if the suit is true....

that's one way to preserve all of Mueller's investigation results if he is fired or the Trump admin tries to destroy the evidence the special counsel has gathered....

smart move!
If Hillary was in charge, she would just use BleachBit to make it all disappear.

You do know that all of that is bull crud, don't you?

The Firm that had her server was told in December, after Hill's team passed on all the gvt emails they had on their server to the State Department, to erase the personal emails that were left....

And never contacted the firm again about it, per the FBI investigation and the testimony of the technician that erased them.... and the Clinton staff.... The subpoena came a month + after the tech had gotten the instructions to clean the server....

NO ONE from the Clinton team asked the tech to clean the server after the subpoena... clinton's staff knew, or thought they knew, it had already been cleaned of her personal emails a month or two earlier, in their minds....

So it is a lie that Clinton or her team asked the tech to erase the personal emails AFTER the subpoena was served..... they didn't.

The tech did erase them wayyy later than December because he had forgotten to do it, but the Clinton team did NOT know that...

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