Drug-Warrios Gettin' Pretty-Desperate!!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010

"Smoking pot may double a young adult's risk for stroke, new research suggests, but experts point out the study is small and not conclusive.


Scientists from New Zealand presented their data Wednesday at the American Stroke Association annual meeting, in Honolulu.

"Sixteen percent of stroke patients had positive cannabis screens, compared with only 8 percent of control participants," said study author Dr. Alan Barber, a stroke neurologist and professor of clinical neurology at the University of Auckland."


May 13, 2008

Reefer Madness; 2008

"So if you are consuming daily enough cannabis to equal about one-half to two-and-one-half pounds per month, then you might run an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and heart disease. Personally, I’m thinking that at $300 per ounce, you’re more likely to run the risk of bankruptcy!

Yet still, note that the study doesn’t check to see if the heavy marijuana users actually do have heart disease. The research done on the health effects of even heavy marijuana smokers show little if any difference between cannabis users and their non-using counterparts, and some studies even show a benefit from cannabis in treating hypertension.

However, overeating, drinking alcohol, and smoking tobacco are proven to have deleterious effects on the heart and on health. I doubt we’re going to see any major effort to arrest the users of those substances, though."
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I've been pointing this out for YEARS. Those who support increased drug addiction don't believe it. The proper response now, is let them die. Heart attacks, strokes, stop intefering. Eventually it might sink in. Until then, just let them go.
I've been pointing this out for YEARS. Those who support increased drug addiction don't believe it. The proper response now, is let them die. Heart attacks, strokes, stop intefering. Eventually it might sink in. Until then, just let them go.

Let's limit the discussion to only pot. Even if this study turns out to have any validity to it at all, it STILL is no reason to keep pot illegal. Trans fat filled foods we eat are still much more dangerous, and perfectly legal.
I've been pointing this out for YEARS. Those who support increased drug addiction don't believe it. The proper response now, is let them die. Heart attacks, strokes, stop intefering. Eventually it might sink in. Until then, just let them go.

Let's limit the discussion to only pot. Even if this study turns out to have any validity to it at all, it STILL is no reason to keep pot illegal. Trans fat filled foods we eat are still much more dangerous, and perfectly legal.

Trans fats have been illegal and banned substances for years.

As I said, let them die. They want to, they are likely liberals and the world will be better off without their lazy asses. Reduce the welfare rolls. They can all be organ donors.
Stroke risk doubles after smoking pot?


Stroke Risk Doubles After Drinking

Happy hour may not be so happy afterward, as researchers have found that stroke risk is more than twice as high the hour immediately after consuming alcohol, even after as little as one drink.

Controllable Risk Factors – Tobacco Use & Smoking

Smoking doubles the risk for stroke when compared to a nonsmoker. It reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, causing the heart to work harder and allowing blood clots to form more easily. Smoking also increases the amount of build-up in the arteries, which may block the flow of blood to the brain, causing a stroke. The good news is that smoking-induced strokes and overall stroke risk can greatly reduced by quitting smoking.
Trans fats have been illegal and banned substances for years.

Completely false.

Have you been reading the Washington Times or something?

Some states control artificial trans fats in restaurants the same way they control smoking in public restaurants.
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Trans fats have been illegal and banned substances for years.

As I said, let them die. They want to, they are likely liberals and the world will be better off without their lazy asses. Reduce the welfare rolls. They can all be organ donors.

Pants on too tight?
Maybe the reason pot smokers have more strokes is because they have severe attacks of the munchies and eat a lot of trans fats...

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