Druze commander of COGAT addresses people of Gaza


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Major General Ghassan Alian, addressed the public in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday in a video posted to his Facebook account.

In the video, Alian, who is a member of Israel's Druze community, spoke in Arabic.

"The IDF is fighting Hamas, and the IDF will weaken Hamas," Alian said. "Hamas brought war upon you while its leadership spends time in spas in hotels or hides underground in tunnels. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have betrayed you and abandoned you to your fate. Humanitarian aid exists in the southern part of the strip – food, water, and shelters – and it will continue. For your sake and for the sake of your children, distance yourselves from Hamas."

Alian speaks of Hamas as if it were an entity separate from the people of Gaza, but do the Gaza civilians see it that way?
COGAT is an Israeli Government Policy Group .
It is therefore bound to give one sided "propaganda" bias .

OP adds nothing to the narrative other than Israel is utterly desperate to claw back anything of its tattered image
Coming from Luiza that regards all J... as supposed "liars".
Just the "facts" vs the gullible. And it's about "honesty" too.

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